The New Year is a great opportunity to start life with a clean slate, forget about past failures and start fulfilling old desires. Psychologists recommend starting this path by making a list of the most cherished and intimate.
The main thing in this case is the right attitude. Find a quiet, private place where no one will disturb you. Turn off the phone and put away all the gadgets. You can meditate a little, listen to inspiring music, or remember the most pleasant events. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pen, and let your imagination run wild. It is necessary to write wishes by hand-so they are better perceived and fixed in memory.
Write anything that comes to mind, even if the desire seems delusional, for example, to visit Antarctica, jump into the ocean from a cliff or learn how to shoot a crossbow. Don’t limit yourself to a certain number: the more items on your list, the better. To make it easier, focus on the following questions::
✓ What do I want to try?
✓ Where do I want to go?
✓ What do I want to learn?
✓ What do I want to change in my life?
✓ What material goods do I want to purchase?
The essence of this exercise is very simple. By giving abstract desires a verbal form, we make them more realistic. In fact, we are taking the first step towards their implementation. Each item becomes a kind of reference point and an instruction for action. If you look at this list in six months, you will almost certainly be able to cross off a few items with pride. And this visual motivation inspires the best.