How to make a firewood shed 

Almost every villager faced the problem of storing firewood prepared for the winter. The same question sometimes affects summer residents who love to warm themselves by the fireplace on cold evenings. In order to always have dry firewood at home, they need to equip the optimal storage location. Now we will consider how to build a firewood shed for a summer residence with our own hands, so that it is not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

The main requirements for a woodcutter

How to make a firewood shed 

In order for the harvested logs to burn well in a fireplace or stove, they must be properly stored. You can do this in the firewood. The design resembles a canopy installed in a summer cottage in a remote corner. There are several basic requirements for a firewood storage building:

  • The location of the woodcutter in the summer cottage and its design should provide free access to firewood.
  • It is undesirable to build a storage for firewood from blank walls. It is better if these are gratings from boards. From good ventilation, firewood is stored longer, it always remains dry and ready for kindling.
  • The sun’s rays are not a good companion for stored firewood. Logs, of course, will dry faster, but wood loses its energy properties from exposure to UV rays. It is good if the roof of the woodcutter provides complete shading of the firewood.
  • Atmospheric precipitation is the worst enemy of firewood. The roof and floor of the firewood shed must 100% protect the logs from the penetration of dampness and water. However, along with strong gusts of wind, drops of rainwater or snow will be carried into the firewood through the lattice side walls of the storage. For such cases, provide for removable curtains made of film or tarpaulin.
  • So that the woodcutter does not spoil the appearance of the yard, it is built away from the eyes. If this is not possible due to the small area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe summer cottage, the building is decorated with decorative trim.

No need to build a structure to store firewood at random. The size of the woodcutter is calculated at the design stage. The building should contain exactly as much firewood as is required for seasonal use.

Varieties of drovnikov

You should not look for the exact scheme of the woodcutter anywhere, since this building is not limited to certain shapes and sizes. Each summer resident is able to build a storage, guided by his imagination and the availability of building materials. All firewood sheds can only be conditionally divided into free-standing structures and those adjacent to the building.

Firewood storage building

How to make a firewood shed 

A firewood shed adjacent to the building is an economically advantageous solution, but unsuccessful. The advantage of the structure is the saving of building material. The house serves as one of the walls of the woodcutter. The owner can only equip the roof of the building and the remaining three walls. It is best to attach a structure for storing firewood on the north side of the building. In this case, the logs will play the role of an additional insulation of the house.

On this, all the advantages of the building adjacent to the house end:

  • It should be noted right away that storing firewood near the house is dangerous for reasons of fire danger.
  • There are a lot of grinder beetles, mites and other harmful insects in the wood. If the walls of the house are built of wood, they will have to be carefully isolated from the firewood with sheets of iron.
  • The junction of the adjacent roof of the firewood storage to the wall of the house must be carefully sealed. Mold will grow from the penetrating rainwater, the logs will begin to rot along with the firewood and the wooden wall of the house.

A do-it-yourself woodcutter does not always look beautiful. A clumsy building can ruin the look of even the most beautiful building.

Advice! If there is no talent for making a beautiful woodcutter in the country, but it needs to be made only adjacent to the building, place it on the side of the house that is least visible.

Shed for storing firewood in the country

How to make a firewood shed 

The simplest woodcutter is a canopy. It can be made as a stand-alone structure, or adjacent to the house. Most often, in the country, a canopy is made of four supports. Why metal pipes are dug into the ground, a strapping is made from a bar on top and a roofing is nailed to it. If you approach the construction of a canopy creatively, you can build a pretty decent storage for firewood. The disadvantage of this structure is the lack of walls. From rain and snow, firewood will have to be covered with a film or tarpaulin.

Freestanding firewood shed

How to make a firewood shed 

Free-standing storage for firewood most often represents a large building, in which wooden walls rest on the foundation. It is reasonable to build such structures for the winter harvesting of logs in the case of year-round living in the country. To build a free-standing firewood shed, you will need to make a drawing. Dimensions are calculated based on the amount of firewood needed to heat the house all winter.

Mobile woodcutter

How to make a firewood shed 

The portable firewood shed is not intended for storing logs outdoors. The design is a beautiful stand with legs, made of metal, wooden slats or forged blanks. A mobile woodcutter serves as a storage place for firewood near the stove or fireplace. Since the design stands in a conspicuous place and often moves, it should be light and harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

From what it is possible to build a firewood shed in the country

If the building does not impose any requirements regarding aesthetics, in the country it is assembled from any material at hand, and hidden away from the eyes.

Advice! The logs themselves, stacked in a foot, can serve as a woodcutter. From above they are covered with a sheet of slate or any non-wetting material.

