How to lose weight: weight before your period

The nutritionist told how to eat these days.

Perhaps the best advice that can be given to girls who are losing weight is to weigh less. We are simply obsessed with numbers and if we see that we have added too much, we declare ourselves fat and fall into depression. Calm, only calm! Perhaps that pie, eaten the day before, is not at all to blame, but the whole thing is in the menstrual cycle. It turns out that in its different phases the body sometimes gives up water with ease, then retains it – say thanks to hormones, they are so fickle!

That is why it is so harmful for the psyche to weigh ourselves from day to day, comparing your indicators. The arrow on the scale will not figure out what is more in your body: fat, muscle or water.

Not so long ago, Lyle MacDonald, a well-known nutritionist and sports physiologist in the West, released “The Woman’s Book”, in which he described how the menstrual cycle affects weight and how to eat in its different phases. Here’s what he recommends:

She, as we know, begins with menstruation, which lasts an average of five days. During this period, the woman has the lowest weight. Water is not retained in the body. You are not hungry, and because of the high insulin sensitivity, more carbohydrates are spent. So you can pamper yourself with a sweet one – fat on the waist will not be deposited. However, without fanaticism.

During this period, the body retains much more fluid in the body. Therefore, the main advice for those who do not want to add in volume is to give up salty foods and eat more foods high in potassium. These are legumes, buckwheat, potatoes, cabbage, lean meat, milk, as well as bananas and dried apricots. One thing pleases – the feeling of hunger still does not disturb, and carbohydrates are fast.

Again, the level of fluid in the body drops. But suddenly a brutal appetite wakes up, it is more and more difficult to spend carbohydrates, and fat accumulates faster. Therefore, if you want dessert, eat more fruit. You can sweeten your life with dark chocolate.

Well hello PMS! Everything enrages, you want to roar, burying your nose in the pillow, or better – in the cake, because now the hunger is hellish. But here’s the paradox: even if you’re on a diet, your PMS belly still grows. No, you haven’t put on weight! It’s all water. In the last week of the cycle, there is especially a lot of it in the body. So don’t make the problem worse – don’t get carried away with salty. Eat potassium-rich foods instead.

Reduce carbohydrates – they will remain in your problem areas during this difficult period. But eat more fats, but only healthy ones: salmon, avocados, nuts. And to cheer yourself up, include foods with magnesium in your diet, eat fruit for hunger, occasionally indulge yourself with dark chocolate. And then the PMS will pass imperceptibly and without consequences for the figure.

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