In this article you will learn, among others:
- How to motivate yourself to lose weight?
- How to lose weight without the yo-yo effect?
- How to maintain the weight loss effects?
How to motivate yourself to lose weight?
It will definitely not be for you it was surprising that such a group includes people who had a strong one motivation to lose weight and this is what the most motivated people have best chance to maintain your new body weight. This motivation may result from various factors, but very often those who are more successful more dissatisfied with their appearance, and at the same time attach great importance to attractiveness. Their motivation is much more permanent. I have already written about how to strengthen motivation when we are in a crisis in the article When motivation weakens.
How to maintain the weight loss effects?
Successful people in losing weight they are also convinced that it was primarily them that contributed to the increase your weight. So they reject medical explanations related to, for example, hormonal imbalance. They believe it was their own behavior that contributed to weight gain, so modifying these behaviors can make them gain the intended target. In short, they are convinced that the source of their problem was theirs own behavior, not external factors.
To the group of people who made it People who perceive psychological problems are also more likely to lose weight permanently consequences of excessive body weight. These aftermaths may for example, low self-esteem or depression. For this reason, the motivation of these people are mainly based on psychological reasons such as wanting improving your self-esteem, or simply improving your well-being.
Interestingly, people who permanently losing weight usually begin their adventure with slimming as a result of the important life events. Such events may include those related to health (e.g. diagnosis of diet-related diseases, e.g. diabetes), with relationships (e.g. separation with her husband), or significant milestones in life (which may be, for example, a wedding).
Why are these events so so influence? Because they reduce the choice of unhealthy behavior, for example inadequate time of eating or the amount of food. Put simply, force you to make certain changes in your diet. In addition reduce the functions that these earlier eating behaviors and theirs performed benefits. So if food was ever supposed to cheer you up, now it can You find that your mood improves the vision of your impending wedding, and that benefits so far, it has provided food cease to be benefits and may even be a threat the new situation. Because which bride would like to gain weight before the wedding?
Earlier experiences
It can also surprise people successful people are usually those who have used it longer in the past different diets and made more attempts. Perhaps it is related to gaining experience and knowledge about how to lose weight and what mistakes were made. By making more changes to your way weight loss, you can finally lose weight permanently. So we never believe in statement: since I have failed so many times, I am sure now too will not succeed – that’s just not true!
Outside help
It may be less surprising that it is easier to achieve the intended results, and then keep those people who receive more support. However, it is primarily about the support of specialists, i.e. the more intense the intervention to reduce body weight, the more the specialists involved and the greater contact with them, the greater a chance to lose weight effectively and permanently.
other features
There are also studies that indicate that it is easier for people who are employed outside the home to lose weight, they have higher incomes and are older – this just doesn’t make them with less difficulty they achieve the goal, but it is easier for them to maintain the results. Of course it doesn’t the fact that the lack of these features makes it impossible to achieve success. It’s just ordinary correlation 🙂
How to lose weight without the yo-yo effect?
If you want to join the ranks those lucky ones who no longer have to grapple with weight problems, pull it out conclusions from this text. Remember that the factors that can make your weight loss successful and permanent in the end are:
- strong motivation (preferably resulting from psychological reasons)
- the belief that you have it influence on your body weight
- making changes to yours eating behavior
- spotting the benefits that you can get from losing weight
- finding something to replace eating in its function so far
Of course, I know that’s all it sounds so simple, but actually it’s not that easy. But believe it really the basis to lose weight permanently.
A maybe you have some experiences in this regard that would you like to show off? How to lose weight without the yo-yo effect? How to motivate yourself to lose weight? Feel free to share in the comments.
Main photo: Photo credit: Tobyotter / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Photo in text: Photo credit: Alan Cleaver / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)