How to make a body scrub at home
Your skin will thank you if you cleanse and moisturize regularly. Scrubs will help you in this matter, and, by the way, you can even make them at home. We will tell you how to make it, how to apply it correctly and what should be in a good home scrub.

On the shelves of stores now you can find any funds. But sometimes you can make a body scrub yourself, the main thing is to find good homemade recipes and do everything right, respecting the proportions. 

As KP ​​said cosmetologist Regina Khasanova, dead cells accumulate on the skin, it is impossible to completely get rid of them during basic water procedures, so home scrubs and peels come to the rescue.

“These products help improve blood microcirculation, speed up metabolic processes in the skin, cleanse pores, smooth out the relief,” the cosmetologist notes. – After scrubbing, the skin becomes more receptive to moisturizing and nourishing products. 

The beautician categorically forbids the use of a body scrub, both homemade and purchased, for the face. So you can injure the skin and leave scars like after acne.

As the cosmetologist notes, a good homemade scrub should contain oil – grape, olive, coconut, sunflower, as a budget option or essential oil, because the scrub should not only cleanse, but also moisturize and nourish the skin.

Preparing a body scrub at home is not difficult. Among the many recipes, we have chosen for you the simplest and most effective.

We publish recipes for body scrubs.

Body Scrub Recipes


Perhaps the most popular coffee scrub. It cleanses oily skin, gives it a fresh look, maintains tone and gives elasticity. 

Making it at home is not difficult: 

  • You will need coffee grounds left after brewing coffee (instant coffee will not work!). If there is no cake, you can use regular ground coffee. Make sure that the grinding is very fine, otherwise the skin may be damaged; 
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of oil to coffee – grape, olive, coconut. Increase the amount of oil depending on the scrubbed area; 
  • Stir. The consistency should be moderately thick. The composition should not drain, but stay on the skin. 
  • The tool is ready to use. 

Important point: such a scrub cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator it will become moldy! It is better not to make a scrub for the future, but to make it immediately before use.


An anti-cellulite scrub can also be made with coffee. For this you will need: 

  • 2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee or coffee pomace;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • orange essential oil. 

All you need to mix and apply to problem areas in a circular motion, and then rinse. The result will be visible from the first application.


This type of scrub boosts collagen production. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and gives it a glow. For the coconut scrub you will need: 

  • 1/2 cup sea salt;
  • 1 / 3 cup of sugar;
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil;
  • a tablespoon of any essential oil.

Mix the dry ingredients first, then pour in the coconut oil and essential oil. The scrub is ready to use.


The best way to make sugar scrub is to use cane sugar. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements – it will not only help remove dead cells, but also provide a nutritional effect. 

You will need: 

  • 1 a glass of sugar;
  • 1/2 cup olive or any other oil;
  • a few drops of essential oil to your taste.

Mix all this well and apply the mass with massage movements on steamed wet skin.


The dry scrub does not contain moisturizing and softening components – oils and extracts. The advantage of a dry scrub is that it cleanses the skin more actively, it contains a high content of abrasive elements. 

Dry scrub can be made from sugar, salt, chopped nuts, cereals, coconut flakes. To prepare a home remedy, you can use only one ingredient or combine several at once. Next, this mass must be applied to wet skin.


Salt-based scrub perfectly removes dead skin particles. This speeds up cell regeneration and enhances blood circulation. Sea salt nourishes the skin with trace elements included in its composition, including: iron, iodine, magnesium.

You will need: 

  • sea ​​salt;
  • olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of essential oil (you can use orange – it has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect).


To create a honey scrub, you need to mix honey and coffee cake (or natural ground). Apply scrub on body parts and massage for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 

If you have dry skin, lubricate it with cream, milk or oil after the procedure. For other skin types, the hydration provided by the honey in the scrub will suffice.


Oatmeal is great for an exfoliating scrub. It must be mixed with any oil, add essential oil, sugar or salt. Determine the amount of nourishing oil by eye: it is better to let a homemade body scrub be a little dry than to drown in oil.


This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Mix three tablespoons of semolina and four tablespoons of honey – the scrub is ready. 

It moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, after its use the skin does not need additional moisture.


Dilute the baking soda with warm water to make a thick paste. 

Apply the product to the skin, gently rub with massage movements, and then rinse with warm water. 

Such a scrub effectively removes the layer of dead cells, disinfects the skin, removes black spots and impurities. In addition to soda, ordinary oatmeal is well suited for home whitening scrubbing.


Rice is a powerful natural absorbent, it will absorb everything that lies badly and prevents the skin from breathing. Making a rice scrub is not difficult. Half a glass of rice needs to be ground in a blender (preferably in “dust”) and mixed 

with a few tablespoons of water to form a slurry. Apply to the skin, massage and rinse with warm water.

Popular questions and answers

Answers popular reader questions Regina Khasanova, cosmetologist.

Does everyone need a scrub?
To answer this question, first you need to understand what our skin is. And it is the largest organ of the body and a shell that protects the body from negative contacts with the external environment. At the same time, the skin is responsible for a number of important duties: breathing, excretion, touch, immunity support, protection from mechanical, chemical and radiation effects. To perform all these functions, the skin needs to remain healthy. And it is up to us to help her in this matter.

It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to clean it regularly and efficiently from keratinized scales and excess sebum – just use a body scrub. Therefore, everyone needs a scrub! All skin types need cleansing – oily, normal, and dry. All you have to do is find the perfect scrub for you.

How to apply a body scrub correctly?
Scrub can be used 1-2 times a week, in the summer you can 2-3, so that the tan lies evenly. The scrub should be applied to wet skin, that is, all procedures should be done in the shower or bath – wet the skin, apply the scrub with massage circular movements on the body and rinse with warm water. Never use a body scrub on your face. It is quite aggressive and can injure delicate thin skin. I would not advise using facial scrubs at all, it is better to choose a peeling roll.
What are the contraindications to the use of a body scrub?
Any remedy that has a mechanical effect on the skin has a number of important contraindications. If you have a rash, burns, or irritation, scrubs are contraindicated. In the presence of varicose veins and spider veins, scrubs should be discarded. Scrubs can be replaced with peels, which are more gentle.

If you are allergic to the components of the product, do not try to endure irritation for the sake of an exfoliating effect, but this applies not only to scrubs, but to any cosmetics.

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