How to make an appointment with a doctor online

Going to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor, unfortunately, can fail if you do not make an appointment first. However, even just taking a ticket or arranging a convenient time through the reception is a rather difficult task, because. you may have to stand in a long queue, which can take even more than an hour.

Still, there is a very good solution that does not even require leaving the house. Namely, with the help of electronic recording through online services. To do this, you only need access to the Internet.

Although the procedure for making an online appointment with a doctor is quite easy and almost the same everywhere, each service has its own characteristics.

Government services portal

The first proven way to enroll online is through the Public Services Portal. It allows you to make an appointment with a doctor in any administrative district of the country. And the choice of services offered by him is quite extensive, for example, submit an application to the authorities, or find a solution to a life situation.

To do this, you need to register on the portal itself using a phone number.

After creating an account, you will need to add the minimum user data in your personal account: full name, date of birth and policy number.

When making an appointment, you must first select a specialization, then a specific doctor from the list, and indicate the date and time. However, it is worth remembering that in order to create an electronic appointment at a specific medical organization, you need to be attached to it or to its branch. [1].

Medical portal

The next way to make an electronic appointment with a doctor is through the medical portal The service allows you to use a wide range of services related to medicine. In particular, to find out information about a medical institution, undergo a medical examination, obtain the necessary certificate, or find out about the prescriptions that have been issued on preferential terms.

To make an appointment with a particular medical specialist, you will also need to register, or sign in if you already have an account.

Next, on the “Make an appointment” page, you must enter the policy number, date and year of birth, and then click “Make an appointment”. It must be remembered that recording is possible provided that the patient is attached to a specific medical institution.

The disadvantage of this portal is that you can only make an appointment with first-line doctors: a general practitioner, dentist, pediatrician, etc. But if you need a consultation of a narrow specialist (doctor of the second link), you need to get a referral from a doctor of the first link [2].

Medicine ONLINE

For the Stavropol Territory, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Ryazan Region, there is a separate, fairly simple and convenient way to register through Medicine-online. On the online platform, you can find a doctor, make an appointment with him, cancel the application. As in previous services, an appointment is available only if the patient is attached to the clinic.

In order to apply for admission, you need to register or log into your account. Then select the search region, search criteria for a doctor (specialty, full name or medical institution) and click the search button. Having chosen the right specialist, the entire recording procedure is similar to other services [3].

Petersburger’s health

The name of the portal “Health of a Petersburger” speaks for itself, namely, that an appointment with a doctor is available only to a resident of St. Petersburg. This is an information portal where you can get test results, information about benefits, prescriptions, referrals. In your personal account, you can leave information about yourself to the attending physician.

There are 4 options for registering with a specialist: free, by referral, for medical examination and calling a doctor at home.

For a free entry, you will need either a policy number, or select a district of the city. Then, the polyclinic, the specialty of the doctor, and finally the doctor himself and the desired date of admission are selected. Enter the patient’s full name, email (to receive a coupon) and phone number.

When registering for a referral, you will need to enter the referral number and the patient’s last name, and then select a specialist and appointment date.

The remaining two types of entries are available only after registering on the portal and entering your personal account.

The undoubted advantage of this service is that for self-registration with a doctor of a narrow specialty, you do not need to register on the site and link to a specific clinic [4].

Regional portal of medical services

The regional portal of medical services is available to the Astrakhan, Vologda, Kaluga, Penza, Pskov, Sverdlovsk regions, the Perm Territory, YaNAO, the Republics of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Karelia, Crimea, Khakassia. Here everyone can get any information related to medical care (attached clinics, medical card, doctor’s schedule, medical services), as well as making an appointment with a doctor.

To do this, you will need to register or log into an existing account. Also, it is possible to log in through the account of the portal of the State Services of the Russian Federation (ESIA), if one exists. Then you can apply online for an appointment with a doctor [5].


This service is completely dedicated to medical services for citizens and allows you to get an online consultation, sign up for a check-up, or simply get information about where to get a diagnosis.

To make an appointment with a doctor, you need to find the right specialist by describing the problem or choosing a service, clinic or doctor’s specialty. You also need to specify the locality of Moscow or the Moscow region. Then, after choosing a doctor, fill out the form with your name, age and phone number.

Thanks to modern technology, going to the doctor may not be as hard as it used to be. Now making an appointment with a doctor through online services takes just a few minutes instead of waiting hours at the reception desk [6].


How to make an appointment with a doctor who is not on the list?

The lists may not include second-tier doctors, who can only be accessed via an electronic referral issued by first-tier doctors. If there are no free coupons for a particular specialist during online registration, then the latter will also be absent from the list.

What to do if there are no free coupons?

In the absence of coupons for electronic appointment with a doctor, you need to contact the staff of the registry of the medical institution with a request to make an application in the register of delayed entries. The application will be considered up to 5 working days, during which the receptionist will inform the date and time of the visit to the doctor. If the proposed dates are rejected 3 times in a row, the application will be cancelled.

How to apply for attachment to a medical organization?

First you need to choose a clinic at the place of residence, work or study. To attach to a medical institution, you need to contact the registry to draw up an application. From the documents you will need the original passport (for children under 14 years old – a birth certificate) and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

What is an OMS policy and how to get it?

Compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance) is a document that allows citizens to receive free basic medical care throughout Russia. Citizens of the Russian Federation, a number of citizens of other countries and stateless persons are entitled to receive CHI. A document on compulsory health insurance can be obtained from the following institutions:

  • Insurance companies;
  • multifunctional service centers.
Sources of
  1. ↑ Portal of public services of the Russian Federation – Making an appointment with a doctor.
  2. ↑ Medical portal – Appointment to the doctor.
  3. ↑ Medicine ONLINE – Making an appointment.
  4. ↑ Health of a Petersburger – Making an appointment with a doctor.
  5. ↑ Regional portal of medical services – Making an appointment with a doctor.
  6. ↑ SberZdorovye – Making an appointment with the best doctors.

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