Capital buildings are most often made of wood. Sometimes, for reliability, the firewood racks are installed from a metal pipe, and the walls of the frame are sheathed with a board. The roof is equipped with a light but rigid material. Suitable corrugated board or galvanized iron. The budget option is asbestos-cement slate, but it is very heavy.

Important! You can not store firewood close to the roof. It is advisable to leave a small gap for ventilation.

The floor of the woodcutter must be made raised above the ground so that the logs do not pull dampness. For these purposes, any board is suitable, but not thinner than 25 mm, otherwise the floors may fail from the weight of the firewood.

We draw up a firewood project

When building a free-standing firewood shed in the country to store a large number of logs, you will need to develop a project. First, a drawing of the future structure is drawn on a piece of paper, then its dimensions are calculated. The simplest scheme with dimensions can be seen in the photo. The design is a canopy with a gable roof.

How to make a firewood shed 

If firewood is harvested all winter for heating, then in the country it is better to build a shed with a gable roof. A good option can serve as a hozblok, where the woodcutter is combined with a summer shower and toilet under one roof. Each room has entrance doors located on different sides of the building. An example of such a project is shown in the photo.

How to make a firewood shed 

Do-it-yourself construction of different models of woodsheds

Now we will consider how to make a woodcutter at their summer cottage on their own. As an example, let’s cover a free-standing and adjoining structure.

We build a separate firewood shed

How to make a firewood shed 

It is optimal to install a free-standing firewood shed on a hill, where there is no threat of flooding with rainwater. As an example, we provide a drawing of a structure. Dimensions can be changed based on the estimated amount of firewood. The door is hung on the condition that the storage for firewood will be made in the form of a capital barn.

How to make a firewood shed 

The process of building a free-standing firewood shed in the country looks like this:

  • Along the perimeter of the future building, they dig holes with a depth of at least 800 mm. A layer of crushed stone 100 mm thick is poured into each, after which the pillars are installed. Supports are better to make metal. When using a wooden beam, the lower part is treated with bitumen to protect against moisture.
  • Each post in the pit is filled with concrete. After it hardens, the top trim of the firewood frame is made from the timber.
  • Logs are fixed to the racks at a height of 100 mm from the ground. For reliability, you need to put a brick or cinder block under each one. From above, the floor is stuffed on the logs from the board.
  • The frame is sheathed with a board, leaving small gaps for ventilation. If this is a capital shed, the sheathing can be made solid, but a ventilation hatch should be provided on each wall. In this case, the door is also hinged to the opening posts.
  • Rafters are assembled for a shed roof. It is important that on each side of the firewood shed the roof protrudes beyond the walls by at least 300 mm.

The finished structure can be painted or treated with an antiseptic.

Making an attached storage for firewood

How to make a firewood shed 

A firewood shed attached to the house can be built using the same technology that was used in the construction of a free-standing structure. However, it is not always possible to concrete racks near the house. There are many reasons: it’s a pity to hammer asphalt or remove tiles, you need a structure that can be moved if necessary, etc. The do-it-yourself woodcutter shown in the photo for a summer residence resembles a box with a roof attached to the wall.

For the manufacture of an attached woodcutter, you will need a bar with a section of 50×50 mm. A frame is assembled from blanks, consisting of four racks and two strapping frames. Moreover, the rear pillars of the structure are made 200 mm higher to get a slope for the roof. Four legs are attached to the lower frame of the strapping from pieces of timber. They will raise the frame above the asphalt and make a ventilation gap under the floor.

The floor, two side and back walls of the frame are sheathed with a board. The roof is made from any roofing material, but the softer it is, the thicker the crate step is needed. For structural rigidity on the front side, the upper part of the frame is reinforced with slopes. The finished structure is opened with varnish with a coloring pigment to match the color of the tree, and installed against the wall of the house.

Attention! Sometimes the owners save on the construction of the floor in the woodshed. There is nothing very terrible in this, but the bottom layer of firewood will always be damp. And with prolonged storage, the logs will begin to rot.

The video shows a variant of the budget storage of firewood:

How to make a budget woodcutter in the country

How to build a firewood shed in haste

In some situations, there is simply no time to build a normal firewood shed in the country. If you just need a temporary shelter for the winter, then the firewood itself will serve them, or rather, not sawn round timber. Props are put up from cinder blocks, long wooden lintels are laid on top, after which meter-long logs are stored. From above, firewood is covered with sheets of slate or tin.

Temporarily, rabbitries, an empty utility room, any bird fence with a roof can be adapted for firewood. You can quickly build a firewood shed from storage pallets. It is enough to knock them down with jumpers to make a large box, and lay a roof from a slate sheet on top.

It doesn’t matter what the woodcutter will be assembled from in the country. The main thing is that it ensures the quality preservation of firewood.

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