How to lose weight? Rules, diet and exercise [WE EXPLAIN]

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How to lose weight quickly, effectively and permanently? This is a question often asked by people who decide to lose extra pounds. If we want to lose weight effectively and permanently, do not expect to get such an effect in two days, a week or a month. This – while maintaining rational principles – is simply impossible. On the other hand, a proper, systematic diet and exercise will allow us to lose weight.

Effective slimming that will allow you to achieve and maintain your dream figure cannot be a quick process at the same time.

In a healthy, effective and lasting weight loss, remember the following rules:

  1. give up popular diets that promise a dietary miracle – the vast majority of people who have undertaken to lose weight in their lives have come across a list of diets that promised to quickly reduce body fat and achieve a slim and dream figure. Unfortunately, the miracle diet does not exist. Any nutrition program that aims to lose 4 or 5 kilos in a week is an empty promise. And following the rules of such diets can only do harm. They are usually very low in calories or one ingredient. In either case, either we are supplying the body with too few units of energy or nutrients;
  2. bet on the regularity of meals – planning the number and size of meals during the day will allow you to regulate your diet. It is not true that an effective diet must consist of 5 meals. For many people, due to work or other duties, it is impossible to plan regular 5 meals a day. The quantity and quality of food that we will provide to the body are definitely more important. In this case, it is important to eat them regularly. If you decide to eat 4 meals a day, remember that the intervals between each meal should be roughly equal. Regular consumption of meals improves the functioning of the endocrine system, which has a huge impact on the weight loss process. The size of the meals is also your individual choice. Eat as much as you need to. Do not overeat when you feel full, finish your meal;
  3. fight bad habits – bad habits have already ruined many weight loss plans. One of the more difficult habits to combat is snacking between meals. Many people do not realize how many calories the body provides by nibbling on a cheese sandwich, corn flakes, sticks or other snacks during the break. Their calorific value is one issue. First of all, snacks disturb the aforementioned regularity of meals. It is also worth spending time with meals and not eating in a hurry, in front of the computer or while working. Eating, not only during a diet, should be treated as a ritual;
  4. do sport – physical activity is one of the most important issues in the weight loss process. If running or fitness is too demanding for you, you can start physical activity with regular walks. Physical activity should be varied so as not to accustom the muscles to one form of movement. Sport is good for health, but this subject should also be approached in moderation. Remember that you shouldn’t exercise every day as your body needs time to recover.

A fast diet is not an effective diet. You are not gaining weight overnight, and you cannot get rid of extra pounds overnight. Fast slimming diets are miracle diets that promise unrealistic effects of unhealthy starvation. To lose weight effectively and permanently, focus on a balanced diet, good eating habits and physical activity.

Weight measured in kilograms is one of the alarms that motivate people to lose weight. But what is losing kilograms and at what rate can you lose them? When losing weight, we care most about burning fat.

It is assumed that a kilogram of pure fat equals 9000 kcal. This is a considerable simplification, because the amount of double bonds in fatty acids changes the energy value by up to several percent. Moreover, adipose tissue in the human body is not entirely composed of fat. About 13% consists of non-fat ingredients such as protein and water. Therefore, it is assumed that the energy density of a kilogram of adipose tissue is 7700 kcal.

So, can it be said that losing 1 kilogram requires burning 7700 kcal? Unfortunately, the bill is not that simple. The human body also stores energy in glycogen and proteins that are found in muscles, liver and internal organs. Therefore, energy from proteins or glycogen can also be used during weight loss.

The energy density of glycogen is 4200 kcal / kg, and protein is 4700 kcal / kg. These are definitely lower values ​​than the energy density of adipose tissue.

It is not over yet, as the burning of glycogen and protein is associated with the loss of water in the body. On average, 1-3 g of water is lost for 4 g of glycogen burned. Burning only 1000 kcal from glycogen can result in a loss of 1 kg of body weight. Glycogen consumption is a very quick way to lose weight, and it is this phenomenon that is observed in the first two weeks of the diet when there is a sharp weight loss. Interestingly, the loss of 1 g of protein is associated with a loss of about 1,6 g of water. Losing muscle mass is also a quick way to lose weight. Ultimately, it is assumed that the loss of 1 kg of lean body mass is 1800 kcal, which is about 4 times less than in the case of adipose tissue.

The above data shows that a loss of 1 kg can require an energy deficit of only 1000 kcal if we lose glycogen alone, up to 7700 kcal if we only burn fat. Of course, these are extreme situations that never actually occur. The rule that you need to burn 7700 kcal to lose a kilogram of fat in your diet and training plan should be considered a guideline, not a guideline. In practice, burning and metabolism depend on the work of hormones, vitamin D levels and other factors.

If you want to speed up the weight loss process, read more about diet pills. Check: Slimming pills: types, effectiveness, effects

When planning a diet and physical activity, it is very important to know the basic metabolism, i.e. PPM, and the total metabolism, i.e. CPM.

