How to lower blood pressure without medication: methods and advice

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Tips: how to lower blood pressure without medication

With high blood pressure (BP):

  • breathe deeply. This will increase blood flow to organs, including limbs, in five minutes. Blood pressure in the vessels will go down;
  • hot bath. Pour + 45 ° C water into the basin and place hands or feet in the basin for ten minutes. From this procedure, the vessels will expand, blood will flow to the limbs, and blood pressure will decrease;
  • Sip warm mint tea slowly. Peppermint will lower blood pressure;
  • compress with apple cider vinegar. Soak a bandage in vinegar, then apply it to your feet for ten minutes;

Medical advice

Dr. Liu Hongsheng has been working as a doctor since 2004 at the training base of the Spartak football club. Here are his tips.

Exercise 1

Look for the point just below the earlobe. Then, with your fingertips, draw a line from this point to the middle of the collarbone. The line should be vertical. It is not necessary to press or press on the skin, it is enough to draw a line, easily touching the skin. Do this 10 times on different sides of your face.

How to lower blood pressure without medication: methods and advice

Exercise 2

Find the point located from the edge of the earlobe at a distance of 0,5 cm to the nose. Massage the point with your fingertips for 1 min. Press firmly on the point, but so that there is no pain.

Some more tips for Su-jok therapy, which was suggested by Professor Park Jae Wuo on how to reduce blood pressure at home:

1. For high blood pressure and severe headache, tighten the rubber band over your thumb. Then massage your thumb. With a scarifier used to pierce the finger when taking a blood test, or with a needle, pierce the tops of the thumb pads several times so that a drop of blood appears.

2. If you have had a stroke, massage your fingers and toes every day.

3. Relax. When exhaling, hold your breath for 9-10 seconds. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

4. Drink a glass of green tea containing a slice of lemon.

5. Wash your face with cool water. Take a shower or bath at the same temperature as your body temperature. You can dissolve sea salt in the bathroom, drip with valerian extract or lavender essential oil.

How to quickly and easily lower blood pressure at home without medication. Checked works.

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