How to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands: a master class with a photo

Step-by-step instructions from a designer and interior decorator.

Making a festive decoration that no one else will have is not so difficult if you follow the instructions of an expert. Take your time, of course. But then you can say that you literally create the New Year’s atmosphere with your own hands. And such activities are very similar to meditation.

For work we will need: 

  • Basis – you can buy ready-made or make yourself from birch branches.

  • Twine is a strong thread made from natural materials.

  • Wire.

  • Fir branches.

  • Christmas balls of different diameters.

  • Dyed or natural spruce cones.

  • Cinnamon sticks.

  • Cotton, a couple of twigs.

  • Any other decor.

  • Satin ribbon optional.

  • Scissors and wire cutters.

  • Glue gun is optional.

Let’s start forming the base. We need a frame, scissors, twine and prepared spruce branches. We fasten the spruce branches to our base with twine.

We put on the first one and fix it by making a knot. To make our wreath fluffy, we apply all the branches crosswise, wrapping it with thread. That is, we put one branch in the center, then one on the right side, the other on the left.

We continue this way until our wreath is ready. We fasten the last branch under the very first branch with which we started, make several knots and fix it securely. When our base is ready, we start decorating.

We always start decorating with large objects, in our case, these are balls.

Take an odd number of elements and at least three. To make the wreath look harmonious and beautiful, we arrange the decor asymmetrically around the wreath’s circumference. There are two ways to fasten the elements: with a wire or with a glue gun, if you have one.

We take the ball and insert the wire into the hole already in it and attach it to our wreath. We move on to balls of a slightly smaller diameter, we fix it according to the same principle.

When all the balls of different diameters are fixed on the wreath, we move on to another small decor: stars, cones, cinnamon, cotton, orange. These elements will add coziness and piquancy to our wreath. Cones, if desired, can be painted with acrylic paint. We tie the cinnamon with a thread of several branches and attach to the base. By the way, you can prepare orange slices yourself by drying them in the oven at the slowest setting or on the battery (this is longer).

So, we have secured all the decor. Please note that you should not distribute jewelry around the entire circumference of the wreath. We defined the base, strengthened it and placed some elements on the rest of the wreath.

Now we tie the wreath with a satin ribbon and place it in a conspicuous place. This could be the front door or the wall above the fireplace. I advise you to use such a wreath to decorate the New Year’s table: put candles inside, they will add a magical mood.

Photo Shoot:
Julia Nitusova-Danilova

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