How To Make A Hand Sanitizer At Home

How To Make A Hand Sanitizer At Home

You can make the disinfectant yourself – it’s not difficult at all.

The World Health Organization names two main measures for preventing coronavirus infection: wash your hands thoroughly as often as possible and always carry an antiseptic with you in case you have nowhere to wash your hands. They need to wipe both the palms and the back of their hands every time after you touch something: doorknobs, shelves in a store, handrails in transport. Moreover, the antiseptic must necessarily be on alcohol – essential oils, aloe gel and other environmentally friendly components will not kill the virus.

However, not all stores and pharmacies now offer the right sanitizer. But don’t be upset! You can make your own antibacterial gel at home.

How to make an antiseptic with your own hands

First option:

  • glycerin – 15 ml

  • ethyl alcohol – 800 ml

  • distilled water – 20 ml (depending on the consistency you need)

  • hydrogen peroxide – 45 ml

We mix all the ingredients and pour them into convenient containers.

 The second option:

  • aloe gel – 80 g

  • medical alcohol – 160 ml

Mix thoroughly until smooth, and the antiseptic is ready.

 The third option:

  • water – 50 ml

  • glycerin – 50 ml

  • essential oil of lavender or lemon – 5 drops

  • alcohol tincture (any) – 50 ml

If there were no funds at all, then ordinary alcohol will help in disinfection. But strong alcohol is powerless here – the concentration of alcohol in it is not high enough.

How to use an antiseptic correctly

Choose an antiseptic that contains 60-80% alcohol. It is important to thoroughly process the entire surface of the skin of the hands as high as possible, not forgetting how to rub it between the fingers. Particular attention should be paid to nails where a lot of dirt accumulates. The processing time is 20-30 seconds (so much time passes if you sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice).

Also use a cream if you feel dry hands due to frequent use of the disinfectant solution.

We will remind, last week, WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic. The virus is known to be found in all European countries and US states. At the moment, more than 198 thousand people in the world have contracted the infection. Among them, 81 people recovered, 950 died.

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