How to maintain beautiful breasts after pregnancy

How to maintain beautiful breasts after pregnancy

Pregnancy and breastfeeding will not spoil the shape of your breasts if you follow these simple tips.

What is the difference between a woman who has given birth and who has not given birth? That’s right, the shape of the breast. Even if the stretch marks were bypassed, you threw off 20 kilos and pumped up the abs to cubes, keeping the original bust shape is considered something from the realm of fantasy. No wonder the favorite patients of plastic surgeons are young mothers. But not everything is so hopeless! Breastfeeding consultant Daria Degtyareva, who runs a blog on Instagram under the name @vopros_gv, believes that a newly-made pregnant woman can maintain the shape of her breasts in almost the same form in which Mother Nature gave her.

“In my youth I had a gorgeous third size,” writes Yulia on the moms forum. – When she got pregnant, gave birth, the bust increased to five. She fed for two years, and after the completion of lactation, melancholy-sadness came. Now I have two deflated balls of the second size … “

A painfully familiar situation. During pregnancy, the breast enlarges beautifully, I want to wear a neckline and believe that it will always be this way. But after feeding the baby, you understand: it was not there! Why such an injustice?

– A woman’s breasts are mainly composed of adipose and glandular tissue. The fatty one is responsible for its volume, and the glandular one is responsible for milk production. From about the 10th week of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the glandular tissue begins to grow, displacing the adipose tissue. With the birth of a child, milk comes, and in the first month it is very important to establish breastfeeding – not only for the health of the child, but also for the beauty of your own bust. If you abruptly abandon this process, the glandular tissue will go away, and the fatty tissue will not have time to accumulate and fill the breast. And instead of the former beautiful bust, you risk getting the notorious “two deflated balls.”

It is believed that sagging can be prevented by stopping breastfeeding immediately after childbirth. So, in Soviet times, women tied up their mammary glands with tight bandages, today newly-made mothers drink pills to stop lactation. But this does not help everyone. What’s the catch? The breast begins to change not after childbirth, as is commonly thought, but already during pregnancy. Therefore, there is only one way out – to feed! And when you decide to complete this process, wean the child, not abruptly, but smoothly.

– Lactation should be brought to naught slowly, gradually decreasing the frequency and duration of feedings. In this case, the reverse process of replacing the glandular tissue with adipose tissue proceeds correctly. The cherished fat accumulates gradually, taking its rightful place in the bowels of the chest. Stretched skin also comes into shape without unnecessary stress. Even if the former volume leaves you, the losses will be small.

There is a stereotype that a pregnant woman should eat for two. Following him, expectant mothers go all the way: today I ate a cake, tomorrow – a pound of doctor’s sausage. And by the end of the term, the scales show 30 extra pounds. And then childbirth, sleepless nights, the weight is rapidly leaving, and with it the chest. Question: what will it turn into by the end of breastfeeding? That’s right, in the little ears of a spaniel with a bunch of stretch marks! The stomach and hips will also suffer, because in such a situation the skin screams SOS. Hence the conclusion: if you want a beautiful body – keep your mouth shut.

– Extreme weight jumps are the fierce enemy of beautiful breasts. Lose weight slowly, because in order for the adipose tissue to return back to the breast, a woman’s body must have reserves of this very fat. Eat right, exercise more, and breastfeed. With a large breast size, I advise you to constantly wear supportive underwear, from time to time arranging air baths for your skin. Make sure the bra straps are adjusted to fit. And, of course, it is very important during the feeding process to choose a comfortable position for the mother and baby, ensuring the correct attachment.

The right underwear is half the battle

During pregnancy you will need:

– special bra for pregnant women made of breathable fabric,

– elastic top for sleeping;

– if you go in for sports, buy a bra one size larger – nothing should squeeze your chest;

– if swimming in the pool, make sure that the top of the swimsuit is not small, otherwise buy a new one;

What to buy after childbirth:

– seamless breathable bras for nursing mothers – on the way out;

– for home – comfortable clothes for feeding (T-shirts, tops and nighties that support the breast without pinching).

How to properly latch a baby to the breast

During feeding, in any position, the child should lie with his tummy to his mother, tightly pressing against the breast, without pulling it back. Bring your baby to you, not yourself to him. Straighten your shoulders and place pillows if that’s more comfortable for you. If the breasts are very large, support them with your hand and always feed in special supportive underwear. Between feedings, the breasts should not overflow too much. If this happens, carefully express the excess milk, but not completely, but until you feel relieved. Avoid traumatic, painful expression. If you can’t do it with your hands, use a breast pump.

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