How to maintain the result after losing weight? Video
In an age of abundance of food temptations, it is not easy to maintain a slim figure, since food has long ceased to be a simple means of satisfying hunger, having turned into a cult. Obesity and simply being overweight are the price to pay for this, while it is often difficult not so much to regain the former harmony as to maintain the achieved result.
How to lose weight correctly and maintain the result
To do this, you need to set realistic goals for yourself, and if there are only a few extra pounds, then it is quite possible to choose a tough diet, thanks to which they will go away within a week. But when there are 10 or more of them, then it is ridiculous to hope for a one-time disposal of stocks that have been stored for long months. Unfortunately, even plastic surgery cannot create such miracles, and it is even more impossible to radically transform in a few days. Therefore, in this case, you should find the most gentle method by which the weight will go away without harm to health. Most often, such diets are more reminiscent of a healthy diet, when there is a rejection of unhealthy foods and portions are reduced, but the diet itself remains more than complete and varied.
It is believed that losing more than one and a half or two kilograms per week is harmful to the body. The smoother the weight loss, the more chances you have to maintain the achieved result.
When leaving the diet, it is important not to pounce on food, otherwise the body will very quickly replenish the missing calories, switching to energy-saving mode after the stress it has received due to food restrictions. And the more rigid the diet was, the smoother the transition to familiar products should be, limiting ourselves not only to the composition of the menu, but also in the amount of food. Ideally, over the next couple of weeks, you should eat vegetables with a small amount of meat or fish, without overusing carbohydrates, but in general, you should remember that if you do not change anything in your diet after losing weight, then you will be able to maintain the achieved result only for a short period. time.
A good result is given by psychological motivation, when, after a diet, goals are set in front of oneself to lose another 1-2 kg over the next month. It’s easier to control your food cravings.
Some simple tips to follow during and after losing weight
It makes sense to think about what kind of dishes and household appliances are in the kitchen, since some of them, for example, a grill pan or a double boiler, really help reduce the calorie content of the dishes being cooked.
When planning your main meals, you should not forget about snacks. If you cannot avoid them, you should choose only vegetables or fruits, and not rolls and candies.
Regularly drinking tea or coffee, you need to remember that if sugar is added to them, the drink automatically becomes more high-calorie.
The habit of focusing on food helps you feel full faster, which is categorically hampered by watching TV or reading.
Also interesting to read: Pilates for weight loss.