how to make a cucumber mask

Probably everyone knows that cucumbers are useful. But what exactly and where else can they be used, I found out

Cucumber has many beneficial substances for the skin of the face and is able to solve a number of problems.

  • Cucumber Lotion contains Retinol (Vitamin A), which maintains and restores water balance, and B9 prevents inflammation. Making lotion is easy. Grate a cucumber and mix it with alcohol, in a 1: 1 ratio. Let it brew for 10 days, strain and wipe your face morning and evening. If you have dry skin, then reduce the use of lotion to twice a week.
  • Because of its composition, cucumber is also an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy. During the season, a cucumber mask can be done every evening – after a couple of weeks, the result will be noticeable. Simply cut the cucumber into thin slices and place on your face. An important element is pantothenic acid, it is she who has a regenerating effect on the skin and smoothes wrinkles, stimulating the production of collagen.
  • In the spring, it is especially beneficial to nourish lifeless skin. Vitamin C in the composition of cucumber accelerates metabolic processes in cells, which contributes to the rapid renewal of the skin. Rub a medium-sized cucumber into cheesecloth, then roll up the cheesecloth and rub your face with the resulting compress for 7-10 minutes. In addition to the beneficial effects of cucumber juice, the skin also receives massage and light peeling.
  • Cucumber slices on the face will relieve swelling and restore a fresh complexion. Do this procedure every morning for 10 minutes. The effect is achieved due to the content of phylloquinone (vitamin K) in cucumber, which relieves edema and fights redness.
  • With cucumber juice, you can remove age spots on the face – this is facilitated by the same phylloquinone, which, among other things, also whitens the skin. It is enough to use an aqueous infusion of 50 grams of fresh cucumber peel every day. The water should be at room temperature, and the cucumbers should be infused for 6 hours.
  • Cucumbers are advised to be included in the diet for diseases of the heart, joints, constipation, obesity.
  • Cucumber is a dietary product. It is 95-98% water, which means it contains a minimum of calories. In addition, the product contains alkaline salts that can slow down the aging process and the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.
  • Cucumber juice is taken for prolonged cough or tuberculosis. Grind one medium or a couple of small cucumbers in a blender, then strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. The resulting juice should be drunk immediately, since after a few hours the amount of useful elements in the composition of the juice is significantly reduced.
  • Cucumber treats periodontal disease and a number of other gum diseases. You should rinse your mouth with freshly squeezed cucumber juice three times a day for a minute. This procedure will also get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • It is important to know that a cucumber will not completely solve health problems, so if you suffer from any diseases, see your doctor first. In this case, the cucumber can be used for prophylaxis or as a concomitant method of a treatment program.
  • Cucumber juice also prevents the transition of carbohydrates into fats, cleanses the body of toxins and prevents the deposition of salts, therefore regular consumption of cucumber in food will help solve a number of health problems.

Express diet (result – minus 2-3 kg in 1-2 days with mandatory physical activity).

It is applied once every three months.

• 1-1,5 kg of chopped cabbage on the first day we eat in equal portions in five to six meals (this rule is important to observe regardless of the choice of vegetable for the diet). You can make a salad (add a little salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and add herbs) or stew in water.

• Eat 1-1,5 kg of cucumbers in their natural form or make a salad (instead of salt, add herbs and lemon juice).

• Boil 1-1,5 kg of potatoes in skins without salt. You can make mashed potatoes with milk. Be sure to remember the seasonality. You cannot cook potatoes in their skins three months after harvesting – due to an increase in the content of the poisonous substance solanine (it provokes the destruction of red blood cells and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system). On the second day of the express diet, you can add sour cream (10-15%, no more than 50 g), boiled soft-boiled egg, kefir (0,5 l) to vegetables.

Who is not recommended: strict restrictions – for patients with type XNUMX diabetes mellitus, with disaccharide deficiency, a complete exception – with isomaltose insufficiency.

  • Did you know that cucumber will never fog up the bathroom mirror? Before taking a bath, treat the dry mirror surface with cucumber juice.
  • Cucumber can be used to clean plastic items such as stove knobs. Also, at a picnic, you can use disposable plastic utensils several times, just wipe the plates and utensils with a piece of cucumber.
  • To shine leather shoes, rub them with cucumber. Among other things, the cucumber will create a waterproof coating on your shoes, thus staying protected from moisture. This is possible thanks to the starch contained in the juice of the cucumber.
  • If you need to remove unwanted ink stains on paper, you can also use cucumber! Rub lightly on the dirty surface. It is important to pre-cut the skin, otherwise the paper will turn green.
  • Cucumber replaces oil for squeaky door hinges. Squeeze the cucumber juice onto the hinges – solved!

Sandwich with tuna and vegetables from Lara Katsova, host of the Home Kitchen program on the Domashny channel

Dice 4 fresh cucumbers, 4 stalks of fresh celery and green onions. In a bowl, knead canned tuna in its own juice (after draining the juice). Add vegetables, mayonnaise, mustard and black pepper to the fish. The mixture should be infused for 15 minutes. Place the mixture on toasted white bread and top with toasted black bread. Cut the resulting sandwich in half.

Fresh cucumber salad

Cut 4 medium cucumbers into thin slices, add the onion head cut into half rings and finely chopped garlic – 2 cloves, season with a mixture of wine vinegar (0,5 tablespoons) and olive oil (2 tablespoons). Salt and pepper to taste.

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