How To Lose Weight When You Have Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is often manifested by weight gain and difficulty in shedding excess body fat. The lack of treatment or its improper course complicates the efforts even more, so the use of a reduction diet may turn out to be insufficient. How To Lose Weight When You Have Hypothyroidism? We answer this bothering question.

  1. A slimming diet with hypothyroidism should begin with a consultation with your doctor
  2. Physical activity is the key to losing weight
  3. Food portions should be small but frequent, and it is also important to minimize simple sugars
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Losing weight in the course of hypothyroidism is not a piece of cake, but it is not impossible. The key, which will undoubtedly support the efforts to achieve a healthy figure, is the stabilization of hormones, i.e. the implementation of appropriate treatment and regular hormone intake.

Why is shedding easily stored fat so troublesome in people with hypothyroidism? The cause of the problem is primarily the improper work of the thyroid gland, which corresponds, among others, to for regulating metabolic functions. It turns out that there are several ways you can lose weight when you have hypothyroidism. Check out a few of them.

Eat small portions, but eat them more often

Too little hormone produced by the thyroid gland causes the gastrointestinal tract to not work as it should. A slow metabolism contributes to faster weight gain, therefore, as in any case when we undertake a dietary challenge, the necessary element is the implementation of the so-called reduction.

The menu should consist of small portions consumed in short intervals. Such a procedure allows you to maintain an appropriate level of sugar in the blood and build proper eating habits. It is recommended to prepare 5 meals, eaten every 3 hours, and each of them should include healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, protein and vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Replace simple sugars with complex carbohydrates

Hormonal disturbances such as an underactive thyroid have been associated with a change in eating habits. One of the important changes is the minimization of simple sugars in the diet, contained mainly in sweets, cakes, sweet confectionery products, carbonated drinks and juices, salty snacks or highly processed meals. Instead, eat whole grains, legumes, fruits, dairy products, fish, and eggs. Don’t forget to drink water and get the right amount of fluids. Instead, limit alcohol and drinks that contain high amounts of caffeine.

  1. Check also: What is an overactive thyroid?

It is worth noting that the hypothyroidism diet cannot consist of too little kcal, because the body can pay off with excessive stress, which will contribute to the reduction of hormone production – and this is how the circle can close. Therefore, the daily menu should take into account the individual caloric needs and the presence of other diseases and disorders, e.g. diabetes. Then the diet should be established by a qualified dietitian who will clearly define what a healthy menu should look like, which will allow you to stay healthy, contribute to weight loss, and also help in the treatment of hypothyroidism.

The way to lose weight in hypothyroidism is exercise

The implementation of exercise and exercise is an indispensable element of a healthy and fully conscious weight loss process. It is also recommended for hypothyroidism, but you should pay attention to whether the person is willing and has energy to spend on exercise. If hormonal imbalances are not properly treated and the patient is chronically tired, in a bad mood and lacks energy, the implementation of physical activity may worsen overall health and well-being.

Movement is therefore advisable when a person with hypothyroidism shows initiative and sufficient energy for a dose of exercise.

Appropriate laboratory tests are performed in order to diagnose and differentiate thyroid diseases. Order your thyroid diagnostic package now, which includes FT4, TSH and anti-TPO measurement.

Take medications and follow the treatments of your endocrinologist

How To Lose Weight When You Have Hypothyroidism? This is largely due to the level of the hormone that the body lacks. It is extremely important to follow your doctor’s instructions and take your medications regularly. Stabilizing the level of the thyroid gland is a key element – when the issue of hormones is normalized, the body will be able to better cope with metabolism and the loss of unnecessary and more importantly harmful fat tissue.

Read also:

  1. Diet in hypothyroidism – what is it and what effects it gives
  2. Thyroid Lumps – What They Can Mean?
  3. Enlarged thyroid gland – causes, treatment

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