Anna Kochetova:
“There was no problem with my diet these weeks, apart from the fact that I constantly forget to add vegetables. Last week, as a Sunday treat, I ate several pieces of barbecue – it was bad for several days, after all, the body has lost the habit of fatty foods. Sometimes I want something sweet, but I try to distract myself and direct my thoughts in a different direction.
The workouts were marred by knee pain, so some of the exercises were difficult. I told the curators about this, and they consulted with a doctor. As a result, the last few days I have been doing “replacement” exercises – they are no less effective, and there was no more pain, but I still miss my favorite squat. The best part is that the result has become a little noticeable, which, of course, gives even more strength to improve further!
The fourth week already on Monday “pleased” me with the temperature, so I had to forget about training. The curators advised to focus on nutrition, drink more hot tea with lemon, and even allowed to add some homemade jam. I have practically no time to cook: studies and training take up all the time, so I try to cook the lightest possible meals. Buckwheat is my favorite cereal, if you add cheese to it, it becomes insanely tasty and satisfying, another spoonful of tomato paste and a few stewed champignons – and you can hardly resist not to eat another portion.
From April 27th we had a week of vacation and I noticed that I had a decline in motivation. Maybe it was influenced by personal problems that I “seized”. For several days in a row I ate cakes and cried. It upsets me that such weakness affected my results, and therefore I will try to get out of this depression.
May I start from scratch, I will try to follow all the recommendations of the curators and pull myself together, although all the time is scheduled by the minute
From the results: minus 4 cm in the chest, minus 2 in the waist, minus 2 in the hips. I think that if I didn’t feel sorry for myself and seize problems with sweets, the result would be better ”.
Anastasia Vysochinskaya:
“The last two weeks at #Sekta have been a real test of strength and willpower. During this time, I have never been to a group training session, since I had two business trips and a vacation. Long journeys, changes in climate and rhythm of life could greatly affect the eating style that Sekta advises. But the goals set to achieve the result turned out to be higher. Indeed, being in a strange city, first of all, it was necessary not to break loose and not start eating fast food as the nearest and accessible food. I had to plan trips in advance, draw up a menu, and take food with me on the trip.
The second most important task was not to forget about training. And then I realized an important plus of #Sekta for myself: when you are not alone on your way, and you are supported by curators, next to you are the same girls and guys with the same goals, it is much easier to work on yourself. In group workouts, you work hard, recharging yourself with general energy. And I do not know how to work alone at such a pace. At the slightest fatigue, I begin to give up, take a break, rest. That is, to do exactly what does not contribute to good results at all. In this situation, I found a kind of way out – a gym. These are the workouts that I know, which I can do. It would be better to have at least some physical activity than none at all. As for work in general, at the end of the first month you begin to understand that the body has already rebuilt – you no longer cast sidelong glances at sweet or salty. You automatically choose what is healthy, not just tasty. On days when you can’t train, you feel like you lack sports and activity. But the result motivates me the most. At the end of the first month, I allowed myself to look at the scales and good news awaited me: minus 7 kg from the weight with which I came to #Sekta. Of course, this is still the first step towards my goal, but it is quite tangible. Now I only want to work harder and harder! “