How to make a delicious omelet

Eggs are an invaluable product available to humans. Chicken eggs are mainly used in cooking. One egg contains up to 5 grams of protein and up to 5,5 grams of fat, as well as about 1 gram of mineral salts, the most important of which are calcium, phosphorus and iron salts. Egg white is similar in composition to milk protein, they contain many vitamins A and D, there are B vitamins.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking eggs or using them. Let’s talk about the intricacies of one of the most delicious, hearty and inexpensive – we will talk about the omelette loved by many. It can be cooked in milk, broth, with or without flour. Delicious omelets cooked with fresh eggs and a fairly large flat-bottomed pan.

In our country, most often at home they use a classic recipe that does not require a wide variety of products: two eggs, two tablespoons of milk or sour cream, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of butter for frying. Put butter in a preheated pan, and when it melts, pour the eggs mixed with milk or sour cream. When the mixture starts to set, you need to slightly lift the edges of the omelet with a spatula.  

Attention! The omelet must be kept moist on top, so fry it on one side only for 6-10 minutes at the lowest temperature. If you are preparing the filling, it can be placed in the middle or next to the omelet on a plate as a side dish.


Omelet more American

For one serving, you will need two eggs, 1/3 cup hot milk, two tablespoons of ham, chopped into small pieces, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of butter, salt to taste.

Heat the butter in a frying pan, put the pieces of ham and pour the eggs, beaten with milk, add the tomato paste and stir, season with salt. Fry the omelet until thick, stirring constantly. Serve hot.

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