how to lose weight without harm to health

how to lose weight without harm to health

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It’s no secret that being overweight negatively affects not only our mood, but also the quality of life. This issue becomes especially relevant before holidays or vacations.

Some go on a strict diet, others disappear in gyms, and still others decide to starve altogether. This independence results in chronic fatigue, constant hunger and increased irritability. And the pounds thrown off with such difficulty return quickly, and even with interest. Is there a way out of this vicious circle?

Of course there is! It is only important to seek help not from a friend or neighbor, but to professionals. Medical center specialists “Smart clinic” will offer a choice of a program that allows you to lose up to 15 kg under their careful supervision. The duration of the program is from three days to three weeks. Not all clinics in Rostov have weight correction programs, but Smart Clinic has extensive experience in this area.

“All weight problems are made up of two parallel lines: immunity and the hormonal system,” says an employee of the “Smart Clinic”, a doctor of restorative medicine, hirudotherapist, reflexologist, Ph.D. Elena Borovaya. – Therefore, the main task of doctors is to establish the transport function of the lymphatic system, then metabolism and immunity will normalize. All weight correction programs are aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body. But for each, they are developed individually, taking into account medical indications. Therefore, you need to understand that only a doctor after diagnosis will be able to determine which of the methods is right for you.

Each weight correction program solves a certain level of problems and provides for an inpatient stay in the clinic.

We do not have outpatient treatment, only individual services can be selected for free recovery. Procedures, medication and physical activity are often designed for the whole day, as they must be performed in combination in order to achieve a positive result. If a person has a slight excess body weight and his goal is to improve his general condition, we prescribe a short program. After completing the program, the patient receives recommendations for proper nutrition and begins to live independently in a new way.

Patients of the “Smart Clinic” emphasize: by precisely following the procedures prescribed by doctors, you can not only lose weight, but also solve many related problems, for example, cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, and increase immunity. As a result, the body rejuvenates, the skin becomes taut, clean, and radiant.

This program of cleansing the body makes it possible to lose weight without dieting by eliminating toxins, toxins, radionuclides, salts, tobacco products, cholesterol. The system is suitable for chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, as well as allergic and skin diseases. The duration of treatment is 3 days, the cost is from 10 rubles.

Therapeutic fasting program

15% of the world’s population tolerates hunger normally, if it is not contraindicated. Therapeutic fasting effectively promotes skin rejuvenation and stimulates the digestive tract, lungs and immune system. The duration of such a program is 7 days, and the cost without living in the clinic is from 3200 rubles per day.

Ecology within us program

An excellent method not only to lose weight, but also to increase immunity! Importantly, the program is universal. It is a complex cleansing of the body at the cellular level, allowing you to enhance lymphatic drainage and detoxifying properties of the excretory systems, as well as stabilize the liver. The duration of treatment is 6 days (from 16 rubles without accommodation and meals) or 245 days (from 13 rubles without accommodation and meals).

Each program has a wide range of services, including: daily medical examination with follow-up recommendations; consultations of medical specialists on the appointment of the attending physician; individual medicinal and herbal treatments; laboratory research; ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity; electrocardiographic examination; massage; balneotherapy, etc. This also includes a visit to the pool, sauna, gym, as well as aqua aerobics and Nordic walking. The frequency of medical services is individual and is built on the basis of the patient’s personal testimony.

Medical Center “Smart Clinic”:

344064 Rostov-on-Don, st. 2nd Five-Year Plan, 29 (territory of the park-hotel “Nadezhda”),

tel .: 8 (863) 260-60-67, 8 (863) 322-03-53 (appointment for a consultation).

Email address:

Opening hours: daily from 08: 00 to 20: 00.

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There are contraindications, a specialist consultation is required.

* Detox

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