How to lose weight quickly and inexpensively at home

How to lose weight quickly and inexpensively at home

A few extra centimeters at the waist is one of the main consequences of the festive gastronomic marathon. What if you need to quickly get back in shape, but there is no money for an expensive subscription to a sports club? You can also “make a body” at home thanks to inexpensive sports equipment.

Fitbol – a versatile trainer that will help you find a beautiful posture, as well as lose extra pounds. Exercise with fitball has a beneficial effect on the spine, helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and legs, and also burns excess fat. It is better to start classes with the simplest things: try to start sitting on it straight, without bending your back. And already from this seemingly trifling exercise, you will understand that muscles work. In addition, regular exercise with fitball helps to strengthen the vestibular apparatus and improve coordination.

A big plus of this simulator is that pregnant women and small children can use it.

The main – choose the right ball in size, which directly depends on the height of the one who will be engaged in it:

  • 55 cm in diameter – height up to 150 cm;
  • 65 cm – from 150 cm to 170 cm;
  • 75 cm – from 170 cm to 190 cm;
  • 85 cm – taller than 190 cm.

On a note: the surface of a correctly inflated ball should bend 2–3 cm.

Roller (one- and two-wheeled) is perfect for girls and women who dream of strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks. The gymnastic roller is so easy to use that even a person far from sports is able to master this simulator. And although at first the abdominal and back muscles will ache, the result is worth ignoring these temporary inconveniences. The main thing is not to overdo it at first, it is enough to approach the video 2-3 times a day and roll it 8-10 times (as much as possible) as far as you can. The emphasis to which you can roll the roller at first can be any cabinet or wall. For convenience, it is better to put a soft mat under your knees.

One of the simplest sports simulators that any beginner can master. This gadget can be attributed not to new products, but to the category of “well forgotten old”. But this does not detract from his merits at all. Rope exercises are very effective. In addition, this is one of the simplest ways to lose weight: with the help of a jump rope, you can find an easy flying gait, improve mobility and coordination.

The undoubted convenience of the rope is that it can always be carried with you, since there is a place for it even in the smallest handbag. And its price is very democratic.

How to choose the right rope. In stores, you can find nylon and rope (lighter) jump ropes, as well as rubber (rubber), somewhat weighted ones. All of them are equally good, but if the last time you practiced it as a child, then it is better to start with the easier option. With awkward movements, it does not lash as painfully as a rubber one.

Rope length depends on our height. In order not to be mistaken in the choice, you need to stand in the middle of the rope and pull it up, holding the handles in your palms. They should be at chest level or reach under the armpits. A rope that is too long will cause a lot of inconvenience, just like a rope that is too short. It is better to jump in sports shoes and not on a bare floor, but on a sports mat.

The ring develops mobility and flexibility of the body, helps to tighten muscles in a short time without increasing them in volume, and also to restore their tone. The special value of the ring is that it can be used to work out problem areas: the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, ankles, arms, chest and back muscles.

There are many options for using this sports equipment: it can be squeezed, stretched, used as a fulcrum, resting on a wall or on the floor. The ring is clamped in the hands, between the ankles, knees, elbows, etc. There are a lot of ring exercises, and in combination with other mini-machines (ball, dumbbells, etc.), they can be done even more.

A sports hoop is not only a godsend for asp waist seekers, but also an excellent tool for weight loss.

Оbull hula hoop – a lightweight plastic or aluminum hoop (weighing up to 1 kg) is good for those who do not suffer from excess weight, but just want to slightly correct the waist. Also, at first, it is suitable for beginners, until they learn how to hold the hoop around the waist.

Weighted hula hoop (weighing up to 2,5 kg) is used mainly for weight loss. Unlike usual, it more actively massages the hips and waist area. In addition, it takes extra effort to keep it in rotation, and that is also wasted calories.

A weighted hoop is, of course, more effective than a usual one, but exercising with it at first can cause pain in the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, as well as the appearance of bruises. But do not panic about this – over time, these symptoms go away.

Note… For those who have back problems or are burdened with some other ailments, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes.

Despite its simplicity, it can be used to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back and buttocks, increase energy consumption from home workouts and significantly improve the figure. The tape is used to stretch and strengthen muscles, and as an aid in some types of exercise. All muscles are involved in the work almost constantly. The choice and number of exercises with a tape depends on the flight of your imagination. Exercises with an elastic band in terms of effectiveness are quite comparable to exercises on simulators and with dumbbells.

Classes on it simulate climbing stairs. This is a great way to make your legs look beautiful, slim and strong, as doing a step trainer strengthens the muscles in your lower body (legs, hips, buttocks). If you “step” on this pseudo-ladder every day, you will soon notice that your figure has tightened, and excess body fat has noticeably decreased. And so that the time on the “step” flies by unnoticed and brings, in addition to benefits, pleasure, during classes you can listen to your favorite music or watch a good movie.

Many ladies believe that training with dumbbells is the lot of the stronger sex. And in vain! The opinion that dumbbells make a woman “masculine” is wrong. Well-chosen dumbbells and the right exercises will help the muscles get rid of flabbiness and acquire a beautiful relief. When choosing dumbbells, it is better to focus on those that are comfortable to hold in your hands, and their weight does not cause discomfort. For those who only want to slightly pump up muscles, remove flabbiness, and also lose a little weight, kilogram dumbbells are enough. If you have far-reaching plans and a desire to acquire a beautiful muscle relief, then heavier shells (2-3 kg) are more suitable for such a case. By the way, exercises with dumbbells can be alternated with other exercises.


The main rule of “sports at home” is not to overdo it from the first lessons. Everything must be done with an ardent desire, but with a cool head. Loads must be chosen feasible and increase them gradually. And do not forget – only regular exercises will give the desired result, and not from time to time.

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