How to make a horizontal bar: for a house, apartment, wall-mounted, in a doorway, on the street

To maintain physical fitness, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, but exercises can be done at home. To strengthen the muscles of the arms, back and press, you can make a horizontal bar for the home. There are different designs – the most simple and more complicated. 

Types of horizontal bars

To keep fit, it is desirable to have sports equipment at home. The simplest of them is the horizontal bar. This is one or more small crossbars that allow you to train the muscles of the arms, chest, abs and back. You just need to find the right set of exercises.

One of the easy options

For home (apartment)

In the house, it is usually easier to find a place for a horizontal bar. It is usually more difficult to do this in an apartment, so many are looking for options that take up little space, are easily removed and installed: so that they can be stored, say, in a closet and hung only for the duration of classes. For indoor use, there are such models:

Which type to choose depends on the set of exercises that you plan to perform. For ordinary pull-ups, even an ordinary stick in the door is enough. On it you can adjust the width of the grip within the width of the doorway. For more complex complexes, something more serious is required.


A street horizontal bar is usually a more complex design. At least two posts dug deep into the ground, to which, in addition to the crossbar, bars and / or a crossbar can also be welded. It could also be an incline bench. This is the minimum for those who are seriously engaged in their form.

In general, you can hang a wall horizontal bar on the outer wall of the house – an option for summer workouts.

Choice of materials

Usually a home horizontal bar is made of metal pipes. They are round and rectangular (square) section. Rectangular with the same cross section (diameter and diagonal) and wall thickness have greater rigidity, endure a greater load. But if the pipe is crumpled, then the rectangular one is sharply refracted, and the round one is slowly bent. To prevent this from happening, choose thicker walls (from 2,5 mm or more). The horizontal bar will turn out to be heavier, but it will be more reliable, it will be able to withstand heavy loads.

If the walls allow, you can hang heavy structures

You also need to choose pipes for the horizontal bar according to convenience. If we talk about operation, it is more convenient to fit a round one in your hand. But the rectangular one is easier to cook, since the round one requires a higher degree of skill. Even a rectangular one “lays down” on the wall better, it has a larger area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbsupport. This is important for wall structures. Apparently, therefore, the frames and racks of home horizontal bars are made of a square (profiled) pipe, and the crossbars are made of a round one.

As a rule, the diameter of the crossbar of the horizontal bar lies in the range from 27 mm to 32 mm.

More horizontal bars for the house are made of wood. But since wood is heterogeneous, it is difficult to predict its behavior under stress. Considering that the movements can be jerky, it is likely that the wooden crossbar will crack. So if you want to make a horizontal bar, it is better not to use wood.

Reliability is the most important thing. Both in design and fasteners

A few words about the type of steel that can and should be used. You can make a horizontal bar for the house from an ordinary pipe – from ferrous metal. After welding, it is cleaned to bare metal, primed and painted. This is quite enough for use in a house or apartment. For street horizontal bars, it is better to treat with an anti-corrosion compound after stripping, then primer, and then paint in two or three layers. If possible, apply powder paint. It has an uneven surface, does not slip under the hand. Some types of hammer paints can have the same surface. They also give an unusual effect: unequal color. Looks very good on metal things.

Mounting must also be secure.

You can also make a horizontal bar for the house or the street from stainless steel. It is hardly reasonable to transfer expensive material to the frame, but the crossbars can also be made of stainless steel. Just do not take food grade stainless steel pipes – they are made with thin walls, so they often do not withstand and bend. Take a good alloy structural steel. It will not rust and will withstand heavy loads. But there is another point: the pipe may be too smooth, which is inconvenient. When gripping, hands can slip.

Schemes and dimensions

Schemes of horizontal bars – that’s what’s important. Pipe diameters and wall thickness are important. This is really important, and the dimensions are approximate. They can vary depending on the height and size of the person. Usually they are given under the “average” height and the average size of the chest. If your parameters are larger than “average”, increase the size so that you are comfortable.

This model is called three in one (3 in 1), as it allows you to train almost all muscles.

Wall models

One of the most convenient and functional – wall horizontal bars. They are more bulky and complex in design, there are very simple ones. Let’s start with the more difficult ones.

The figure shows a horizontal bar on which you can practice in two positions. In the picture on the right – the position for working out the press, on the left – for working out the arms, back and pectoral muscles. This design can be improved. In the diagram on the right, there are two crossbars that are used to work with a narrow grip. You can install additional crossbars for the middle one, and use the extreme ones for the “normal” one. A wide grip is provided by handles sticking out on the sides. It is more convenient if they have a slope of about 30°.

Two schemes of a wall horizontal bar for different grips. Different sizes, similar designs

It is not always convenient to turn the horizontal bar over, so another design was invented – with handles on the front bar. It is less massive, requires fewer pipes. But you will have to pump the press on another simulator. This one does not provide such an opportunity.

Scheme and dimensions taken from the finished wall horizontal bar

Despite the shortcomings, the above construction is repeated many times. It is simple, reliable, takes up little space, and therefore popular. The dimensions are slightly adjusted, leaving the pipe diameters and the thickness of the corners unchanged or increasing the wall thickness. An example is in the photo below.

