- How to lose weight without dieting: common mistakes and empty hopes
- Mistake 1: Hoping for quick results
- Mistake 2: Calculating as a constant
- Mistake 3: Continuous weight control
- Mistake 4: no clear purpose
- How to lose weight without dieting: “black calorie bookkeeping” and other tricks
- How to lose weight without dieting and hunger
- Do you dream of losing weight without dieting at home? Listen to jazz!
How to lose weight without diets, and even quickly, and even at home, without the help of a nutritionist … It seems that this is a pipe dream, to which, despite its illusion, many women return again and again. And how to avoid such thoughts, if all attempts to reduce the diet to a debilitating minimum end in a breakdown and a new jump of the scale arrow forward? However, nutritionists and psychologists are sure: there is a way out! And it lies not through the stomach, but through … the head.
When solving the problem of how to lose weight without dieting, it is extremely important to set yourself up for the right wave of weight loss. Hating excess weight, do not forget that the annoying kilograms spoiling the figure are also you, and not some kind of enemy who needs to be intimidated and chased behind the fortress wall, while continuing to fear that he will climb over it again. Is it worth fomenting a civil war if it is possible to restore order in domestic politics?
How to lose weight without dieting: common mistakes and empty hopes
Low-calorie food, regular exercise, endless control, but … The question remains open! The kilograms that were so easily gone at the very beginning of the process of losing weight seem to only get heavier every day, but the mood, on the contrary, is falling. Again, with grief, a gym membership ends up at the very bottom of the bag, and fast carbohydrates, such harmful, but such faithful helpers of all sad girls, return to the menu. And so – until the next attack called “how to lose weight quickly without diets” …
This process is well known not only to everyone who is endlessly losing weight, but also to nutritionists. And they reveal several mistakes in this behavior, in which you will probably recognize yours. And until you eliminate all these mistakes, you will not find the answer to the question of how to lose weight quickly without dieting at home.
Mistake 1: Hoping for quick results
Intending to lose weight, a person subconsciously expects a quick and generous reward for his determination, namely, he expects that extra pounds will go away quickly and without a trace. But losing weight is not a gambling game with a win, but rather the amassing of family capital: if handled correctly, it will last for a long time, but it will take a lot of work to get it. And if you are only interested in how to lose weight quickly without diets, then be prepared for the fact that the weight will go far and will return soon.
Mistake 2: Calculating as a constant
Deciding to lose weight without dieting at home, the first thing we usually do is drastically “impoverish” and reduce our diet. A typical and gross mistake! Any dietary change to “cut satisfaction” has an impressive first effect, shedding about 10% of excess weight. Liquid leaves the tissues, the intestines are cleansed, proteins are excreted, which leads to a loss of muscle mass, but has little effect on the “deposits” of fat. They will melt in sweat, but this will happen slowly (if the excess weight is large, it may take several years to fight it) and only on condition of constant proper nutrition.
Our body is a strong business executive who is accustomed to stockpiling for future use, and will not get rid of its “treasures” so easily. On the contrary, often, having come to his senses after the first losses, and, especially if the diet is deliberately depleted and unbalanced, the body begins to save cells that are threatened with hunger, and turn into fat not only meager inputs from the outside, but also its own protein reserves.
Mistake 3: Continuous weight control
Hypnotizing the scale after every meal or workout is a standard activity for anyone looking for an answer to how to lose weight quickly without dieting. The joy over every two hundred “left” grams and the drama over a hundred “new arrivals” are worthy of a Greek tragedy in the heat of passion. In the meantime, frequent weighing gives a false sense of control and does not help to present the real picture in any way.
The time of day at which you weigh yourself plays a role, and the phase of the menstrual cycle, and even the position of the scale on the floor. Of course, you need to weigh yourself. But experts agree that weighing more than once a week or even ten days makes no sense, regardless of whether you want to lose weight quickly or just monitor your body condition.
Mistake 4: no clear purpose
We often think about how to lose weight without dieting, but almost never – why do we need it. Strange, isn’t it? After all, every weight loss story has a goal: to become beautiful for a New Year’s corporate party, to get into a wedding dress again, to show off on the beach on vacation … However, all these are tasks designed for the short term, at a certain point in time. What will happen next – as if in a fog. And this is a fundamental point. Setting a goal to lose weight without diets or with diets, psychologists recommend not to be limited to any one object or event.
It is necessary to imagine the change in life in all the details, bold and dramatic. Lose weight – and I will look completely different, forever. I will become more confident in myself, which means more successful, I will find a better job, I will inspire my husband to the relationship that I have always dreamed of, I will completely change and finally begin to understand my body and live in harmony with myself. This is how you need to formulate your desire to lose weight – not as a final point of suffering, but as a “front door” to a new life.
How to lose weight without dieting: “black calorie bookkeeping” and other tricks
Not becoming slimmer for some event, but changing your attitude towards being overweight and learning how to eat right is perhaps the only way to lose weight without dieting.
