How to make a photo frame

The hostess liked the idea of ​​using decorative polyurethane rosettes instead of ordinary photo frames. Their illumination was provided by an old sconce. To make it in harmony with the surrounding objects, its framing was also made from a socket.

For the work, they used a decorative metal rail, glass pendants (IKEA), white paint for metal, white mastic for decorative work, white and silver acrylic paints, a paper knife, fine-grained sandpaper.

How to make a photo frame

  • Photo 1. A layer of white metal paint was applied to the metal strip with a thin brush. They allowed the coating to dry well.
  • Photo 2, 3. The base was treated with mastic and then white paint. The metal parts were painted silver.

  • Photo 1. Using a paper cutter, a rectangular hole was made in the decorative rosette, the same size as the base of the sconce.
  • Photo 2. The base of the sconce was inserted into a rectangular hole made. The joints were filled with mastic and allowed to dry.
  • Photo 3. The metal rail was “aged” by carefully sanding its surface with sandpaper.

  • Photo 1. The joints of the socket with the base of the luminaire, filled with mastic, were neatly covered with white paint.
  • Photo 2, 3. The metal rail was screwed to the base of the sconce. After that, glass pendants were attached. The lamp is ready.

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