  1. PPM, or Basic Metabolic Rate – it is the basic metabolism in which the lowest level of energy transformations is determined. It conditions the supply of energy that is necessary for the body to maintain basic life functions. The PPM measurement is usually taken in the morning, while fasting and lying down. The examined person should not use stimulants or smoke cigarettes for the last 12 hours. The energy released from the basal metabolism is used by the body for basic life processes, that is: respiration, heart function, blood circulation, reconstruction, cell and tissue growth, muscle tone, excretory and secretory activity, the functioning of the nervous system, maintaining a constant body temperature. PPM is calculated from various formulas that you can find here: BMR Calculator. Calculate your caloric needs
  2. CPM, or Total Metabolic Rate – is the body’s daily energy requirement expressed in kcal. To calculate CPM, it is necessary to know the basic and secondary metabolism, i.e. the amount of energy needed to perform daily activities, such as work, physical activity or hobbies. To calculate CPM of the organism, PPM should be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity. With low activity, the coefficient is about 1,2-1,5, while in the case of physically active people, the coefficients may increase to 2. 

Knowledge of PPM and CPM allows you to determine the caloric content of the diet and the necessary physical activity. In order to lose weight effectively, you should subtract about 300-500 kcal from the obtained CPM result. This will allow you to achieve a deficit of 7700 kcal in about 20-25 days. This means that after this time you will lose one kilogram of body fat. These are, of course, estimates, because the rate of weight loss depends on the material you burn and the health factors of the person slimming.

Based on the above findings, you can try to find the answer to how to lose weight 5 or 10 kg?

How to lose 5 kg – diet and exercise

  1. Diet – losing 5 kg, contrary to appearances, is not a breakneck feat. You just have to stick to a dozen or so rules. First of all, soda should be told a firm “no”. We should only drink water, because it does not contain calories and is essential if we want to get rid of toxins. Another thing – we must completely and consistently reject sweets. These empty calories are nothing more than carbohydrates (additionally highly processed), sugar and very harmful partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. If we want to lose 5 kg, we should also remove salty snacks, fast food and ready-made meals from our menu and diet. They contain much more salt than our body needs. In addition, you should be aware that salt is one of the elements responsible for water retention and the appearance of swelling. However, this does not mean that if we want to lose weight, we have to stop eating. On the contrary. It is important to eat regularly, thanks to which we do not eat between meals and we do not succumb to hunger and pressure for a sweet snack. Speaking of snacking, in this case you cannot replace sweets with fruit, because they have a lot of simple sugars in them. Vegetables are less caloric. The optimal diet, when we want to lose 5 kg, is from three to five meals a day, of course at regular intervals. Extremely important are breakfasts, which are worth eating up to an hour after getting out of bed, and dinner, which must be eaten at least two hours before bedtime.

Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. poor in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and monodietes can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

  1. Exercise – before we start exercising, if we have such an opportunity, we should agree the type of activity with the trainer and dietitian. It is also worth considering where we will train: at home, in the gym or in the fitness club? A person who wants to lose 5 kg may be tempted to do strength exercises. In this case, it is about losing weight, shaping the figure and gaining strength, which is why dumbbells are often used here. Another option is aerobic exercise. If we are properly motivated, thanks to such training, we have a chance to increase the body’s efficiency. To increase calorie consumption during physical activity, use Thermogenesis – a Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

How to lose weight 10 kg? – diet and exercise

  1. Diet – in order to lose 10 kilos in a healthy and balanced way, you should organize your menu and divide it into 5-6 meals, which will be eaten approximately every 2-3 hours. The highest calorific value of meals should be for breakfasts and dinners. To determine the maximum dose of calories per day, it is worth calculating the CPM and subtracting about 300 kcal from the result obtained. Plan your breakfast up to an hour after you wake up. To speed up the weight loss process and additionally de-acidify the body, it is worth taking warm water with lemon half an hour before breakfast. Dinner should be easy to digest, but should not contain fruit and other carbohydrate-containing ingredients. Dinner should always be eaten 2-3 hours before going to bed. It is worth reaching for products that contain fiber and have a positive effect on the metabolism.
  2. Exercise – cardio workouts are great during a slimming diet. It is also worth cycling, swimming, running or exercising at home. If you have never practiced any sport before, you can start your physical exertion with long, regular and vigorous walks.

However, regardless of the choice of the method of exercise, it is good to supplement them not only with the aforementioned dumbbells, but also use the exercise bench, barbell, stepper and treadmill. Of course, this is not a closed catalog. And if we do not have at hand or simply do not want to reach for such devices, we can easily replace them with running or cycling.

Do you want to lose weight easier? Try Pro Natura products in your diet, which contain a lot of fiber and are perfect as the basis for a nutritious diet breakfast. On Medonet Market you will find, among others:

  1. Ryżuski – rice flakes,
  2. Otrębuski – whole grain flakes,
  3. Spelled crisps,
  4. Baked buckwheat flakes,
  5. Barley flakes,
  6. Roasted millet flakes,
  7. Oatmeal,
  8. Baked oatmeal,
  9. Breakfast wheat flakes,
  10. Breakfast rye flakes,
  11. Spelled flakes.

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