Constant “espionage” for weight and chagrin due to the fact that kilograms do not move from their place are bad companions. And faith in the capabilities of your body and the ability to negotiate with it and understand it will help you.
How to lose weight without dieting quickly and at home? A simple but powerful trick is to start counting your daily calories.
Calculated? And now let’s get down to “black bookkeeping”, creating an almost imperceptible against the general background, but still the existing budget deficit. Subtract 500 calories from your daily result, but not immediately, but gradually, over one and a half to two weeks.
Looking for ways to lose weight without dieting, we, in fact, dream of the only correct way to live healthy. A good meal plan helps to rebuild metabolism that has deteriorated under the influence of circumstances and adjust the diet in such a way that we eat what and in the amount that is really necessary, without condemning the body to preservation of excess or work in emergency mode. Fast weight loss does not make it possible to arrange everything in this way, dooming first to stress, and then to disappointment in yourself from the return of kilograms.
How to lose weight without dieting and hunger
Do not be afraid of hunger – Firstly, with a gradual decrease in the daily calorie amount, it will be much easier for you to adapt than when starting any diet. Secondly, the first victims of your “reform” should be fast carbohydrates – eliminate all baked goods, fast food from the diet, and everything that is rightfully considered “heavy” food.
The secret is that these foods cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to a spike in insulin and a new feeling of hunger.
Breaking out of this vicious circle, in which hunger rewards you with tons of empty calories that make you hungry even more, takes 3-5 days (plus mental training). Use this time to introduce fiber-rich foods into your diet: fiber takes a long time to be processed, preventing starvation, and provides a good bowel cleansing. And a healthy digestive system is necessary to assimilate food efficiently and get rid of excess. So – enrich your diet with healthy fiber!
Switch to a fractional feeding system for weight loss – 5-7 times a day in small portions. By the way, this will make it easier for you to notice “small sins” like tea with three tablespoons of sugar per cup or almost imperceptible sandwiches between breakfast and lunch. Think for yourself how you better do with such “liberties”, looking at the calorie table.
But there is good news – if you are going to lose weight without diets, you can turn a blind eye to the famous rule “do not eat after six”. Surprisingly, with a normal, fractional, balanced diet, it does more harm than good. Most nutritionists recommend a light dinner 2-3 hours before the date with a pillow: this will improve sleep and prevent the body from deciding that it is starving, so you need to store fat urgently. So: you can and should eat after sixbut wisely!
Did the mention of water in your conversation about proper nutrition stick to your teeth? There is no getting away from this: clean water is the most important component in answering the question of how to lose weight without dieting. In all honesty, are you really drinking enough? Unfortunately, even knowing about the benefits of water for metabolism, many of us drink in fits and starts and do not get the norm. Two or three glasses of water, drunk in one sitting, when you remembered that you have not drunk for a long time, oddly enough, do not compensate for the body’s need. But you are almost guaranteed to get swelling and a full bladder. You need to drink water throughout the day., but little by little! If it enters the body constantly, but in small portions, then it is beneficial, and if you just pump up with water, it will come out as easily as it entered.
Want to know how to lose weight without dieting? First, answer the question: “How often do you go in for sports and what physical activity is present in your life?” In order not to torment the body with exhausting diets, you must first of all work on the extra pounds physically. No time for the fitness room – swing the press in front of the TV at home, walk home, climb the floors, bypassing the elevator. “Office fitness” can be a fun competition – leave the car a block away from work and take a walk, climb and run down the escalators in the subway, once you go outside to warm up at least a couple of hours.
Do you dream of losing weight without dieting at home? Listen to jazz!
Before losing weight without dieting, learn to listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat, but do not overeat. If you feel that you can spend the day limiting yourself in food – arrange yourself a fasting day on apples, watermelon, buckwheat, kefir, etc.
Do not stifle your whims: their fulfillment always positively affects your mood and self-confidence. Agree with yourself about a cheat day: from morning to evening, for example, once a week you can eat all your favorite junk food, and the next day, arrange a light diet for yourself. It will help both relieve stress and lose weight without dieting.
Pamper yourself not only with food: cosmetic procedures, including homemade ones, will make your body more well-groomed and attractive, and everyone knows about the slimming and healing properties of the bath. Here, system and regularity are also important: by gradually increasing the time spent in the steam room, you will achieve better results and will be able to lose weight faster without dieting. But do not forget to consult with your doctor about the absence of contraindications to this traditional Russian leisure.
How else can you lose weight without dieting? Try eating in small portions from small plates, with small appliances. Scientists say that this way you are psychologically saturated, since your brain perceives a similar portion of the usual. They are also sure that you need to eat from dishes of dark colors, especially blue – it is the most “unappetizing”. And the accompaniment is also important for food: to eat less and enjoy food more, classical music and jazz improvisations will help us. Agree, the development of musical taste and outlook is a good side effect of losing weight without dieting!