How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

Catching a catfish is the main desire of any angler who is fishing very seriously.

This is the only freshwater fish of our reservoirs, growing in length to large sizes and having an impressive weight. Catfish is a nocturnal hunter who has to be caught only at night. Probably, not everyone knows that it can be caught during the day, if you use the kwok.

Kwok is a special instrument that makes a sound that attracts catfish. Moreover, regardless of when it is applied, day or night, the catfish reacts to it and rises from the bottom to the place where this sound comes from. Why he is so attracted to this sound, no one knows, and it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he reacts to it.

Kwok can be bought if you do not want to make it yourself, although it is not at all difficult to make it.

What is quok made of?

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

Kwok for catching catfish consists of several structural elements, namely:

  • Pens.
  • Knife.
  • Pyataka.

Each structural element has its own purpose. They have the following requirements:

  1. The handle should be light, preferably made of wood, and comfortable. The wooden handle will prevent the tool from sinking if it accidentally falls into the water.
  2. The knife must have a certain thickness and shape, otherwise it will create additional resistance in the water. It can be made from any available material, including wood.
  3. The penny, as a rule, is made of metal. Its manufacture should be treated with particular care, since it is he who makes this sound.

Availability of drawings

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

Drawing a picture of this tool will not be difficult for anyone. But at the same time, some features should be taken into account. For example:

  • First you need to decide on the shape of the future instrument.
  • Decide on the size of the handle, since each person has a different palm width.
  • The knife of the device is made with a bend. Its length to the bend is about 12 cm.
  • The total length of the knife should not exceed 22 cm.
  • When manufacturing, it should be borne in mind that the angle between the handle and the knife should be within 35-40 degrees.
  • The knife should have a smooth narrowing from the handle to the penny.
  • The width of the penny can be within 25 mm.

Adhering to these basic recommendations, it will not be difficult to properly make a kwok for catfish.

The right choice of form

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

When making a quok for catfish, it makes sense to consider four options for its design:

  1. Atanovsky Kwok. This is the simplest form of quok, which means it is the easiest to make. This tool has a straight knife, without any bends. The penny is made in the shape of a rectangle and has rounded edges. The handle is made of wood.
  2. Kyiv kwok. The Kyiv kwok knife is not made straight, but curved, which complicates the process of its manufacture. In addition, it will require more materials.
  3. Severodonetsk Kwok. It is somewhat similar to the Kyiv one, but it does not have such smooth transitions between the knife and the handle. In addition, his penny has an oval shape.
  4. Hungarian quok. This tool has a bizarre shape, somewhere similar to a sickle. The knife smoothly passes into the handle, but it has two bends.

At the first time in your life, making a kwok, you should repeat the simple version (Atanovsky) and only then, if it does not suit you, move on to more complex manufacturing options. The main thing is that the device makes an attractive (for catfish) sound.

Materials for making kwok

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

If the drawing of the future fixture is already ready, then it’s time to decide on the materials for its manufacture. Each part of the quok is made from a specific material.

Pyatak can really be made from:

  • metal;
  • pour with epoxy;
  • wood;

The knife is made from:

  • metal;
  • plastics;
  • organic glass;
  • wood;

Suitable for making a pen:

  • tree;
  • neoprene;
  • Styrofoam.

The main condition for making a handle is its positive buoyancy. Kwok should be made so that it is always on the surface of the water and does not sink. Therefore, only light materials, such as duralumin, should be used.

metal quoks

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

When Kwok began to be made, all its elements were made of wood. They had both their advantages and disadvantages, given that the tree is not durable, especially in contact with water. Therefore, over time, they began to make metal quoks, especially a penny and a knife.

This is very important, since the metal retains its shape for a long time. In this regard, it should be noted the advantages that a metal quok has:

  1. Kwok made of metal, and especially such an element as a penny, produces the desired sound more realistically. This is achieved due to the fact that the nickel can be made of any thickness without worrying that it will deform and stop making the necessary sounds.
  2. Ease of manufacture, unlike wood quok. It turns out to be less massive (voluminous) and more reliable. In addition, not everyone knows how to work with a tree, all the more correctly.
  3. Extended service life. If you make it right and get the desired sound from it, then it can last for many, many years.

