A vertical flower bed is an interesting way to decorate the yard and garden. Photos of such compositions can often be seen on the websites of professional landscape designers.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

But a vertical composition of flowering plants can be made independently. And it is best to choose a petunia for this, because this flower is unpretentious and very tenacious.

How to quickly decorate your yard, how to create vertical flower beds for petunias with your own hands – about this in this article.

Varieties of vertical flower beds and flowers for them

Before you build a vertical flower bed, you need to decide on its design. According to the method of fastening and the type of support, there are:

  • hanging flower beds;
  • ground structures;
  • wall compositions based on walls;
  • wall beds, fixed on the surface of the walls.

Any of these compositions goes well with such an ampelous plant as petunia.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

Advice! When choosing a petunia variety, it is better to give preference to falling plants that can mask the frame of the flower bed.

Petunia as a flower bed decor is suitable in several ways:

  1. The plant is unpretentious.
  2. It takes root well and quickly, holding an earthen ball between the roots.
  3. Does not require special care, except for watering and top dressing.
  4. Can grow in confined spaces with little substrate.
  5. The variety of varieties, shades and varieties of petunias allow you to create a unique composition that can decorate any landscape.
  6. Equally safely develops in partial shade and in the sun. It tolerates direct sunlight well, but does not like shade.
  7. Blooms throughout the summer season.

To build a vertical flower bed, large material investments are not needed, and it will not take too much time. You can create such a composition from any materials at hand, spending only half an hour.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

In principle, you can build vertical flower beds and flower beds from anything – it all depends on the imagination of the performer.

Vertical mesh flower bed

Metal mesh is often used to create vertical flower beds. There are several ways to create such a flower garden for petunias:

Mesh plus stones

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

This method will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the landscape, which includes alpine slides, parapets or steps made of natural stones, various ponds decorated with cobblestones. To implement such a project, the grid must be bent in the form of a snail, and there should be two layers – these are identical galvanized grids running parallel to each other at a short distance. Stones are poured between the grids: it can be pebbles or larger stones – it all depends on the size of the grid cells. Soil is poured into the free space inside the “snail”, it is here that seeds or seedlings of petunias are planted.

Mesh, flowerpot, geotextile

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

A cylinder is twisted from a grid with small cells. You can fix the shape with plastic clamps or wire. The cylinder is placed inside a large pot or flowerpot. From the inside of the cylinder, geotextiles or other black fabrics are lined. Now the form is covered with soil, the free space of the flowerpot is also filled with earth. Holes are cut through the mesh in the textile, it is better to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. With a finger, deepen the soil through the hole and plant seedlings of petunias there. After a while, the plants will close all the free space, and the cylinder will look like a flowering pillar.

Advice! Instead of seedlings, petunia seeds can also be used, they are simply mixed with the substrate. Plants will germinate in pre-prepared holes.

Flowerbed made of plastic pipe

A vertical flower bed from a pipe can also be different – it all depends on what the owner of the site needs.

If the goal is to decorate an unsightly wall of an outbuilding or a neighbor’s fence, a method that involves cutting the pipe along is more appropriate. For these purposes, any plastic (water or sewer) pipe is suitable. It is necessary to cut off a piece of the required length, cut the pipe lengthwise into two identical parts – you get two full-fledged vertical flower beds.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

The side parts of the pipe must be closed with plugs, then hang or attach the pipe to a vertical surface and fill the impromptu flower bed with soil. It remains only to sow the petunia.

The second method involves cutting the pipe across. In appearance, such a flower garden is very similar to a flower bed made of mesh and geotextiles. In this case, two pipes of different diameters are needed: one is large and the other is smaller.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

Holes need to be made in both pipes:

  • in a large pipe – for petunias;
  • in a small one – for water.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

A large pipe is buried in the ground or fixed vertically in any other way. A smaller pipe is installed inside it. The free space between the walls of the pipes is filled with a petunia substrate mixed with the seeds of this ampelous plant.

Important! To prevent water from washing away the ground around the petunia roots, the water pipe must be wrapped with burlap or other textile fabric. Then the water will evenly ooze from the holes in the pipe and carefully water the flower bed.

Vertical flower bed

For this method, you can use not only new flower pots, but also any containers that are found in the house or on the site. It can be leaky pots, old buckets and so on. The main thing is to correctly arrange the flower bed, maintain the same style with the landscape, and also select containers of various diameters (from larger to smaller).

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

Another indispensable detail in this method is a metal or wooden rod, the length of which should be slightly longer than the estimated height of the flower bed.

First, they install the largest pot (or other container) in the place chosen for the vertical flower bed. A rod is inserted through the hole (existing or made with one’s own hand) into the bottom of the pot, the lower part of which, for better fixation, must be stuck as deep as possible into the ground.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

Now it remains to string the rest of the containers on the rod, collecting something like a children’s pyramid. Soil is poured into all pots and petunias are planted. Such vertical flower beds for petunias look more beautiful if plant varieties with long stems are chosen – hanging flowers will cover the unsightly part of the structure.

DIY flowerbeds from improvised means

Anything can be used:

  • old shoes;
  • bags or linen bags;
  • plastic or glass bottles;
  • old furniture (chairs, chests of drawers);
  • unnecessary utensils.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

One of the easiest ways is do-it-yourself vertical flower beds from car tires.

To implement this idea, the tires first need to be prepared: washed, dried, painted with bright colors.

Now a tower, a pyramid or any other vertical structure is being built from the wheels. The resulting “structure” is filled with soil and petunia seeds are planted there.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

This simple design, not only will it cost nothing to the owner of the site, but it will also help rid the garage of unnecessary trash.

Advice! It is very important to choose the right varieties and shades of flowers. Petunias in one composition should be in harmony with each other.

Advantages of vertical flower beds

You can talk endlessly about how to make a vertical flower bed with your own hands – there can be a lot of ideas for such a flower garden.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

The popularity of vertical flower beds is due to their versatility, because these designs:

  1. They occupy a minimum of space, which is very convenient for small courtyards, terraces, arbors and areas where it is not possible to set up an ordinary flower garden.
  2. Conveniently serviced – to water the flower garden, you do not have to pull a long hose – just leave it near the flower bed.
  3. Quickly assembled and disassembled for storage until the next season.
  4. Can be used multiple times.
  5. Easily transported to another location on the site.
  6. They look spectacular and unusual.
Attention! With all the advantages, vertical flower beds have some disadvantages. The main one is a small amount of soil, which leads to its rapid drying and depletion.

Vertical flower beds need to be watered and fertilized more often than conventional flower beds.

How to make a vertical petunia flower bed

There are a million answers to the question of how to make a vertical flower bed. Anyone who has at least a little imagination and a little desire can build such a structure with their own hands.

DIY vertical flower beds of petunias

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