How to make a pom-pom from yarn / thread, bags, napkins

One of the traditional ways to decorate knitwear is balls of yarn. Whatever they are called. The most common is the pompom. But you can meet bumbon, bubo, pompom, pompom, pompom, etc. From what and how to make a pom-pom, we will discuss below.

Yarn pompom

You can make a pom-pom out of threads with and without patterns. There is only one technology – to wind the threads on the base, tie them and cut them. So you get a fluffy thread ball. Everything else is details that you can choose “for yourself.”

Options for using pom-poms: booties, hats, scarves, home decorations

Easy and fast, but uneconomical

The fastest way is to use your own fingers. Wrap yarn around three middle fingers. They are pressed against one another. Hold the thread with your thumb and wind it until you get a fairly large roller. When winding, make sure that the turns lie freely.

The fastest way. The tool is always with you

Between the fingers, stretch a piece of thread 25-30 cm long of the same color (photo 4 above). The thread should capture the “winding” at the bottom and top (photos 5 and 6 above). Tie a knot and pull off (photo 7 above). For reliability, make a couple more knots.

On both sides of the screed, the threads must be cut (photo 8 above). The result was a blank that looks unsympathetic (photo 9 above). In order for it to turn into a ball, at least 1/3 of the length must be cut off. It is in pruning that the secret of a fluffy and dense ball lies.

Elvira Plaskunova talks about how to make pompoms (8-9 cm) from yarn for a hat in the video below.

mini pompoms

If you need small pompoms (for a baby hat, booties, etc.), you can use a fork as a template. Other kitchen utensils are also suitable, having the same width along the length of the “working” part.

Pompoms on a fork are small but fluffy

The technique itself is no different: wind, pull, cut. Everything is clear from the photo above. In this case, a dense twisted synthetic thread was taken for constriction. She is more reliable. The rest is the same as with the hand. Pruning is also required, but not so drastic. This is due to the fact that the fork is more stable and the turns are the same length.

In the video below, a regular steel kitchen fork was used.

Fluffy ball of any size

To immediately get a fluffy pompom, you need to make a device – special patterns. They are two identical rings made of thick cardboard, in which a small sector has been removed. Threads are wound through this incision. The length of the pile will be equal to the width of the ring, so you can make a bumbon of any size. Both big and small.

You can make a dense filament bumbon with patterns

Between the two rings lay the end of the thread, then start winding. To make the ball tight, wind as many threads as possible. Cut the winding along the outer edge with scissors. Take the thread for the tie, run it between two cardboard rings, tie it and pull it together – fix it as tightly as possible. After that, you can remove the patterns and cut off the excess.

See the video below for details.

Options: downy, multi-colored, fabric

A pom-pom made of threads looks good if there are a lot of threads and the ball looks dense, but the threads are still visible. To make it fluffy, like fur, you need a slicker comb for combing dogs or cats. Hold the bumbon by the binding threads and comb through.

If you comb the threads, you get a fluffy, puff-like ball

With the help of patterns, you can make multi-color pompoms. Just use threads of different colors when winding. You can do it in sectors, you can wind one color on top of another. The result will be different.

How to make a multicolor yarn ball

Instead of thread, you can use strips of fabric. For example, knitted yarn, tulle, shiny ribbons. The appearance will depend on the materials.

When using strips of tulle or fabric, the diameter of the hole in the device for pompoms is made larger than for yarn

The large inner diameter of the ring makes it possible to make more turns. More coils means a tighter, fluffier pom-pom.

Pompoms for cheerleading (“fans” of the fan)

These rustling and shiny balls are made differently. You can use bags, cloth, paper. The blanks should be in the form of rectangles that are folded in half. The dimensions of this half depend on the desired length of the “pile”. 5-7 cm are added to this size – for a handle or for attaching to a stick.

Pompoms for cheerleaders are made differently

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Put all the layers in a pile, alternating colors.
  2. A thread is placed in the middle of the resulting stack, which is 5 cm longer on each side of the workpiece. It will be used for screed.
  3. Fold the material in half.
    Possible ways of forming handles
  4. Cut into strips 1-2 cm wide, without cutting a few centimeters to the fold. Specifically, the number of centimeters depends on what kind of pen you want to make. If as in the photo above on the left, about 10 cm are needed, if as in the photo above on the right, 3-5 cm is enough.
  5. When everything is cut, we tie the knot and tighten (we wrap the handle with tape).
  6. We get a rustling ball.

There is no exact size, number of materials, strip width. Everything is individual. And the appearance of this type of pompoms depends on this.

How to make paper napkin pom poms

In order to make beautiful pompoms, it is not necessary to buy special paper with silence. You can make from any napkins with your own hands!

From a few paper pompoms and a wicker basket, you can make a wonderful unfading bouquet.

A bright floral bouquet of colored paper napkins is pleasing to the eye

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