Well-groomed hair styled in a luxurious hairstyle is one of the main adornments of a woman. And one of the main indicators of hair health is its natural shine and volume. How to make a voluminous hairstyle?
How to make a three-dimensional hairstyle
The fastest way to achieve voluminous, bouncy hair is to seek help from a good hairdresser, who will select the right products for your hair type. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly carry out salon procedures, it is still worth going to a consultation: this way you will save both time and money spent on your own search for suitable hair care products.
Your goal is to find professional hair products that will primarily promote hair growth and health, and then increase volume.
It is worth starting to change your appearance first of all with a haircut. The most important thing is to cut off the brittle, split ends of the hair. No matter how sorry the length is – cut it boldly! Lifeless hair will not add beauty to you anyway. It would be nice not just to trim the hair, but also to change the hairstyle, because the correct haircut adds volume to the hair. Well suited multilevel hairstyles with different hair lengths, all kinds of “torn” haircuts, oblique bangs, asymmetry. Just do not overdo it with thinning, because it makes your hair thinner.
The main voluminous hairstyle for long hair is a cascade. It is fundamentally different from the ladder in that the difference in length in the hair is smooth and almost imperceptible with natural styling. It is advisable to make a cascade through all the hair – not only in the face area, but also on the back of the head.
Hair in this hairstyle will curl into soft curls and create amazing volume.
Change the hair color, more precisely, the number of colors. One-color “wigs” obtained after dyeing with cheap paints cannot be called shiny and voluminous. You want a rich overflow of color, obtained with a professional coloring procedure. Do not be afraid to become like a parrot: a competent specialist will select natural shades, achieving the effect of hair that looks like sunburned in the sun – one color, but with alternating dark and light tones.
Once your hairdresser has created your perfect voluminous haircut, learn how to style it correctly. The easiest way to create volume is to wash your hair and tilt it down while drying, drying your hair in this position. Aim the hair dryer at the hair roots, fixing them first. When the roots are dry, pull out the ends of the hair with a large round brush, fixing with a hairdryer. Spray a little with the setting spray and your hair will retain its volume throughout the day. If you’re going to a party, add volume with a bouffant. Pull up section by section and comb your hair down with a fine comb. It is best to style such a lion’s mane in a high hairstyle, otherwise you run the risk of overdoing it with volume and looking sloppy.
Curls perfectly increase hair volume. Experiment with curlers of different sizes, try soft curlers or curling with ribbons. If you like curls, you can do long-term styling or perm.
Natural remedies help to significantly increase hair volume. Make regular hair masks by rubbing burdock, olive or castor oil heated in a water bath into them. You need to keep such a mask for at least an hour, wrapping your head in a plastic bag and a towel. You may need to shampoo your hair several times before the oil rinses off. Rinse freshly washed hair with chamomile infusion, it will add health and shine.
See also: dry corns.