How to lose weight in winter


1. Holidays… Lazy daily routine, abundant libations, lots of delicious food – and all this in large companies. The last clarification is not accidental: according to statistics, a person eats more for a company than alone.

And the more people at the table, the more eaten. If we dine together, then the amount of food “” increases by 35%, if with six – then you risk eating twice as much as usual!

2. Cold… Man is a natural being. And even if we do not go into hibernation like bears, our hormonal balance changes by the cold season. The hoarding organism is in a hurry to build up fat in order to protect itself from low temperatures. In general, fat in moderation is simply necessary for the body – it is a kind of shock absorber that helps us cope with changes in the environment, and maintains immunity at the proper level.


3. Little light. The less light, the more hormone in the body and less -. The lack of the latter prompts us to look for it in food. Instinctively attracts to fatty and sweet. How not to get fat ?!

4. The consequences of spring diets… Scientists from the University of California have found another reason for weight gain in winter. These are spring diets. By the summer, many of us by hook or by crook strive to lose weight, for which sometimes they sit on strict unbalanced diets. It is not possible to observe them for a long time, and after a few months, just in time for winter, the kilograms return – even with an increase.


All of the above, however, does not mean that getting fat in winter is our karma, and nothing can be done about it. Very much even possible. You just need to act deliberately and without haste.

No hard diets! They are, in principle, harmful, and especially in winter, when natural conditions create a stressful background for the body.

Eat More Protein, Dairy And Limit Fats… Protein foods give you a feeling of fullness and speed up the fat burning process. Dairy products contain, which also affects the absorption of fats. The best option is to add lean meat and low-fat dairy products to the menu.

Drink 2 liters of cool water a day… 0,5 liters – before breakfast, the remaining 1,5 – during the day. The body will expend additional calories by heating the water to body temperature.

Be sure to have breakfast… Research conducted at the University of Minnesota (USA) has shown that regular breakfast in 3 months can get rid of 2,3 kg.

Exercise outdoors… When exercising in the open air, fat burning increases by 15% compared to exercising in the gym. First, the more oxygen in the air, the faster the fat burns. Secondly, the body spends extra calories for heating. In addition, running along the paths in the park, you perform more complex movements than in the gym on the simulator, this is an additional load. If the wind is outside, this can be seen as another advantage of “street fitness” – you have to spend energy to resist it.

Work out in the gym 2-3 times a week… If you’re uncomfortable outside, work out in the gym. Of the loads, aerobic ones are preferable – running, walking, cycling, tennis, badminton, etc.

Find a way to compensate for the lack of light… In order not to be tempted to empty the refrigerator in the dark, screw in bright lamps in the house. If you feel an attack of bad mood is on the way, force yourself to move. It is not necessary to do push-ups and run, you can just turn on the music and jump and dance. The best option is to get outside to get some fresh air, at least for 10-15 minutes.

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