How to lose weight in 9 weeks: a diary of the participants of the experiment

How to lose weight in 9 weeks? We are starting to publish a diary of the experiment participants – three lucky women who not only decided to lose weight, but also won a prize from Woman’s Day: a free training course at the #Sekta Perfect Body School.

A month ago, we announced a competition for those who want to build and get prettier. As a prize, three winners were awarded certificates for free classes at the #Sekta Perfect Body School for 9 weeks. It’s time to get to know our participants in the experiment better.

To begin with, let us remind you that #Sekta is a program for smoothly changing eating habits. Wanting to become fit and slender, course participants practice 6 days a week. Plus constant communication in chat and in real life: even on weekends, “teammates” try to arrange joint meetings, the so-called Sunday “snacks”, and trips to interesting places. Our winners have already experienced the effect of the first week and are happy to share the result with us.

So, today you can find out how to make a regular bar and squats super effective, what regular milk did not please nutritionists, and why you need to believe not the weights, but the centimeter tape. And then the participants of the project are waiting for another 8 weeks of training. We will write more details about their impressions and changes soon.

Ksenia Bezrukova, 17 years old, studying to be a director of cultural and theatrical performances

Height Weight – 178, 76 kg

Why did I decide to take up my figure

There were several reasons. Firstly, I am not comfortable in my body, sometimes I just do not have enough strength and energy. Secondly, my future profession forces me to be in shape and have good control over my body. Thirdly, sometimes I hung out in the official #Sekta group, and I was so inspired by all these reviews, so energized, that I also wanted to experience it all myself. Also become more resilient, also have before and after photos and of course a wonderful family of like-minded people.

Discovery 1: Less Salt and Spices

The first week was great. The task was to give the taste buds a rest as much as possible, that is, do not eat salty, sweet, spices and anything that has a pungent taste. It was hard at first, but then the food suddenly changed. I learned to cook deliciously and without salt! And most importantly, in a week I never once wanted to seize my worries, stress or emotions with sweet. And on Sunday I didn’t even want a treat, traditional for our club. Now it is much easier for me to wake up in the morning, walking has become easy. I am constantly cheerful, in a good mood and I am absolutely not drawn to chocolates. This is a huge progress for me.

Discovery 2: better oatmeal in water than fruit overnight

It is not recommended to eat fruits at night and in large quantities, to cook in oil. You need to drink only 15 minutes after eating, withstand a portion of 200 ml. In fact, there are no prohibitions, this is the trick. You are recommended, and you decide for yourself whether to do it or not. But you start to think, start looking for information: why so, and why. And you are already deliberately approaching the rejection of some product. What was new for me was that you can add oil to food, that every meal is something specific (proteins, carbohydrates, fiber …). I discovered slow and fast carbohydrates and their huge difference. And the most important discovery for me is oatmeal on the water without everything. How delicious it is!

Discovery 3: two minutes of static, and toned muscles!

For almost all of my 17 years, I have led an immobile lifestyle. I didn’t go to sports sections, since I just signed up for a gym, but it was torment for me! For 4 months I tortured myself, training was hard labor, and I thought that physical activity was my hell. When I came to #Sekta, I was also sure that I could not achieve anything, I would give up everything and leave. But to my surprise, for the first time in my life, physical activity, and serious, bring me pleasure. When we are shown the exercises, I stand with my mouth open, it seems that it is so difficult! And then – hop, and already did 5 laps. I cannot single out any particularly effective exercise, for me they are all effective. But I especially like statics. Simply put, being motionless in any position. After it, I really feel how my muscles get stronger and I get stronger. I have such a subject in college – plastic. There, during the warm-up, we also stand in a static bar, but for about 30 seconds. Here, we had to stand in the bar for 2 minutes. I didn’t believe in my strength for a long time, but I did it, and now I can stand even longer.

Irina Turikova, 22 years old, senior call center operator

Height Weight – 168 cm, 78 kg

Why did I decide to take up my figure

I have known about the School of the ideal body for a long time, for about 3 years. 2 years ago I ate on this system on my own, but without training – I lost 10 kg in 1,5 months. Then she began to eat exactly the same as before, and gained back those same 10 kg in six months. I was waiting for the full-time department of #Sekta to be opened in Novosibirsk. When this happened, I attended an open lesson – I liked it, but it was very hard. Now I train almost every day, with rare exceptions, so it is much easier to train now. During the course, I would like, first of all, to lose weight, increase endurance and learn, without limiting myself, to keep fit!

Discovery 1: no milk

If you want to lose weight, be sure to exclude junk food (fast food, rolls, chocolates), you must have only natural products in your diet. And unexpectedly for me, it turned out that you shouldn’t drink milk. It is of no use!

Discovery 2: More Squats!

Thanks to the exercises, I learned to feel my own body, that is, to understand which exercise which muscles work. In my opinion, the most effective exercise is squats: feet shoulder-width apart, squat, pulling the pelvis back, while the knee angle = 90 degrees.

Discovery 3: separate meals

Changes began to take place on a conscious level: now I understand why it is in one meal that you need to eat some foods, in another – others. I already feel that my endurance has increased – I can do the exercises that were not given to me before. But there is no limit to perfection!

Olga Koroleva, 29 years old, economist by profession, now on maternity leave to care for a child

Height Weight – 170 cm, 77 kg

Why did I decide to take up my figure

After giving birth, I practically managed to recover, I threw off 15 kg, but in August last year there was a hormonal failure. Personal troubles were added to it. Therefore, I abandoned all diets and normal nutrition, which literally led to an uncontrolled intake of food, especially sweets. For a month I “ate” 10 kg. Before the New Year, I managed to slightly reduce the weight to 72 kg with the help of nutrition, but the holidays and the lack of control brought everything back … I have long wanted to find some additional sports loads for myself, I mainly considered fitness clubs or swimming pools. The fact that I got into #Sekta, I consider it a lucky coincidence. Now the main goal of classes is to restore physical form, which it was before pregnancy, ideally 59-60 kg.

Discovery 1: Don’t Be Afraid of Carbohydrates!

One of the important nutritional discoveries for me is that you don’t have to be afraid of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates (rice, wholegrain pasta, or bread) are needed in certain amounts, especially before exercise, and without them, muscles will burn, not adipose tissue.

Discovery 2: you need to measure volumes, not weight

The changes have already amazed! She removed 3 cm in the waist, 1 cm in the hips, 1 cm in the volume of the shoulder. An important point related to the control of changes: the scale can show the same values, or even higher than before. At the same time, the volumes decrease. Just because of training, fat goes away, and it is light, in contrast to the heavier muscle tissue.

Discovery 3: Walking More

Plus, now I walk 3 stops on foot. I go and enjoy the feeling that my stomach is gradually decreasing, the jacket sits more freely and fastens more easily. The psychological state is on the rise, I see the result – albeit small. Further it will be more noticeable, now I am sure of it!

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