Suzy Pappas has always been small and skinny. After the birth of her third child, she began to weigh 69 kilos – not at all criminal weight, but the norm for her was rather 49. Suzy did not overeat, did not abuse junk food, but the weight still kept at the level of the ill-fated almost 70 kilograms. She already waved her hand – they say, pregnancy and childbirth change forever. But then she found the product that made her fat.
The moment of truth came when she was sitting at home in front of the TV, watching Desperate Housewives and sipping ice-cold lemonade.
“I felt great until the bright idea came to me to see how much sugar my lemonade contains,” she said.
It turned out that there were 100 grams of sugar in every 11 ml.
“I almost vomited,” the woman admitted.
It was Suzy’s third lemonade of the day.
“Looks like I’m a non-alcoholic alcoholic,” she diagnosed herself.
The insight that she was hurting herself was very powerful. Suzy once realized that every day she just eats wagons of sugar – with drinks, with cookies, puffed rice. And her poor body was forced to process all these wagons of sugar. Of course, he could not cope, because with age, metabolism only slows down.
Something clicked in Susie’s mind. The bottle with your favorite drink went into the trash can. The mother of many children began to look for a diet that would allow her to do without sugar at all. Stopped on a low-carb program.
“This diet is very comfortable because you can eat whatever you want. The only question is when. Carbohydrates can be consumed on certain days, ”explained Suzy.
The plan was this: one day you can eat proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables, on the other – fats, proteins and vegetables. In the third – everything.
After starting to take care of herself, Suzy could no longer stop.
“I’ve always loved dancing. This is my passion. So I started dancing again – three times a week, ”continues Suzy.
The results surprised her, and very quickly. Every week she lost one kilogram or two. Hands pulled up, and the stomach disappeared altogether. After 14 weeks, she lost 20 kilograms. And I was completely delighted with myself.
“I looked completely different. When I came to pick up my son from a friend’s party one day, his parents did not recognize me, “she said.
Suzy hasn’t touched lemonade since. Yes, she really liked this drink. But she liked to feel beautiful more.
“It’s hard to give up this feeling. I no longer have the same body that it was at 20 or 30 years old, I am 43, and I have three children. But I became much happier. “