How to make an interior beautiful with your own hands
XNUMXst century design has long since moved away from the familiar and boring canons. If you have enough time and desire, you can easily figure out how to make the interior stylish and unique. You will receive a unique setting that reflects your personality and preferences. To transform the premises, a major overhaul is not necessary, sometimes a couple of bright details are enough.
Knowing how to make a flawless interior, you can create a unique design for a room.
How to make an interior with your own hands from scratch: the main steps
The easiest way is to transform an empty room. It can be filled with any details and color, zoned the space in an original way and found a new use for old things. In order for the work to be purposeful and effective, it is necessary to draw up a design project. This is a plan for future transformations recorded on paper.
Stages of interior transformation:
- Think over the functional purpose of the room. Any solution should be appropriate: a fluffy carpet to the bedroom, a mosaic floor to the kitchen.
- Plan the arrangement of furniture, lighting features, subtleties of zoning for a particular room. Draw a plan, so it will be easier to navigate in size.
- Decide on a leading style. It is advisable to do so that the entire apartment or house is decorated in the same style. This will create harmony and make repairs easier.
- Choose leading colors, preferred textiles and finishes.
- In the final step, draw up a palette and make a color collage of the room. Connect your imagination, old magazines, scraps of fabric, colored cardboard can be used. This will help you navigate when buying everything you need.
Transforming the interior of a house or apartment is a fascinating and creative activity. Follow the plan clearly and get a unique design.
How to make your interior beautiful and modern: simple solutions
To transform an apartment, you can make major repairs, but this is laborious and long work. Try freshening up the interior with details or a small rearrangement.
Available ways to change the interior:
- Buy one bright chair or replace the upholstery with an old one. Paint your bedside table or cabinet. Such a detail will add freshness and dilute the atmosphere.
- Change the lighting. Pick up an original chandelier or an unusual floor lamp.
- Change the linearity of the furniture arrangement. Expand it, move it away from the walls, swap it.
- Add volume and contrast to the room. Dark furniture against light walls serves this purpose well.
- If you want something new, but you have neither the strength nor the desire for radical changes, replace the fittings on the cabinets or interior doors.
Feel free to experiment with details. It’s simple and gives your home a unique charm.
A beautiful interior is not the privilege of aristocrats of past centuries. Create your own design project or replace a few parts and you have a unique solution.