The face more often than other parts of the body takes the blows of fate – it is from it that you can at first glance calculate the lack of sleep, the tendency to overeat and even the craving for unnecessarily lush pillows. Do not wait for the weather by the sea, declare a fight to your cheeks and double chin today, and finally learn funny but effective exercises for losing weight on your cheeks. So how to quickly lose weight in the face? We are exploring options!
Chubby cheeks may seem cute to anyone – but usually not to their owners.
Three reasons that make your face look full
Excess weight
Subcutaneous fat easily accumulates on the cheeks and cheekbones, as well as around the temples and in the neck region – often in quantities that change the features beyond recognition.
Deformation aging
It is associated not so much with age as with the degree of degenerative disorders of the facial muscles and skin. Risk factors – heredity, smoking, hormonal disorders. The tissues become flabby, loose, saggy, the face looks full and puffy.
Violations of the life schedule, lack of sleep and fresh air, a sedentary, secluded lifestyle, alcohol abuse, as well as simple carbohydrates and salt, diseases of the excretory systems and the thyroid gland often lead to the fact that the thin skin of the face retains fluid. In this case, the actual weight loss of the face may not be required, it is enough to restore drainage and establish metabolic processes. Of course, with the assistance of a doctor.
How to lose weight in the face: will diet help?
To begin with, about the bad: physically, chemically and technically it is impossible to make one part of the body lose weight pointwise. As a rule, all the deficiencies in diet and lifestyle are primarily manifested on the face, and the older we get, the more obvious this dependence becomes. However, there is good news: the result of any positive changes, as a rule, becomes visible first of all in the mirror from the cosmetic bag.
It is believed that more than others dream of losing weight in their cheeks, women of the “apple” type (the so-called abdominal type of obesity, in which deposits are concentrated around the waist and are expelled most slowly from there – it has already been possible to lose weight in the legs, but the waist has not “cut through”, and cheeks have not gone anywhere).
This sad phenomenon is based on the genetic characteristics of the figure, which determine the structure of the body and its individual parts. Most often, the “cheek problem” is not associated with the actual soft tissues, it is based on the special proportions of the face, the location of the bones of the skull, etc.
Even in a very thin person, the face can remain wide and large – in this case, you should rely on cosmetic camouflage. Losing weight is an inevitable consequence of losing weight in general. In the event that the measures taken to get rid of excess weight are systematized and thought out, the person will inevitably lose weight, although it may take some time for the effect of the diet to “reach” him.
It is highly discouraged to use a strict diet and express diets for face slimming – the result may turn out to be exactly the opposite of the expectation, since a woman’s face is able to quite eloquently react to deprivation with traces of fatigue and disfigurement.
Californian dermatologist Jessica Wu’s Skin Diet can be used to help keep skin clean and elastic. In addition, when composing a diet for harmony and health and planning to lose weight on the face, it is important to observe the following rules:
drink at least nine glasses (180 ml) of plain clean non-carbonated water daily;
to lose weight on your cheeks, you should completely abandon alcohol;
eat raw fruits and vegetables at least six times a day (separately or as part of meals);
increase your calcium intake (at least 1200 mg per day, consult your doctor about volume and sources!);
limit the use of salt and sugar as much as possible;
visit a bathhouse, a sauna (if there are no contraindications) and regularly carry out stretching training – this improves blood supply and elasticity of muscles, including the face.
How to lose weight on the face: special massages, masks and exercises
Grimacing every day is a great way to quickly lose weight in your face. And even if from these funny exercises the cheeks will not “blow away” immediately, but a good mood will appear instantly!
Morning massage to lose weight on your cheeks
Fights extra chins and sagging cheeks. Moisten a small and not very thick terry towel in a warm infusion of chamomile, sage, linden, yarrow (to prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain). Make several sharp movements in the manner of an accordion, sharply spreading the ends of the towel to the sides so that the fabric slaps against the chin.
For better action, “herbal” days can be alternated with “salty” ones. In this case, the massage towel is moistened in a strong saline solution (1 tablespoon of sea or iodized salt per 1 liter of water). It is important to consider the type of skin: for dry skin and skin with visible capillaries, the solution should be less strong and at room temperature, and for normal and oily skin, the solution can be made more concentrated and hot.
After the procedure, apply a cream suitable for your skin on the face and neck.
Slimming face mask
Composition: for oily skin, a base of live yeast, lemon juice and egg white is used (mix everything to the desired consistency); for dry and normal skin, oatmeal, bran and 2-3 drops of retinol are added to the base.
