
The Dukan diet is suitable for those who want to lose an impressive weight – it is designed for a long time and can save you from 10-30 kilograms for the entire period. At the same time, the result is guaranteed to be fixed if you correctly adhere to all the rules.
The basics of the diet are not new for food experiments. The focus of Dukan’s diet is protein food plus light carbohydrates and a reasonable restriction of fats. But the fashion for the diet has turned it into a whole movement with a variety of recipes and support groups. Losing weight on Dukan is delicious and satisfying! You will not have to starve or spend time counting calories, you can eat even at night, while still losing weight.
For the diet, you will need special products that you can buy both under the Dukan diet brand and analogues in any supermarket. These are large-sized bran, skimmed cocoa, stevia sweetener and skimmed milk. They will help you to practically not change your diet, because from such a set you can bake at least bread, even a Napoleon cake.
On the Dukan diet, physical activity is mandatory. And if you still have a hard time imagining a gym, 20 minutes of active walking will be enough to start. But mandatory and daily!
The Dukan diet is divided into several stages. How many days a particular stage lasts, you can independently calculate on the website of Pierre Dukan – everything will depend on gender, height, age and initial weight.
The first stage is an attack
It does not last long-2-10 days, but the most difficult, since it is allowed to use only protein products. Protein requires a lot of energy from the body for its assimilation, and the material for depositing excess – carbohydrates and fats – does not arrive at all. At this stage, there is a sharp decrease in weight, which, of course, inspires further continuation.
What can I eat at stage 1?
Lean meat: veal, rabbit, chicken, offal.
Seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels. You can fish, moreover, even fatty fish, baked without sauces.
Dairy products: milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, tofu. All with a low percentage of fat content.
Eggs: quail and chicken.
Oat bran daily.
The second stage is Alternating (Cruise)
At the second stage, weight loss slows down a little – about 1 kilogram per week. But you don’t need to be faster, because you should also think about health. Vegetables are connected to protein products.
You can eat zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, radishes, cabbage of various types, peppers, mushrooms, fennel. Carrots, beets are excluded due to the high sugar content.
Do not forget that you can cook unusual dishes and pastries from all these products, you do not need to torment yourself with chicken and zucchini every day.
Bran is still daily.
At this stage, you should alternate protein days and protein-vegetable days in a format that is convenient for you – 1 through 1, 2 through 2.
The third stage is Consolidation
The goal of this period is to consolidate the result and gradually get closer to your constant new diet without gaining weight. There are already a lot of liberties at this stage.
Starch potatoes, bulgur and couscous porridges, vegetable oil, fruits (except bananas and grapes) are added to the previous diet.
Once a week during the day, it is allowed to eat anything and in any quantity – even a whole cake. But once a week is a purely protein day.
Bran should continue to be eaten daily.
The stage lasts as long as you lose weight for the entire diet, multiplied by 10. For example, you have lost 7 kg, so the third stage will last 70 days.
The fourth stage is Stabilization
It lasts… for the rest of your life! The lessons of proper nutrition from the Dukan diet will help you stay in a slim body.
There are no dietary restrictions, there are only recommendations – one day a week on pure protein, and the use of bran daily is desirable. And finally, you should find a sports load to your liking.