- How to lose weight three weeks before the New Year at home and without harm to health: tips from a ballerina
- The secret is that ballerinas never go on diets. But they know what to eat in order not to get better!
- Why you should love almonds, avocados and lentils
- Plank and grand plie can be done even at home
- The main thing is not to forget about health!
- Sports expert advice
How to lose weight three weeks before the New Year at home and without harm to health: tips from a ballerina
A little more than two weeks remain until New Year’s Eve. During this time, you can do a lot, including getting in shape and becoming the queen of the ball.
How quickly ballerinas lose weight: secrets of harmony and fragile figure
For those who ventured to buy a dress one size smaller, advice is given by a professional ballerina, founder of the international school “Ballet from the age of two” Tatiana Korneeva.
Professional ballerina, founder of the international school “Ballet from the age of two”
The secret is that ballerinas never go on diets. But they know what to eat in order not to get better!
The main secret of the ballerina’s diet is that most ballerinas don’t go on a diet. Contrary to popular belief. If this is not a special case of recovery after childbirth, for example. Even at the ballet school, we understand how to keep our body in shape: what to eat, what physical exercises to do.
Classical dance is a serious burden. Therefore, the diet should contain foods that provide a lot of energy. For example, a feeling of heaviness will arise from fatty foods and buns, and there will be little energy – it will be difficult to jump and dance. The body must receive both fats and proteins and carbohydrates in the right amount.… Therefore, preference should be given to “correct” – light, but energizing products. In general, ballet dancers can afford a lot of food. At lunchtime, if you really want to, you can also sweets, and a cake, and a cake – everything will be burned in the ballet class.
Therefore, my first advice to those who want to get in shape in a short time: do not go on a rigid diet. If you switch to some cereals and salads, there is a risk of knocking down your metabolism. It will take some time, and the lost kilograms can return with interest – the body tends to behave this way in stressful situations.
You can donate sweets with sugar, flour, fatty.
I will advise drink plenty of fluids… It shouldn’t be soda, drinks with sugar, even fruit drinks. Water or freshly squeezed juices. I personally prefer to dilute the latter with water so that they are not too sweet.
Tatyana Korneeva with her pupil
Why you should love almonds, avocados and lentils
There are good foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, provide energy and do not weigh down. For example:
For cereals, I would recommend quinoa. It contains amino acids, a lot of protein and is good at helping to restore muscle after exercise. Quinoa is now available at almost any grocery store.
If you prefer porridge for breakfast, it is good to add berries to them. Especially useful bilberry… It is rich in vitamins, folic acid, replenishes strength, improves immunity. It is even recommended for treating the symptoms of depression during pregnancy.
Another source of energy – Nuts… Especially I would highlight the almonds. It contains fiber, protein, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium. Almonds are highly recommended for low-fat diets. This is a great snack that helps you replenish energy quickly.
“Right” fats contain avocado… The fruit is rich in vitamins, has a good effect on metabolism, is good for the skin.
A very good product – salmon… On the one hand, it is a fatty fish. But the fats it contains are correct – good for the heart, for overall health. For those who get in shape, limit themselves to food, salmon is recommended. After all, fatty acids are in any case necessary for the body. In general, fish is a good source of protein. You cannot deny yourself protein, especially with physical exertion.
From meat proteins, I would recommend turkey… It is low in fat.
Vegetarians often make up for protein deficiencies with legumes. And the leader in usefulness lentil.
Plank and grand plie can be done even at home
Exercise improves metabolism and makes preparing your body for the New Year more efficient. There are many exercises that can be done at home.
The simplest and most effective is the plank. No special training is required to complete it. The main condition is to maintain a very even body position – without sagging. The plank allows you to tighten your stomach, gives a good load on your arms, shoulders, back. In addition to the usual plank, you can do lateral… When we move to one hand, and the other is raised clearly perpendicular to the floor. The bar can and should be performed with increasing time. Start as long as you can stand, and gradually work up to three to five minutes.
From ballet exercises, for example, affordable and effective slow grand plie… It tones the muscles of the buttocks well, loads the legs and tightens the most problem areas.
The main thing is not to forget about health!
Of course, in three weeks it is quite possible to improve your appearance and become slimmer. The effect can be obtained in one week, if you switch to a proper sensible diet and include physical activity. A pretty one size down dress is a clear goal that will bring awareness to your efforts. Yet it is very important to approach this issue intelligently. A hard diet can erode your immune system and make you sick. Do not mock the body. It is difficult to achieve cardinal changes in 3 weeks without radical measures. What is quite realistic is to correct the stomach, work on posture, and this will give the whole figure grace and lightness.
I would advise not to choose a dress one size smaller, but to think about how to emphasize your merits. Absolutely everyone has them. And they need to be emphasized. This will give you confidence and a good mood. A tortured person, although he has achieved a result for the New Year, will not be as happy as one who is satisfied with himself and satisfied with his reflection in the mirror.
Sports expert advice
Honored Master of Sports of Russia in bodybuilding, master of sports of Russia of international class and promoter of a healthy lifestyle
To lose weight in three weeks, you need to divide the process into three stages.
1st stage – 1st week… We reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates (leave 50 g of rice / oatmeal / buckwheat) per day, remove all refined sugar, cream desserts, dishes in batter and fast food. We increase the amount of plain clean water (1,5-2 liters per day between meals to speed up metabolism). Do not forget to also increase your everyday activity (walking, walking in the fresh air), and, if possible, add 2 workouts in the gym or at home (40 minutes a day is enough).
2nd stage – 2nd week. We keep food as in the first week, but we slightly shift the last meal to an earlier time (3-4 hours before bedtime). Increase the amount of cardio / strength training up to 3 times a week.
3nd stage – 3nd week. Add breathing exercises / exercises for 15–20 minutes. before breakfast, reduce the amount of sweet fruits (leaving only green apples, kiwi, grapefruit) and minimize dairy products. We train three times a week (as in the second stage) and add mechanical action (2 sessions of lymphatic drainage massage).
A three week program like this can save you 3 to 6 kg in three weeks!
Expert, Olga Koval, Vlada Timofeeva