Process: apply the composition to the face, neck and décolleté (2-3 layers). Lie with your head thrown back to tighten the chin area. Wash off after 15 minutes. The mask must be done once a week.
Exercises to combat double chin
In addition to strengthening the muscles of the face and neck, you will also strengthen the cervical spine. Facial fitness masters recommend doing face exercises in front of a mirror, having previously smeared problem areas with cream or rubbed with lotion.
1. Move the jaw. Throw back your head as much as possible, push your chin forward and try to grab your upper lip with your lower lip.
2. Close your teeth. Pull your lower lip down.
3. Lower the corners of your mouth and tense your neck muscles, then relax.
4. Support your chin with a fist. Lower your head with force and interfere with yourself with your hand. Movements can be both up and down and sideways.
5. Resistance in the opposite direction. Lower your head (it is advisable to touch the dimple between the collarbones with your chin), clasp your hands at the back of your head, raise your head with force and press towards your hands.
6. Tilt your head to your left shoulder to touch it with your ear. Put your right hand on the right temple. Tilt your head to your right shoulder, overcoming hand resistance. Do the same in the opposite direction.
7. Tilt your head and alternately stretch your chin to the right and left shoulder.
8. Turn your head to the right, put your palm on your left cheek and turn your head to the left – through the oncoming resistance of the pressing palm. Change hands and direction.
Do it 5-10 times in each direction.
Face Slimming Yoga
A simple complex for daily use. Follow the instructions in the pictures and the result will not be long in coming.
5 more ways to make your face lose weight
Watch your posture.
Despite the unclear connection, the habit of slouching often causes a chubby face and the appearance of a double chin. Simple weight redistribution, control of straightened shoulders, a raised chin and deep breathing can bring amazing results in just a week.
Change your pillow.
Reading while lying on your back can be a good habit for the intellect, but rather detrimental to those who seek to lose weight on their faces. A fluffy pillow during rest and sleep contributes to the weakening of the facial muscles and the appearance of the hated extra chins, as well as edema. Way out: read in an armchair, and sleep on a thin pillow, orthopedic pillow, or without a pillow at all.
Cut your hair properly.
Failure on the head can ruin the ideal external data, so do not tempt fate if you know your weak points very well. A bob and square in the style of a silent movie (on the lower cheekbones or higher), as well as short “flat” haircuts, are contraindicated for a chubby, heavy face. A hairdressing master will help you choose the shape of your hairstyle and tricks with coloring that visually make your face thinner and thinner.
Don’t neglect painting.
If the cheeks are more noticeable than you would like, choose lighter lipstick tones: dark lip makeup emphasizes the imperfections of the face and makes it visually older, but a calm, neutral shade, on the contrary, adds freshness to the image. Sculpt around the eyes and cheekbones with foundation and blush – when handled skillfully, concealer can literally shake things off your face. Alas, after washing the spell will dissipate, but nevertheless!
Trust your beautician.
Injection and more operational techniques are, perhaps, the islands of last hope, but in the arsenal of modern specialists there are technologies that allow you to make your face thinner without cutting or injecting something. For example, good results are obtained by sculpting massage with the hands of an experienced specialist or instrumental isometric contraction of the facial muscles. It makes sense to do such procedures in courses in order to achieve the most noticeable and lasting effect. Special creams with a drainage and tightening effect will be a good help, but do not expect too much from them: the creams themselves, even the most expensive ones, will not make the face lose weight and will not turn Renee Zellweger’s cheeks into Marlene Dietrich’s cheekbones.
The face has lost weight! What’s next?
So, now you are completely grounded in how to quickly lose weight in your face. However, remember that with a sharp weight loss, the face is unlikely to immediately look fresher and younger – after all, the skin after “deflation” is not able to shrink in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it makes sense to go to a beautician and ask what masks and what procedures will help you (taking into account your skin type, age and other initial data) to increase the elasticity of the skin, as well as give it a “blooming” and healthy look.
Exercises for slimming the face sooner or a little later will give their result – the cheekbones will become more pronounced, the “childish” puffiness of the cheeks will disappear, the face will cease to seem round. And it is at this moment that you will come in handy … recipes for masks for the elasticity of the skin!
Poll: Does your face need to lose weight? If so, in what part?
I would love to part with my cheeks.
The second chin spoils the mood.
Tired of the swelling!
The face as a whole needs to lose weight and could look fresher.
Everything is perfect for me!
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