How to lose weight in Orenburg?
Why do you need to gain weight to get slim? Orenburzhenka Tanya Tkacheva now knows and will tell you!
Tanya, who has recently begun to lose weight, has already been able to appreciate the first fruits of her training, but is not going to stop there.
In sickness and health, I swear to be with you, barbell and treadmill!
Well, I jumped. More precisely, I got it. She left work late, came to workout late, and chatted with the girls in the bar of the Favorite Fitness club for another hour. And then half an hour at the bus stop in thin shoes. Everything. I feel bad.
I gathered myself in a bunch and crawl to work. Colleagues immediately: “I trained.” They are worried about me. Girls, everything will be fine! And training is not to blame here …
I wander home. The nose does not breathe, the throat is sore, the muscles and the head are cottony. Slava was right, the main thing in sports is organization. A little deviation from the plan – and here it is, a failure in the system.
Day eight. Barrel instead of bench press
The next morning did not feel better. I wander to work without much enthusiasm. I don’t feel like eating at all. I need to cover up the bruises under my eyes, I’ll scare the coach …
You can’t scare a coach. “I got it in autumn boots! Went!”. Glory, where? I want to train, I will not give up what I started … But Slava is relentless, and in 10 minutes I am sitting in a hot steam cedar barrel.
And I am all limp in this barrel, sweat is pouring down like hail … I take a taxi, half asleep, I drive home … And I switch off to sleep.
Why the tenth? I slept all day yesterday. Not because I was somehow particularly bad – rather the opposite. I woke up only at seven o’clock in the evening, vigorous and with an animal appetite. Fortunately, in the freezer for the teaching of Glory, I have a week’s reserve stock of tasty and healthy food. I ate double turkey steak with brussels sprouts and low-fat sour cream sauce. I can! I am starving for the third day.
How good! I never get sick for less than a week. And then a day of sleep – and I’m as good as new. I’m calling Slava. Why can’t we train tomorrow? Glory, please! But the coach is relentless. “We are for beauty and health, not violence against the body. I’m waiting in three days. Don’t eat buns. ” Three days!!! I’m going crazy …
Thirteenth day. Payback for the hunger strike
The most pleasant thing after the course of training is to dress up!
I was so upset these three days that I didn’t even want to write anything. And the reason for my frustration is not just lack of training. My tight legs and arms are completely sagged …
Here it is, the reckoning for hunger – I did not get fat at all, but even thinned, but my already visible muscle relief was blown away like a balloon. Almost crying I go to the fitness club. The doctor compares the readings of the body composition analyzer. “Well, Tatyan, three kilograms of fat in two weeks is just wonderful. And what about the muscles, where are the four hundred grams? Muscles must be grown, not killed by training! ” Yes, they grew by leaps and bounds! After listening to my complaints and grievances, Alexandra sends me to the hall. “You are well done, stubborn. Keep up the good work, but take care of your muscles! It is difficult to build up them in two weeks, it is easy to lose them in two days! ” I wander into the gym. “Hey, Tanya, what a sadness! The fat melts! ” Exactly, the fat is melting! And we will do the muscles! Hooray!
However, Slava does not want to send me to build muscles today. And instead of the expected strength training, I slowly crawl along the treadmill, then for some reason I go to the step trainer … Catching my desperate look, the coach smiles. “Don’t drive your horses! In the first training session, you were a little alive from this load. And this, consider it as the first, only after an illness. ” That’s it. I missed it – and again the workout like the first one. It’s hard for me. Muscles tremble … And lips. I started so well … Eh, I can’t see a dress!
Day fifteen. Slimming food
Finally, a familiar training format. Glory loads me in full, as if there was no break in our history of building my body. And I do everything. And I eat …
It turns out that eating a lot is not so easy. These buns and sweets melt in kilograms, and it’s hard to eat the same kilograms of tasty and healthy protein food. Veal, breast, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, beans … And again. And again. I don’t think I’ve eaten so much in my life. I try to eat more often. I feel like a feeding goose. That’s a diet for slimness! I somehow eat up one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of mass. How do athletes eat two?
I have three joys! Even four. First, we have passed the certification! And on this occasion, we are going to a restaurant with the girls! Secondly, Slava said that I am no longer a bun and that you can start working mainly for weight, not enduring a separate weight-loss workout. I thought I’d do a somersault right in the gym! Thirdly, I gained two kilograms of muscle! And I dropped another seven hundred grams of fat. The doctor praised me completely, and I just flew out of “Favorite Fitness” on the wings of joy. Well, I’m happy about the pounds I have gained! But how!
I fly home and rummage in the closet. I didn’t make out the things. Hiding in the backyard is my favorite gray suit – skirt-shorts and vest. Hides – because it is short and emphasizes the figure. I measure … Wow! Here it is – joy number four! It all came together – and I’m so slim in it!
I fly to the restaurant, jump out of my coat and float into the hall in my suit. And how easy it is to dance! I don’t want to sit around the table and eat mayonnaise salads. Oh, I’m the star of the dance floor today! After entering the step platform in the gym, dancing until I drop is just a joke for me. The mirrors reflect tight legs and a noticeably slimmer waist, accentuated by a belt. I’m on the right track!
To be continued …