How to maintain mental balance in a pandemic? NFZ experts appeal: a healthy mind in a healthy body!
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The coronavirus epidemic in Poland has been going on for almost seven months, which affects our well-being and mental health. How to find yourself in this difficult time and not get depressed? Where to get positive emotions? And above all: how to take care of your body? An educational film entitled “A healthy mind in a healthy body” was devoted to this problem, which was prepared by the National Health Fund as part of the series – “Safe during an epidemic”.

How do you keep your body and mind in balance?

“In a healthy body, healthy mind!” – this is the title and motto of the 5th episode of the “Safe during the epidemic” series. This time experts: prof. Marcin Wojnar, psychologist Dorota Minta and Dr. Anna Plucik-Mrożek talk about the importance of maintaining healthy habits for maintaining physical fitness and mental health. How to deal with the new situation? Is it possible to live safely and actively at the same time? How to lead a healthy lifestyle in a conscious and planned way during an epidemic?

– The novelty that the pandemic brought into our lives is primarily a growing sense of danger, which is associated with uncertainty and ignorance as to how the coronavirus may affect our health and functioning – explains Prof. Marcin Wojnar, a psychiatrist from the Medical University of Warsaw. The psychiatrist also has a lot of advice for viewers on how to deal with anxiety and a sense of threat.

In the film, we can also find a large dose of suggestions about caring for your mental state by caring for your body. – During these months, we have learned to find ourselves in the new reality – says psychologist Dorota Minta. – However, we should take care of ourselves: biological rhythm, good relaxation, proper nutrition, exercise. Then it will be better to deal with emergency situations – translator. How to do it?

“Safe during an epidemic” – educational cycles of the National Health Fund

On September 2, the National Health Fund started broadcasting educational films “Safe during the epidemic”, including 10 episodes dealing with issues from various areas of everyday life in the time of a pandemic. In the sixth episode, experts explain how to develop habits that are beneficial to our health, and how to take care of the body and psyche in a difficult and stressful pandemic.

In addition to the material presented above, “A healthy spirit in a healthy body”, as part of the NFZ series, he also prepared films devoted to the following issues:

  1. Hygiene and safety
  2. How to use primary health care (POZ)?
  3. How to use outpatient care (AOS)?
  4. How to use hospital care?
  5. In a healthy body, healthy mind!
  6. Nutrition matters!
  7. Risk-free travel
  8. Working in a new reality
  9. Our responsibility

All films are subtitled for deaf people.

Read also:

  1. Chief Sanitary Inspector says when will be the peak of infections
  2. Who, where and when still needs to wear the mask?
  3. Infection records in Poland and Europe. Where did we go wrong?

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