How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

If there are small children in the family, then sooner or later a sandbox should appear in the country. Sand for children is a unique material from which you can make a cutlet for dad, build a castle for the queen mom, build a major highway for cars or draw a portrait of your favorite dog. The fantasy of a child sometimes surprises with its scope, but many adults do not want to show their creativity and skills to build a full-fledged sandbox, simply pouring a mountain of sand onto the surface of the earth. Over time, the sand is washed out by rain, the toys from the sandbox “leave for a walk” around the yard, and the child is no longer interested in playing on this playground object. You can correct the situation by building a stationary, comfortable sandbox, which will become a place of attraction for children for a long time. A sandbox for giving with your own hands will not cause much trouble for caring parents, because the construction of a high-quality, environmentally friendly frame requires a minimum of financial costs and a little time. At the same time, you do not need to be an engineer or designer at all, because you can use ready-made ideas and schemes for the construction of such objects.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Simple ideas for every parent

Before you think about creating a sandbox, you need to evaluate your strengths, the availability of free time and the necessary materials and tools. If there is enough of everything, then you can think about building a complex, but quite entertaining structure. In the case when you need to build a sandbox quickly and no special costs are planned to be invested in it, then you can choose one of the simple construction options that can be implemented not only by a skilled dad, but even by an inexperienced mother. Several such sandbox options are suggested below.

Log Sandbox

Building a frame for sand from logs is one of the easiest options. Such material is easy to find, it has an affordable cost, it is environmentally friendly. A log sandbox can not only attract children to play, but also complement the backyard, which is designed in a rustic style.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

It is worth noting that logs can be used to build a sandbox in several ways. For example, if there are four logs, you can make a frame in the form of a rectangle or square. The logs must be fastened together in several places with long nails or self-tapping screws. The rough surface of the logs must be protected with a planed, painted board that will not threaten children with splinters. An example of such a sandbox is shown in the photo:

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Perhaps a slightly more complex version of the construction of a sand frame can be done using 4 stumps and the same number of logs. In this case, the stumps will serve as seats, which will not require additional construction of benches from the board. In this option, special attention should be paid to the processing of wood: it must be well cleaned and sanded.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

For craftsmen who have experience in laying log cabins, it will not be difficult to create a sandbox according to the following option:

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

A sufficiently high frame of such a structure allows you to fill it with a large amount of sand, while the toys will be in the sandbox without scattering outside of it.

Sand frames made of logs are durable and reliable. The rounded shapes of the wood ensure the safety of the child and even if the baby hits, he will not receive serious injuries.

Stump sandboxes

To create a frame, you can use planed stumps of a round log. Their diameter and height may be equal or different. Variants of such sandboxes are shown below in the photo.

A sandbox for giving from stumps will look easier if you use elements of equal height and diameter as shown in the photo:

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

It looks interesting on the construction site with the original shape and different heights of stumps.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

In order to make a children’s sandbox out of stumps with your own hands, you need to set the contour of the future object, then remove the top layer of soil and dig a small groove around the perimeter. Hemp is vertically installed in this groove, hammering them a little with hammers. Wooden elements must first be treated with antiseptic agents that will prevent the development of decay and the effects of pests. Varnish or paint will protect the wood from exposure to sunlight and preserve the decorative effect of the sandbox for a long time.

When erecting a stump frame, it is necessary to protect the lower part of the logs with waterproofing material, which will additionally fasten the elements together and give the structure rigidity. A photo of the construction of a wooden stump structure can be seen below.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

The construction of a sandbox from stumps requires time and imagination from the creator. However, such designs always look original and, for sure, every child will like it.

The easiest option

For parents who have absolutely no time, the simplest option for creating a sandbox using a car tire may be suitable. To do this, you just need to cut off the rim of the large wheel on one side and decorate the brightly obtained sandbox. An example of such a frame for sand can be seen in the photo:

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

With several car tires, you can build a more complex and original design. To do this, cut the tires in half and make, for example, in the shape of a flower. The edges of the tires must be stitched with staples or wire.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Using tires to build a children’s sandbox with your own hands is the easiest option that even the mother of a baby can bring to life.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Acquisition of a ready-made sandbox

For some parents, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made plastic sandbox for the dacha than to mess with the construction on their own. This option is not only the simplest, but also the most expensive, because a large sandbox costs a lot of money. At the same time, it is necessary to note some significant advantages of plastic structures:

  • plastic does not rot and is not affected by pests;
  • during operation there is no need to treat the surface of the structure;
  • if necessary, a lightweight frame can be moved from one place to another.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Important! A plastic sandbox with a lid with a diameter of 80 cm costs about 5000 rubles.

Building a sandbox from boards: a detailed description of the technology

The board is one of the most used building materials, including for the construction of a frame for sand. There are specially designed schemes for building sandboxes made of wood, which anyone can use.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

In order to understand how to make a sandbox from boards as simply as possible, you need to study the following technology:

  • mark the place for installing the frame, remove the top layer of soil;
  • drive in bars in the corners of the future object of the playground;
  • fasten a planed board along the perimeter of the structure to the bars;
  • on the corners of the sandbox, horizontally fix wooden plates that will serve as seats.