This is a homemade version, made according to the factory model.

There is an even simpler design. This is only one crossbar, on which you can only pull yourself up. But this design is one of the most compact. It can be hung over the doorway and it will not interfere, will not attract attention. It makes sense to make a horizontal bar of this design if there is no place to accommodate a more serious projectile or there is a Swedish wall.

Sizes – for small growth

Overdoor structures are one of the most compact. Less space is occupied only by those that are installed in a doorway or between two closely spaced walls (here, in general, only a pipe is needed, under which special fasteners are made).

Horizontal bars for the yard

More complex structures are usually placed in the yard: there is no need to save space, so they make the model as comfortable as possible. At the same time, it is worth approaching the issue in a balanced way: to make the horizontal bar reliable, you need pipes with a solid wall thickness, and they are not cheap. Therefore, since there are already racks and crossbars, you can make a Swedish wall and a swing mount – so that both children can play and adults can train.

Horizontal bar for the street: drawing with dimensions

Please note that the racks are connected in pairs with jumpers. The jumper is buried in the ground and serves to stabilize the position under lateral loads. What else to pay attention to is the depth to which the pillars are buried. If the earth is prone to heaving (clay and loam), it is advisable to dig in below the freezing depth. In central Russia, this is about 120-130 cm. In order for the racks to stand securely, pieces of pipes can be welded perpendicularly to the underground part. This will complicate the installation, but the poles will definitely not loosen.

How to make a horizontal bar for an apartment with your own hands – photo report

Even for the most complex wall model, 2-2,5 meters of a profile pipe and about 1,5 meters of a round one are enough. To make a horizontal bar for the house with your own hands, a sheet with the selected model and dimensions is pre-printed. For the frame, a profiled metal pipe 20 * 30 * 3 mm was used, for the crossbar and “handles” – the remainder of the curtain rod for Soviet-era curtains. The pipe is thin, but still holds up. To begin with, with the help of a grinder, I sawed the profile pipe into pieces of the desired length.

Beginning – we cut the pipes into pieces of the desired length, file down the angle of the stops

There are no corner stops on the diagram, they are made “by eye”. The angle is about 50°. Then it’s up to the small thing – to cook. With the help of an inverter welding machine, this is not too difficult. Moreover, the pipe has a thick wall: 3 mm is cooked normally.

It turned out two halves of the frame in the form of the letter “G” – they must be connected with jumpers. To make the frame racks parallel, we use strips that fix the parts at the same distance. At the same time, we weld handles from stainless steel pipe scraps below, which we will hold on to when pumping the press.

To ensure that the distance between the racks is the same, we use slats

For a tight fit between a round pipe and a rectangular one, a semicircle was cut out in the stand by a grinder. I had to finish with a file, but the fit is very good. It remains to boil.

Making the junction of a round and rectangular pipe

To weld handles for a narrow grip to a round pipe, we also form recesses in pipe segments. It is more difficult to cook them – the thickness of the pipe is much less. And in general, other electrodes are used for welding stainless steel. Due to lack of experience, the seams turned out to be ugly, but without obvious marriage.

Next, you need to bend the pipe around the edges. To do this, we insert a rod of a smaller diameter into the pipe, take a gas burner, heat up the bend, bending a little. Bend to 30°. To do this, I drew an angle on the floor with chalk, bending it against the drawn lines.

Add “holds” for a narrow grip, bend and can be painted

We put an emery wheel on the grinder, we clean the places of welding. Then, in a circle with a smaller grain, we remove plaque from the entire structure, additionally grinding the seams. Ready for painting. Paint in a spray can, applied in three layers.

Hooks for hanging the horizontal bar also made by hand

For wall mounting, hooks are made from a 15 * 4 mm metal strip. It was not easy to bend – holding a whole piece in tongs, I managed to bend it on both sides. The finished hooks were cut to the desired length and holes were drilled for the dowels. A drill with a diameter of 8 mm was used, drilled 12 mm under the fastener caps. The hooks are cleaned and painted with the same paint.

Before you make a horizontal bar, decide on the place where you will hang it. Not all spouses will calmly accept such an innovation … Homemade horizontal bar 3 in 1 on the wall in two working positions

Almost everything is ready. It remains to make pillows under the shoulders. For the base, pieces of plywood were taken, on them – thin furniture foam rubber in two layers, covered with eco-leather with holes. Staples and a construction stapler were used to fasten the leatherette, but you can also use furniture nails if there is no stapler.

Making shoulder pillows

According to operating experience: hooks on the wall should be made longer, under three dowels at least. And one more thing: the design has been finalized – the handles for a narrow grip in the version shown in the picture are inconvenient, so another crossbar is welded on.

Crossbar added

A homemade homemade horizontal bar turned out to be heavy – 19,8 kg, but in this form it is more convenient.

In conclusion, a small entertaining video prank “Grandfather punishes turnstiles.” Be healthy!

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