The body produces dozens of hormones that are responsible for vital processes. If there are no major failures, the level of some of them can be maintained by yourself.
endocrinologist at the Semeynaya clinic
The main part of the hormones is produced by the endocrine glands, which are subordinate to a special section in the brain. When the concentration of a substance increases, a signal is sent from the pituitary gland, and the cells begin to produce less hormones. The regulation of metabolism, the growth and development of the body, its ability to withstand stress and restore energy depend on this balance.
Produced by the adrenal cortex. Responsible for conserving energy, works like an alarm clock, giving the brain a signal that it is time to wake up. In stressful situations, it increases the heartbeat, controls the vascular tone, avoiding sudden changes in pressure, activates the work of the muscles, supplying them with a large amount of glucose. If it does not have time to be spent, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and obesity increases. Reduced levelb causes loss of appetite, fatigue, lowering blood pressure.
The highest concentration of cortisol in the body is in the morning, therefore need to have breakfast… Help keep the hormone normal:
moderate physical activity;
positive emotions;
good lighting in the room;
vitamins C and D.
The main function is to lower blood glucose levels. In healthy people, hormone levels fluctuate throughout the day and peak after a meal. An imbalance among other factors can be caused by problems with the pancreas, which produces the hormone, or unhealthy diet. As a result, the development of sugar diabetes, circulatory disorders in the brain.
Symptoms that should alert:
dry mouth;
constant feeling of hunger;
increased sweating;
frequent headaches;
To keep the hormone normal, it is enough balance nutrition и to live an active lifestyle.
Ghrelin and leptin
They are responsible for appetite. The first is produced in the pancreas and signals hunger to the brain. When the body has received enough energy, fat cells enter the process. The leptin synthesized in them suppresses appetite and reports satiety. It also depends on him whether the calories will be spent now or put aside. The balance of these hormones depends on how well we slept and also on the sugar level. It stimulates ghrelin and makes it send unwarranted hunger signals.
therefore lovers of sweets are recommended there are desserts in the morning and everyone, without exception, include in breakfast dishes rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates. So the energy is enough for the whole day.
Produced by the brain, it is called the hormone of happiness. But besides a good mood, he is responsible for cognitive functions, concentration, long-term memory. Deficiency causes excessive irritability, deterioration of brain activity, constant fatigue. To avoid this, you need to:
more often do what brings pleasure;
stimulate the brain;
include foods rich in antioxidants and protein in your diet (for example, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts).
Synthesized in the brain. Their main function is to help cope with extreme situations, they act as a pain reliever and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system after severe shocks. They cause a feeling of joy, satisfaction, activate immunity, stimulate tissue regeneration, and are responsible for the sharpness of thinking. Endorphin levels increase in the following cases:
after serious physical exertion;
after emotional distress;
if cardio or strength training is contraindicated, you can watch a movie that will move you to the core;
essential oils of mint, rosemary, geranium, or hot spices acting on nerve endings are also effective.
For women’s health, progesterone and estrogens are especially important. They control the ability to conceive, the condition of the skin and hair, and weight fluctuations. Hormonal disruption can occur due to stress, infections, poor diet, or lack of sleep. It is worth contacting a doctor and taking a blood test if there are disruptions in the cycle, sudden mood swings, or a rash.
The level of secretion of hormones in the body is constantly changing. In some hormones, it is not rhythmic and depends on external factors, for example, insulin secretion is stimulated by food intake. But still, the secretion of many hormones works with a clear frequency – this is called circadian rhythms… They are studied by a separate science – chronobiology. In addition to circadian rhythms, there are also longer cycles of fluctuations in hormone levels. For example, the change in the level of female sex hormones occurs at intervals of about 28 days and regulates the course of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, the concentration of hormones changes significantly throughout life. In adolescence, much more growth hormone is synthesized, and in the elderly, sex hormones are produced significantly less.