A drawing of a frame for sand from boards corresponding to the above technology can be seen below.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

It is worth noting that even before collecting such a frame, all its wooden elements must be planed and coated with antifungal agents, varnished, painted. In general, with the help of such a simple technology, you can get an excellent sandbox for children.

Important! The recommended dimensions for a wooden sandbox are 2×2 m. The height of the sides should be approximately 0,4 m.

Original, multifunctional options

A sandbox for a summer residence, built with your own hands in the form of a typewriter or a boat, can truly surprise and delight the baby. To create a design, you will have to spend a lot of time and at the same time show all your skills.

A ship with sand can be built from boards, which are joined in two places with a bar and in three places with nails to each other. You can add additional rigidity to the structure with the help of horizontally arranged boards along the upper edge of the sandbox. They will also serve as benches. When installing the boat, bars are vertically installed in four corners, on which, if necessary, a rag roof is attached from above. You can finish creating the composition by setting the steering wheel. You can see the sandbox-boat, made according to the described technology, in the photo:

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

The easiest way to create a sand car frame is to use the appropriate car design elements and coloring. In the photo below you can see an example of such a dacha design.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

A more complex version of the sandbox, made in the form of a typewriter, is shown below in the photo. Only a real master can build it in the country with his own hands.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Frames in the form of cars and boats are not only a place to store sand, but also an independent object for the game, an original decoration of landscape design.

Sandboxes with protection

When creating a sandbox in the country, care should be taken to protect the child from the sun’s rays. To do this, you can install a rag or wooden roof over the structure. In the photo below you can see the simplest example of such a structure.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Such a sandbox in the country requires a competent approach to construction. The rafter part must be made of bars, with a side of at least 4 cm, securely fixing them to the frame. The option to use fabric to create a roof is much easier and cheaper to create than the analogue with a wooden roof. At the same time, the fabric is less durable and durable material. An example of the construction of a sand frame with a wooden roof can be seen below in the photo.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Loose sand in the yard can be not only a joy for a child, but also a source of health problems. The thing is that pets can use sand as a toilet, and small children, unaware of the possible danger, rub their eyes with their hands, wipe their mouths, infecting their bodies with helminths.

To protect the sand from pets and dirt, debris, you can use special covers that are designed at the stage of creating the frame. An example of building a sandbox with a lid is shown in the video:

Sandbox Transformer. Assembling a design of our own design.

A sand frame with a protective cover can be safely called a transformer, since during the game the sandbox cover can become a convenient bench for children.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

Basic principles of building a sandbox

The choice of the scheme and method of building a sandbox depends on the desires, imagination, capabilities and abilities of the master. However, in order to understand how to make a children’s sandbox correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with some general rules and requirements, recommendations:

  1. The construction with sand in the country should be installed in a place of good visibility, so that the children are always under supervision.
  2. The terrain where the frame is planned to be installed must be leveled so that rainwater flows do not wash out the sand.
  3. It is better to install a sandbox without a roof in the shade of tall plants. Their crown will protect children from direct sunlight.
  4. You can replace the stationary roof of the structure with a large beach umbrella.
  5. Drainage material must be laid at the base of the sandbox under the frame. It can be a piece of linoleum with small holes through which the outflow of rainwater will be carried out. Linoleum will not allow weeds to grow through the thickness of the sand and mix the filling of the frame with soddy soil. You can replace linoleum with geotextiles, which will perform all the necessary functions.
  6. After children play, the sand must be covered with protective material or a lid. Polyethylene can be used as a protective material. Under it, the sand will remain clean from litter and animal feces, dry after rain.
  7. When installing, the frame should be dug into the ground in order to prevent sand from washing out.
  8. All wooden parts of the frame must be well sanded and treated with antiseptic agents. This will ensure the safety of children and keep the structure for a long period of time.
  9. The presence of benches and benches will make it more convenient for kids to play with sand.
  10. For kids under 5 years old, the recommended size of the side of the sandbox is only 1,7 m, however, do not forget that even at a later age, children play with sand, which means that it is better to increase the dimensions of the frame.
  11. It is convenient to use a sandbox with a formwork height of 30 to 50 cm, depending on the age of the baby.
  12. Fastening wooden elements is best done with self-tapping screws, which will firmly hold the structure for many years.
  13. Plastic sandboxes and car tire structures are mobile. If necessary, they can be easily moved from one place to another.
  14. The layer of sand for a full-fledged game of children should not be less than 20 cm.

Observing the simple rules of construction, even the most inept craftsmen will be able to build children’s sandboxes for summer cottages with their own hands. Subject to the rules and recommendations for the construction of structures, you can guarantee the quality and durability, and, most importantly, the convenience of the facility for children.

How to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands 

The sandbox will be able to solve the issue of employment of children in the country, developing their imagination and fine motor skills. In turn, parents, creating a playground object with their own hands, will fully demonstrate their care for the kids and love for them. Having studied the proposed schemes and photos of the sandboxes, the whole family will be able to choose the best option for themselves and bring it to life by common efforts. After all, there is no more interesting activity for children than helping adults, and then playing in the sandbox, which was built, among other things, with their participation.

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