How to lose weight without giving up buns

Excess weight is not a pleasant thing. Because of it, there are a lot of problems with the selection of wardrobe and health parameters. And what complexes bloom in lush color in almost every bbw! Nizhny Novgorod Tatyana Mironova, having experienced all these “charms” on herself, pulled herself together and lost 37 kilograms in seven months.

Age is 56 years

Height – 162 cm

Before losing weight – 110 kg

Now – 73 kg

Lost 37 kg

“I have been plump since childhood,” Tatiana Vasilievna shared with Woman’s Day. – When I got married at 23, weighed 75 kg. Due to the fullness, especially the full legs, she was embarrassed to wear trousers and jeans. Over the years, the weight increased, in which a sedentary lifestyle played an important role: I worked as the chief accountant, which means that I was “pinned” to a chair all day. It became difficult not only to walk – it was even uncomfortable to sleep, because it became a problem to roll over from one side to another. In addition, the joints began to hurt, especially the knees. The weight was 103 kg. I tried to lose weight in one of the health centers. In seven days I lost 7 kg, but soon, instead of the seven who had left, I gained fourteen! The scales were already showing 110 kg. I felt terrible and understood that something urgently needed to be done. Exercise due to obesity and joint pain was beyond my strength.

After retirement, I decided to take care of myself thoroughly, mainly for the sake of health. I turned to one of the famous weight loss centers for help. I was very surprised to hear that in order to get rid of extra pounds, one should not starve, but be sure to eat five times a day, but not anyhow, but correctly, in a balanced way, adhering to a certain calorie content. It was determined to me from 800 to 1280 kcal per day. It was captivating that you can even eat what, as a rule, all kinds of diets prohibit: bread, potatoes, pasta, cereals, sweets, pastries, etc. I especially liked that you shouldn’t give up your favorite cheesecakes, but simply reduce the portion. Usually my breakfast consisted of two heavy sandwiches (sovital bread with butter and cheese) and a large cup of sweet coffee. It turned out that a seemingly trifling set went off scale in terms of calorie content. I started counting calories and keeping a diary in which I wrote down everything I ate. “

“To my amazement, the weight began to go from the first day to 200-500 g per day, which I did not expect. I could not understand where everything was going: I eat four times a day, I eat my fill – and I lose weight. The most difficult thing was to eat 200 g of meat (chicken or fish) a day. I especially didn’t want him in the morning and in the evening, and that was a must. Yes, and two hours before bedtime, as it should be according to the schedule, I did not feel like eating at all, but I overpowered myself and ate sweet cottage cheese. They had to eat every four hours. Here is my then diet: breakfast – milk porridge with sugar, a cup of sweet coffee with milk, a small piece of meat (20–40 g), a small sandwich with my favorite bread and low-calorie cheese; lunch – salad (vegetables, sauerkraut), for the second meat or fish with a side dish, dessert and sweet tea; dinner – meat or fish with a side dish and tea; before going to bed – 60 g of sweet low-fat cottage cheese. In order to reduce the calorie content of the dishes, I had to cook them boiled or baked (meat, heart, fish, chicken, potatoes, mashed potatoes), and also give up fried.

For seven months I did everything according to the rules, strictly following all the doctor’s instructions, kept a diary, weighed the food, observed the calorie content – and lost the desired 30 kg. Then she stopped weighing and counting everything, because she was already used to a certain way of eating and studied the calorie content of foods. And she continued to lose weight. Now my all 73 kg, I do not lose weight anymore, for about a year I have been keeping this weight. I updated my wardrobe, changing the 60th clothing size to the 50th. And most importantly, having lost weight, I found exercises for joints, arms, legs, and abs. I do exercises every morning for 40 minutes, I feel great. I wish everyone to lose weight and heal in a new way! “

Nutritionist comment

Andrey Poletaev, nutrition specialist:

“The calorie content that Tatyana adhered to is calculated strictly individually and in no case is applicable to anyone else. An important point: weight loss must be approached in a comprehensive manner and must be under the supervision of doctors (nutritionist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist, and, if necessary, a cardiologist and gastroenterologist). Otherwise, losing weight can be hazardous to your health. Because weight loss, especially such an impressive one, is a serious test for the body. If you do it uncontrollably, you can hurt yourself a lot. “

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