How to lose weight without dieting? 5 Effective Methods – Dietetics – Articles |

Obviously, the best way to lose weight is a balanced, perfectly adjusted diet and regular exercise. It’s okay However, cheat – most people, however, get chills just thinking about the word diet. The arguments that diet is not a torment do not help, it is changing habits they will improve health, well-being … They don’t want to and that’s the end, they are looking for miraculous pills, reliable and low-effort ways to lose weight. It turns out that such tricks exist. However, we cannot expect them to be introduced spectacular effects, but should be treated as an introduction to further changes in habits, e.g. changes in eating in small steps.

 1. Wear matching clothes

You know this feeling when you try after a wonderful holiday stick into already fitted trousers? When you don’t fit into them, you feel terribly irritated, but also consciously or not in the following days you eat less and healthier. Perhaps you even motivate yourself to exercise. Think what would happen as if all your clothes were loose without going slow weight gain might not be noticeable. This relationship was proved by analyzing the body weight of prisoners who according to the rules, they wear loose-fitting overalls. Usually they put on weight on average in six months 10 kg, despite the fact that prison food cannot be called an exquisite feast.

 2. Use smaller plates

If this rule has not been introduced in yours yet home, use it necessarily. Our mind is amazing, so we actually can “Eat your eyes”. If you look at a little cutlet on a big plate you immediately get the signal that you are unlikely to eat it and that you are aware of it accompanies you throughout the meal. The test subjects who ate from self-filling plates eventually consumed as much as 73 percent. more soup than people who eat with standard cookware.

 3. Enjoy the meal and do not worry about anything else while eating

Coming back from the party you think: great, so I ate little I will not gain weight. What you don’t realize is that you could just eat a lot of bites overlooking busy talking or listening to stories told by participants. Studies have been carried out to check the participants’ ‘food memory’ events. It turned out that as much as 30 percent. people did not remember what they ate, and 12 percent. it was certain that they did not eat bread, although they did.

It is the same with mindless eating at the TV or computer. During the meal, let’s enjoy the food and the time spent together sometimes, let’s not look for extra activities. The importance of conscious eating is emphasized by psychologist Patrycja Kawka.

4. Don’t buy large packages

You want to be frugal, you know a large pack will come out cheaper in the end, or rather it would be if we could control ourselves. Do you also find it difficult to move away from the endless packaging and do you experience peace only when you see the bottom of the box / carton or purse? So consider whether you can say STOP and select only the correct daily portions. If not, stop buying large packages, because it will not come out cheaper in the end, nor healthier.

5. Get enough sleep and don’t stress

You’ll think – it’s easy to say. But believe it – it’s possible. You cannot avoid problems, but you can learn that you cannot solve them with stress and worry. Stressed and sleepy people have greater problems with maintaining an appropriate body weight, as the dietitian Ewa Fidler writes in the article Fattening stress.

Maybe the above tricks won’t give you immediate results However, they will definitely be a good step forward. Can be used consistently bring you closer to your goal.

Main photo is from: boellstiftung / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 1 of the text is from: Elvert Barnes / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 2 of the text is from: Sean MacEntee / Foter / CC BY

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