How to lower blood pressure without pills

One of the most common problems facing both young people and the elderly today is high blood pressure.

Although high blood pressure has traditionally been treated with prescription drugs, it can be normalized naturally over the long term by making slight adjustments to your daily habits.

Many studies have proven that there are natural ways that have a positive effect on blood pressure.

Reduce your intake of foods with added sugar


Several studies have shown that frequent consumption of sugary foods and processed carbohydrates causes insulin resistance. Insulin helps to retain magnesium in the cells of the body, but if the cells are insulin resistant, they are unable to store magnesium. Given that magnesium acts as a tissue relaxant, this poses a problem. Insulin also traps sodium (salt) and fluids, another cause of high blood pressure.

In addition, fructose (the monosaccharide into which carbohydrates are broken down) increases the amount of uric acid in the body, which in turn raises blood pressure and inhibits nitric oxide, which works to dilate blood vessels.

Increase your intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium

All of these minerals contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. Good sources are beans, bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli.

Eat more omega-6 and especially omega-3 fatty acids

These fatty acids are essential for your health. Most people get more than enough omega-6s from their diet, but you also need to make sure you’re getting the right amount of omega-3s. For example, walnuts and flaxseed oil are excellent sources of these fatty acids.

Eliminate caffeine

Since coffee has become an integral part of life for most people, it is important to know that it increases heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, we recommend avoiding caffeinated beverages in favor of herbal teas, chicory, drinking water or freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Vitamin D

A lot has been said about this, but again: we all are deficient in vitamin D. This can lead to an increase in thyroid hormone, which in turn leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Learn to deal with stress

Fitness and proper nutrition are important ingredients for good health, but 50% of the battle for healthy blood pressure is emotional.

I often write about how to manage the body’s response to stress. The simplest and most effective, in my opinion, method is meditation. Here are some of my articles on meditation.


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