How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

If you love potatoes and plan to stock up on them for the winter, then you need to make every effort to create suitable conditions for storing them in the winter. If this task is simplified for residents of a private house, then something has to be done for residents of apartment buildings. It is especially problematic if you live in an apartment and you do not have a garage with a basement. However, there is a way out. You can make a special box for storing potatoes on the balcony in winter. In this article, we will look at useful tips on how to do it. We hope this material will be useful to you, especially if you are looking for the best solution.

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

Where to start

First of all, you need to decide on a suitable place for building a box for storing potatoes on the balcony in winter. So, you should decide where it will be installed. First of all, it should not interfere with free movement on the balcony or loggia. It is also not recommended to build a box for storing potatoes close to the outer wall. From it will pull constantly cold in winter.

Among other things, it is necessary to decide what will be the size of the facility for storing potatoes in winter. To do this, you do an analysis, namely, how many people are in your family, does everyone like potatoes, what is the size of the balcony, and the like. Of course, you cannot make a box half the balcony and store up to 600 kilograms there.

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

It is also worth considering what the shape of the container for storing potatoes will be. Some decide to combine this device, for example, by finishing the drawer so that it serves as a seat. Perhaps it will be a built-in structure or freestanding, which can be moved as needed. Someone wishes to collect a container for storing potatoes on a square or rectangular balcony. There are no strict rules in this matter.

It is also worth considering in advance what materials will be used in the construction of containers for storing potatoes on the balcony in winter. You may need the following materials:

  • Boards.
  • Plywood.
  • Brusky.
  • Fasteners.
  • Thermal insulation material and more.

It would be nice to design the shape of the future box. Some make it like this:

  1. The construction is made with double walls made of wood.
  2. Thermal insulation material is packed between the walls.
  3. In addition, to maintain a positive temperature inside the box on the balcony in winter, an incandescent lamp is installed.

The created winter storage box of this type will allow you to maintain an excellent temperature and keep potatoes all winter on the balcony.

Making a box

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

So, now let’s take a closer look at the question of how to make a box for storing potatoes in the winter with your own hands. So, first of all, you decide on the chosen place, as well as on the dimensions. The whole process of making a structure for potatoes with your own hands comes down to the following algorithm.

Saw off wooden bars according to the given dimensions to form the frame of the box. First, the bars are fixed to the floor in a horizontal position, and then in a vertical position. Plywood or other board material is also cut to form the wall. A board or a piece of plywood must be attached to the base. This is important to avoid direct contact of the potatoes with the concrete surface.

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

The next step is thermal insulation. So, attach the heater. Styrofoam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other material can be used for this purpose. The insulation layer depends on several factors. For example, whether your balcony is insulated or not, how severe winters are in your area, and so on. The installed insulation must be closed with a board or the same plywood.

Be sure to organize the lid of the box for storing potatoes on the balcony in winter. It is also made from boards or plywood. On the inside, the cover must be insulated. It is important to ensure that a good tightness is formed in the closed state. Therefore, for the convenience of opening and closing it, you can screw the handle to it.

A kind of heating is also organized for storage in winter. Mount a tin pipe inside the box and fix an incandescent lamp inside it. As for the wiring, in order to avoid direct contact with the wooden structure, it is necessary to place them in a special protective corrugation. Additionally, a switch is installed. It is best to install it inside the apartment. This will allow you to turn on the lamp to increase the temperature inside the potato storage facility without going out to the balcony in winter.

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

Ventilation is also organized. Conventional technological holes at the bottom of the structure can act as ventilation. Remember, the purpose of ventilation is to provide a change of air inside the box. However, in this matter, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • Ventilation holes are not drilled on all sides of the box. The side that adjoins the wall of the balcony should remain intact.
  • Holes should not be larger than 3 mm. Otherwise, this can lead to freezing of root crops on the balcony in winter.
  • When drilling holes, do not rush. Plywood or other facing material should not have cracks. Due to their appearance, the box made will quickly fail.
  • Do not drill holes in the bottom of the structure. If there is earth on the potato, then it will remain inside the container, and not get enough sleep.

How to make a storage box for potatoes in winter 

So, as we have seen, making a container for storing potatoes in the winter on the balcony is a great solution for many apartment residents. Following this simple instruction, you can do all the work yourself. As for the design of this building, it all depends on your imagination. For example, you can use foam rubber to make soft upholstery. Some additionally fix the back for convenience. This will allow you to organize a place for gatherings on the balcony at any time of the year over a cup of coffee.


As you can see, there is a decision on how to store potatoes in winter in city apartments. It remains for you to implement all these ideas. A well-made design will last you a very long time. Even if after a while you change your mind about storing potatoes in it, then such an insulated box can be used for other root crops. In any case, it will definitely come in handy in the household. We hope that this material has given you useful food for thought. In addition to everything, we recommend that you watch the video at the end of this article. It will help you consolidate all the theory provided by the real practice of home masters.

Box for winter storage of vegetables on the balcony

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