Despite this, metal quoks also have their drawbacks:

  • The wooden quok has a more pleasing sound.
  • A pure metal quok, if not taken care of, can easily drown.

As mentioned above, everything needs to be very carefully thought out in terms of the use of materials. Losing a kwok on the water is a matter of a couple of seconds, and it will take a lot of time to make it. Therefore, it should be ensured that the structure always remains afloat. If you make a handle out of neoprene or foam plastic, and a knife and a penny out of thin but durable metal, then the kwok is unlikely to drown, but a wooden handle is unlikely to save him.

Kwoks made of wood

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

Kwoks made of wood have a more attractive and natural appearance. Kwoks made from a single piece of wood have excellent qualities. Despite this, wood quoks are not considered as durable and practical as metal quoks. Although, in our time, there are many water-repellent materials for wood, which can significantly increase its service life.

Making a do-it-yourself quok

Kwok do it yourself part 1

For the first case, a sample of the Atan quok is suitable, since it is the easiest to manufacture. The most important thing is that the quok works properly.

First of all, you should do the preparatory work, depending on the material of manufacture:

  • If the kwok is made of metal, then you will need a sheet of metal, 2-2,5 mm thick, to make a knife. The most suitable material is duralumin.
  • Pyatak is also made of the same material as a knife, but with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm.
  • A piece of wood, with a section of 20×30 mm. What kind of tree it will be does not really matter, but it is better if it is a durable tree, for example, oak.

Kwok do it yourself part 2

After that, you can proceed directly to its manufacture:

  1. First of all, a knife is made. To do this, a blank is cut out of a sheet of metal, up to 30 cm long and 2 cm wide in the upper part and 5 cm in the lower part. You can cut a blank from duralumin with metal scissors or another available method.
  2. 22 cm are measured from the lower edge of the knife, after which the workpiece is clamped in a vice and the end (lower) is sharpened.
  3. At the next stage, the workpiece is cultivated, removing burrs and sharp corners. This can be done with a file, and then the workpiece is polished with sandpaper.
  4. After that, proceed to the manufacture of the handle. For this, a wooden blank is prepared, with dimensions of 150x35x25 mm. Picking up a protractor, mark an angle of 35-40 degrees. It is at this angle that the handle should be attached to the knife.
  5. To secure the knife, a cut should be made in the handle. All joints must be smoothed. The handle should fit snugly and comfortably in your hand.
  6. At the bottom of the knife, a junction is formed, in the form of a short finger.
  7. The next stage is devoted to the manufacture of a penny, which is characterized by such dimensions as 45×25 mm. In the center of the penny, you will have to drill a hole so that the finger of the lower part of the knife enters it. At the same time, on the outside of the penny, it is necessary to form a secret recess, using a thicker drill. In this case, the connection of the penny and the knife will be the most durable.
  8. With the help of a file, it is necessary to round the edges of the penny and give it an ellipsoidal shape.
  9. After precise fitting of all parts, they are connected into a single structure called a quok. A wooden handle is attached to the product with epoxy glue, and a nickel with a knife is attached with riveting. At the same time, it is necessary to rivet carefully and efficiently so that the penny does not have a warp. In addition, after stripping, there should not be any shells at the junctions so that they do not affect the nature of the sound emitted.

Kwok Catfish Catching Technique

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

As a rule, catching catfish is carried out by two anglers. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for one angler to cope with weighty prey. Sometimes such individuals come across that even two fishermen can cope with difficulty. As a rule, fishing is carried out from a boat, using sufficiently powerful gear armed with massive hooks.

First you need to determine where the catfish is and get closer to this place. Basically, catfish in the daytime rest in deep areas of the water area. Approaching a promising place, they install tackle, after which they pick up a quok and begin to “quack”.

