Barbie doll is a fashionable girl, and her house should be beautiful, large and not like others, and in the store you can buy only the same plastic products. The way out is to build a house for the doll with your own hands and with your child. This activity is very exciting.
How to make a Barbie house?
First stage – design
First you need to make a sketch. This is where your child’s imagination comes in. Ask him to draw which house he likes best. Decide together what Barbie needs, how many rooms there will be in her house. Of course, she will certainly need: – a kitchen; – bathroom; – living room to receive guests; – bedroom for relaxation; – for children (Barbie must have kids, as this is a very important educational moment). Think about what kind of space Barbie might need yet. If she has a car, is it worth building a garage. You can also make a backyard with a seating area and garden, and so on.
When planning, your child can show all his imagination, you just need to send it in the right direction.
After the project of the house is ready, prepare the basic necessary tools and materials for the “construction”, so that you have everything at hand. To do this, you will need: – a long ruler; – roulette; – a simple pencil; – stationery knife; – scissors; – Scotch; – pieces of wallpaper; – PVA glue; – pieces of linoleum or laminate.
How to build a house
The most suitable material for making a beautiful toy house, which you can always find at hand, is a cardboard box. If you take several pieces and connect them, you get an apartment of several rooms. So, pick up several boxes of the same height, for example, from under the shoes. Place them on top of each other and tape them together. To get many rooms, make another row and connect them together with the same tape. For strength, the walls can be stapled with a construction stapler.
To make the house stronger, make it out of chipboard or plywood, but cutting and fastening parts is quite difficult and only those who know how to handle construction tools can do. By the way, dad can also be connected to this process.
Make windows. Draw rectangles with a ruler and pencil, and then cut out with a clerical knife. Make the roof of the house out of a large corrugated cardboard box. To do this, cut off the top and two sides. On the remaining two sides, measure the width of the walls of the house and cut with a ruler and a utility knife. Draw a line on the back wall so that the back and side walls together form a triangle. Cut along the marked line. Attach the roof to the top box with tape.
Now “make repairs” in the house. Pick up pieces of wallpaper. It’s great if they are the same as in your child’s room. Walls can also be painted or pasted over with colored paper. Place pieces of linoleum or laminate on the floor. Attach them with double tape.
The most interesting thing is decoration
Make window curtains from old curtains or remnants of any fabrics. Glue them to the window holes. The cornice can be made from an ice cream stick, paint it to match the walls, curtains, or leave it as it is and attach over the curtains. Hang pictures and photos of Barbie and her family on the walls, which you can cut out of calendars or just glue stickers with a picture of a doll.
Buy furniture ready-made in a toy store or make it yourself from matchboxes. Lay rugs on the floor, bedspreads on the beds and sofa. Knit them from the rest of the yarn with knitting needles or crochet. Add cute details like potted flowers. Take dried flowers, put a piece of plasticine in a toy dish, stick the stems of flowers. Place bouquets on nightstands or tables.