The base of any biscuit is eggs and sugar, and flour itself is not a required ingredient. Those who are banned from gluten know firsthand about this. How to replace flour in a biscuit?
First option – peanuts or almonds ground into flour.
To make almond biscuit, take 3 eggs, 75 grams of sugar, 60 grams of almonds, 15 grams of starch.
Grind the almonds into flour, beat the yolks with sugar until a white foam forms, beat the whites separately. Mix almond flour well with starch and add to the yolks, then add the whites. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
The second option – rice, corn, bird cherry flour.
Each flour is capricious in its own way, so first you have to experiment and get used to the new consistency of the dough and the finished biscuit. But as an alternative to the usual wheat flour, these are good options.