How to lose weight in one month


  • 1. Rule number 1 – change your habitual diet
  • 2. Rule number 2 – sports should be your constant companion
  • 3. findings

What to do if you urgently need to get in shape and you only have a month left? ALEX FITNESS will help you lose a few extra pounds without strict diets and grueling workouts. We have prepared a list of real tips that work if you don’t break them!

Rule number 1 – change your habitual diet

How to lose weight at home in a month, just by changing the usual menu a little? Experts recommend abandoning foods containing flour, fats and sugar in excess:

  • sweets and other sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • street “fast-food”;
  • smoked products;
  • fatty and fried foods.

All these “harmful” products from the point of view of an ideal figure can be replaced with vegetables and fruits, steamed dishes, and simple vitamin salads. If you have an “incorrigible sweet tooth”, you can allow a little extra dark (bitter) chocolate.

To avoid sudden “breakdowns”, you need to go to the grocery store only full. This will help you lose weight on calories in a month: you will not spontaneously buy chocolate bars or ice cream, for example.

Please note that all meals must be in a certain time period. Between breakfast, lunch and a light dinner, you can take small “snacks”.

Suitable for this:

  • fat-free cheese;
  • protein bars;
  • dried fruits;
  • apples, carrots, pears;
  • fitness yogurts;
  • diet bread.

If you are determined to lose weight in a month, water will be a great helper. It is necessary to consume at least about 2 liters of purified water per day (this volume does not include tea, compotes, yoghurts and other drinking products).

A bottle of clean water should always be at hand. The main rule is to start drinking water preferably an hour after eating: this is necessary so that the body has time to digest your breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Since losing weight in a month without diets is our goal, we need to force ourselves to constantly move. If your work is “sedentary”, make it a rule to get up from the table every half an hour and just walk around the office. This will allow the body to saturate the cells with oxygen and exercise the muscles a little.

With these simple rules, even without intense exercise in the gym, you can easily get rid of 1 kilogram per week or 4-5 kilograms per month. It seems to be a little, but the stress for the body is minimal, and therefore you will not gain extra pounds soon, which is important to consolidate the result.

Rule number 2 – sports should be your constant companion

How much do you need to run to lose weight in a month? Where is it better to work out – at home or in the gym? Is it important to have professional equipment and exercise equipment if your goal is to lose belly fat in a month?

In fact, any physical activity is very beneficial for our body. This is especially true for those whose work is quite sedentary (office employees). It is enough to give sports 3-4 days a week for one hour, and the result will not be long in coming!

To lose weight by 10 kg per month, the exercises should be very diverse:

  • twisting;
  • “boat”;
  • push-ups from the wall and floor;
  • deep lunges;
  • squats;
  • fitball exercises;
  • hoop and rope;
  • dumbbells;
  • rack in the bar is classic and lateral and so on.

If the weather permits, be sure to make it a rule to run a couple of kilometers per workout – jogging is one of the most effective ways to “cheer up” the body and lose a couple of kilograms. If losing weight in a month by running is not your “option”, you can replace this exercise with cycling or rollerblading.

Remember, in a month in the gym or at home, without making any special efforts and without bringing your body to exhaustion, it is quite possible to lose ten kilograms. At the same time, it is important to show perseverance at a certain point: fat begins to “burn out” after half an hour of training, so you need to calculate your strength and not stop halfway.


To lose weight in a month by 10-15 kg, you will need the desire to change yourself for the better. Experts advise not to “remember” that you are trying to lose weight, you need to set yourself up for the fact that you just switched to a healthy lifestyle.

It will take only a couple of weeks – and you will quietly “get involved” in the process. At the same time, it is desirable to fix your initial “parameters” of the body in order to personally observe positive changes. This will give an additional incentive and desire to create and never lose your ideal shape.

Lose weight with sports clubs Alex Fitness!

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