How to make a reusable diaper. Video
The skin of a newborn is very thin, sensitive and dry, as the system of sweating is not yet fully established. But with proper baby care, there is no need for special hydration. After just a few months from birth, the adaptation will be complete, and the skin will naturally regain its elasticity and strength.
How to make a reusable diaper
Any minor changes in the structure of the baby’s skin – peeling, dryness, roughness, “goose bumps” and so on – are a signal to parents. These conditions can be both a consequence of external factors and the result of serious failures in the infant’s body, requiring complex treatment and elimination of the very cause of the imbalance. A timely visit to a doctor will minimize the risk of developing dangerous diseases.
If dry skin is a consequence of the disease
If the final diagnosis turns out to be insufficient activity of the baby’s sebaceous glands, most likely, the pediatrician will prescribe the child a course of vitamins A and E, as well as calcium preparations. To enhance the effect, gymnastics or a simple massage before swimming, active swimming, and regular air baths are suitable.
The doctor will recommend abstinence from food excesses for mother and child, give recommendations on diet
Do not forget about the timely change of diapers. Modern actively absorbent materials are great helpers for parents, but not everyone is in a hurry to give up simple gauze diapers. Their advantage is that gauze cannot retain moisture, and the baby reacts actively, making it clear that it is time to wash and change his clothes, thereby minimizing the time of contact between urine and skin, excluding the appearance of diaper rash. It is easy to sew such diapers, but they serve for a long time.
If dry skin is a feature of the body
Dry skin is not observed in all babies, but in most. To prevent thinning of dry skin, you need to try to minimize the amount of external irritants. These can be low temperatures outside or a piercing “prickly” wind. In the off-season and winter time, it is good to use special creams for walking.
Too high room temperature (above + 20 … + 22 degrees), especially during the heating season, also negatively affects the condition of the child’s skin
It would be appropriate to humidify the air in any available way: household humidifiers, wet towels placed on batteries, or containers with alkaline water near them.
Bathing water should not exceed 35-37 degrees. Ideally, it should gradually decrease by a degree approximately every 5-7 days to +32 degrees. In such water, the baby can splash at his own pleasure without the risk of dry skin and with the benefit of immunity. But most of the usual herbal preparations (string, chamomile), having an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, dry the skin.
It is good to use baby bath products that gently cleanse the skin and maintain sufficient moisture in it.
The healing effect is observed when warm oil is applied to the baby’s damp skin after a bath. Apricot kernel oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil work well. Starting from three months, gradually increase the interval between oil treatments to 7-14 days.
A lot of worries are caused to the crumbs and things washed with ordinary washing powder containing many aggressive components. Use baby detergents, rinse and air thoroughly baby clothes.
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