Quaking and why it attracts catfish

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

It takes a lot of work to make the instrument produce a characteristic sound. The correct technique of “quaking” will certainly interest the catfish. Most importantly, it will be a large catfish, since the “trifle” does not respond to such sounds. In the process of “squeezing”, the active element of the knife (penny) is immersed in water by no more than 10 cm. The movement of the element itself occurs along an arcuate trajectory. As a result, a sound should appear, reminiscent of the moment the cork pops out of the bottle.

Oddly enough, but this nature of the sound attracts the catfish, and it can immediately rise from the bottom, and along the way get into the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe bait, which may also be of interest to the catfish. Reasons for his interest include:

  • When a catfish swallows prey, it makes a similar sound. It is possible that this sound serves as a kind of signal for the catfish to eat.
  • A female catfish attracts a male with a similar sound.

Kwok technique

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

The effectiveness of fishing depends on the ability to use such a device. Application method:

  • For greater efficiency, several hits on the water should be made. After that, a pause is made, and then the blows are repeated.
  • When the catfish began to move and took up bait, you should not rush to strike.
  • After waiting for some time, when the catfish swallows the bait, a sharp cutting is carried out.
  • Once on the hook, the catfish will actively resist. This can take a long time, and when he gets tired of fighting, he is pulled out of the water.
  • When the catfish is in the boat, it is better to stun him, otherwise he will continue to fight for life.
  • Responsibilities are distributed as follows: one angler controls the boat and “quacks”, and the other takes care of the tackle.

You should never overestimate your capabilities when going on a catfish alone, especially on a boat. He can easily turn the boat over with the fisherman.

Catfish fishing. Catching a trophy catfish on a kwok

Choosing a promising place

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

The most common places for catfish fishing are pits and areas near them. The echo sounder is considered the main assistant in the search for catfish. In addition to deep places, catfish can be found in areas of coastal vegetation bordering on steep banks.

You can choose any time for catching catfish, especially if there is such an assistant as a kwok. You can catch it at any time of the day, including during the day, despite the fact that the catfish rests during the day.

As for the time of year, July and August are considered the most productive months.

Kwok fishing tackle

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

When fishing from a boat, you will need the following gear:

  • Basically, a fishing line or cord is used that can withstand up to 100 kg of weight. The line can be either on a reel or on a reel.
  • When fishing with a rod, a short but strong rod with throughput rings will do.
  • A leash is attached to the end of the fishing line, up to 1 meter long and 0,5 to 0,8 mm thick.
  • A reliable hook No. 30 and no less is attached to the end of the leash.
  • The mass of the cargo is selected depending on the fishing conditions and the bait used.

Lures and baits

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

Catfish fishing involves the use of the following bait options:

  • A bunch of worms, for catching small catfish, weighing up to 5 kg.
  • perch.
  • Frogs. It catches a larger catfish.
  • Rakov.
  • Bark beetle larvae.
  • Bears or locusts. Effective, but hard to get nozzles.
  • Pieces of meat or fish.
  • Smoked bird. You can catch a fairly large catfish.

How to choose a good kwok

How to make a do-it-yourself kwok for catfish, instructions with a photo

When buying a Kwok, you should pay attention to its buoyancy, as it is very easy to lose it. The most suitable material is light metal in combination with wood or other reasonably light materials. In addition, you should pay attention to:

  • The shape of a penny. It is better if it has an oval shape.
  • A kwok with a large nickel should not be preferred, although some anglers note that a large nickel makes a louder and more attractive sound.
  • Handle comfort.
  • Perfect polish. The presence of burrs, although small, is sure to spoil the mood.

Hand quok making // Angler’s workshop #1


The effectiveness of fishing depends on many factors, including how realistic the sound made by the quok is. Fishing for a kwok is a bite of large specimens and you need to be prepared for this. The presence of strong gear with reliable elements will allow you to cope with weighty prey. Well, and most importantly, security measures. Not making sure that the fishing is well thought out, and even more so there is an assistant, it’s better not to go to the catfish. Your own life should always be more precious.

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