How to lose weight in three weeks: tips. Video
If there are only three weeks left before an important event, and you have not had time to get in shape, this is not a reason to despair. In three weeks, you can do a lot: expel excess water from the body, establish a diet, introduce regular training into your life and get rid of a few hated kilograms. The main thing is the presence of strong motivation and desire.
Lose weight in three weeks
Losing weight without harm to health in a short time is a very difficult task, but doable. Trying to lose weight quickly, many decide to take emergency measures: they follow the most severe diets, kill their body for many hours of daily workouts, sit in the sauna until dizzy, or take questionable pills. Such methods, as a rule, do not bring the desired effect: the human body is depleted, and the figure quickly returns to its original proportions.
In three weeks, you should not lose more than 2-3 kg. Remember that losing weight quickly is not safe for your health and will inevitably lead to gaining pounds just as quickly.
If you need to lose weight, and no more than three weeks are left before an important event, you should follow a number of tips that will greatly facilitate the process of losing weight and make it not only harmless to health, but also useful.
How to lose weight in three weeks
- limit your daily calorie intake to at least 500
- eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions
- Your diet should be based on low energy density foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains
- exclude from the menu sweet, flour, fatty, fried, spicy and smoked
- drink at least 2 liters of water a day
- walk a lot, stop using the elevator
- exercise 4-5 times a week
- devote one hour of sports to cardio training: run, jump rope or swim
- visit the sauna after training
- go to lymphatic drainage or vacuum massage
- use anti-cellulite body products and skin firming products
You can also do massage yourself at home, for this use special massage gloves in the shower. Remember to moisturize your skin enough after
Proper balanced nutrition, combined with regular physical activity, will not only give your body the desired shape, but also significantly increase skin elasticity, overall well-being and, of course, mood.
How to save the resulting effect
To maintain and maintain the achieved effect, you must continue to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, as well as regularly exercise. If desired, the number of workouts can be reduced to three per week and sometimes indulge in something forbidden, for example, dark chocolate in the morning. A healthy lifestyle will gradually become the norm for you, and a slender figure will delight you with its reflection in the mirror from day to day.