How to make a gift with your own hands, photo

There is not much time left until the New Year, and most people are already thinking about how to surprise their loved ones. We would like to offer you some useful gifts that you can make yourself. The advantage of handmade gifts is that we put our warmth and emotions into them. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day contacted Alina Koloskova and Olga Simonova, heads of the FunnyHands workshop, to find out what gifts to make.

First of all, you need to concentrate your thoughts on the person for whom you are preparing a gift. If he has a sweet tooth, then you can make chocolate soap with cinnamon, he loves citrus aromas – add lemon and pine needles. We also play with shapes: hearts, angels, geometric shapes, multi-heroes, etc.

Method of making soap for beginners:

You will need:

Soap base (clear or white)

Olive oil

food pigments




Cooking pot


Cut the soap base into small cubes.

Put the cut cubes in a saucepan and place them on the stove. Our base should not boil, only melt.

Mix the dyes as described in the instructions.

We add olive oil to our base (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon per 100 g), a few drops of flavoring. Stir the mixture and add sugar at the same time (two teaspoons).

Pour the resulting base into the mold / molds.

Put the molds in the refrigerator to harden the soap.

When making perfume, you use natural products – beeswax, vegetable and essential oils. Solid perfumes can not only improve mood, but also strengthen health (the healing properties of natural aromas). The perfume will have a creamy consistency, so it is easy and convenient to take with you.

Natural beeswax – 10 g.

Base oil: jojoba – 7 g.

Natural essential oils – 12-15 drops.

For example, rose essential oil – 10 drops, geranium essential oil – 3 drops, rosewood essential oil – 2 drops.


Crumble the beeswax in a container and mix with the selected base oil.

Place the container on the stove and heat it at a low temperature until the wax melts completely. Do not bring to a boil! Warm up the perfume container at the same time.

Stir the mass, add 15 drops of the selected essential oil.

Gently, but quickly pour the finished perfume into the prepared container.

Leave for an hour to solidify completely.

Such scrubs cannot harm the skin, but they can provide it with good hydration and nutrition.

For the oatmeal orange peel scrub you will need:

1 tablespoon chopped fresh or dried orange peel

1 tablespoon oatmeal

1 teaspoon of minced almonds



Grind all ingredients of the scrub with a blender. We add such an amount of water that the mass is smooth and easy to apply to the skin.

We put it in a beautiful jar.

The scrub will cleanse the skin due to the presence of active ingredients in its composition. It is recommended to apply to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

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