How to make a reusable gauze diaper? Video
Many parents, due to their negative views on modern diapers, allergic reactions of the child to them and for other reasons, cannot use diapers presented in a huge variety on store shelves. Therefore, most of them wonder how they can sew a gauze diaper on their own.
How to make a gauze diaper
Pros and cons of gauze diapers
Cheapness and environmentally friendly material are the indisputable advantages of gauze diapers. In addition, with the advent of automatic washing machines, washing gauze diapers is not a particular problem. But on the other hand, they are not suitable for children over 1 year old, since a child at this age can easily remove a diaper. In addition, it is not very convenient to walk in it, it interferes with the active movements of the baby.
Useful tips for making gauze diapers
First, use cotton cloth or gauze to make the diapers, and cut them into squares. If the width of the fabric is 90 centimeters, then cut it along the length also by 90 centimeters. You can take the dimensions 90×180 centimeters. Be sure to wash the fabric beforehand.
Secondly, you do not need to make a lot of gauze diapers, 15–20 pieces will be quite enough for one child, since, unlike disposable diapers, they can be washed.
Third, wash gauze diapers by rinsing them under warm running water and then using baby powder or baby soap.
For children over 1 month old, ironing is not necessary.
Methods for making gauze diapers
To make a rectangular diaper, fold the cheesecloth in 6 or more layers so that you get a rectangle measuring 90×20 centimeters. Tuck one long end of the diaper. For girls, this folded end will be on the back, and for boys, it will be in the front. And skip the unrolled end between the baby’s legs.
When the baby is in a gauze diaper, be careful to keep it dry. A wet baby loses heat very quickly
To make a “kerchief” diaper, take a fabric measuring 90×180 centimeters and fold first in half, and then obliquely. You should have a so-called “kerchief”. Place the child in the middle of the kerchief and pass the lower end of the fabric between the legs. Throw the side ends of the diaper over each other in the tummy area without tying, as the knots will interfere with the baby and cause discomfort when moving.
To make a diaper for a baby older than 4–5 months, fold the fabric 90×180 centimeters into a rectangle 90×45 centimeters in size. Then put it between the legs of the child, and put on your regular panties on top. Such a diaper is very comfortable, as it does not prevent the baby from turning over and sitting down.