How to lose weight in 10 days. Video recommendations
Excess weight is not only unfashionable and ugly. If extra pounds are not due to any objective reasons, for example, diseases, it becomes clear evidence of your food illiteracy and disregard for your health. If you want to prove to yourself and others that this is not so, and have decided to quickly and effectively lose weight, do it wisely, in accordance with the advice of nutritionists.
How to properly lose weight in 10 days?
What you need to know about how to lose weight properly
When you are determined to lose weight quickly, you should know that it is quite possible to do it yourself and at home. But at the same time, you must understand that one-time express diets, or, even worse, those fast diets that are followed from time to time, can cause irreparable harm to your health. You can, tormented and hungry for 10 days, lose up to 10 kg, but keep in mind that when you start eating again the same way as before, your weight will return in a week or two, which happens in 98% of such cases.
Nutritionists explain it all very simply. The human body is a well-oiled mechanism, a sharp decrease in the calorie content of the usual diet is perceived by him at first as an accident. Therefore, he begins to spend the energy necessary for life support from those reserves that are in the nearest access – these are glycogens in muscle tissues. Because these protein compounds are associated with a lot of water, the weight loss in the early days of the fast diet is due to fluid loss.
When and after 4-5 days you continue to eat less than 500-700 calories per day, hormonal balance begins to change – the production of fat-burning hormones decreases, as well as those responsible for appetite. As a result, it starts to grow. This is necessary for the body to eliminate the possibility that you are eating so poorly simply because you have no appetite. As a result, this brutal appetite does not disappear immediately after you have finished dieting, but it torments you for a while until hormonal balance is restored.
Be sure to exercise to build muscle and tone your skin. The ideal time for sports is from 17:00 pm to 20:00 pm
Now you understand why weight loss occurs in the first week – 10 days and why it returns as soon as you start eating again in the same way. But not all is hopeless, because you can use these 10 days in order to get rid of extra pounds and smoothly switch to a new healthy diet. It will allow you to consolidate the result obtained and continue losing weight further, not at such a fast pace, but without any harm to your health. When you start eating right for at least 3-4 months, then it will become your habit, especially since the reward for this will be a beautiful figure, excellent mood and excellent health.
How to eat for the first 10 days
You can use one of the many fast diets that you can find reviews on the Internet. A good effect is given by the classic version, in which the menu of every day is a fragment of a mono-diet – vegetable, protein, fruit, interspersed with days when there is only liquid in the diet. This strict diet plan will be effective for fast weight loss and will not get boring as the types of foods change daily.
Make the menu in such a way that it is as tasty as possible for you and does not cause a feeling of unbearable hunger, this is not only correct from a nutritional point of view, but will also help you to maintain a good mood and working capacity for all 10 days. To get through the most difficult part of the diet – the first 2-3 days, as easily as possible, start it with delicious fat-burning soups that will start the process of losing weight without feeling hungry. The next day, eat fruits, excluding grapes and bananas, best of all kiwi, apples, grapefruits, continue your diet with kefir during the day. On the following days, be sure to include protein products, combinations of fat-burning soups with natural juices, a vegetable menu with boiled sea fish or chicken breast. All products are only fresh, boiled or baked.
How to lose weight in 10 days and consolidate the result?
How to eat if you want to consolidate the results obtained
When you pass the first, most difficult, ten-day part of the marathon, get ready to move smoothly and painlessly to a new life in which your nutrition will be subject to strict rules that you will need to strictly follow if you want not only to maintain the achieved success, but also to continue systematic weight loss.
Arrange fasting days once or twice a week, but do not do them in a row
Start your day by drinking 20 g of fresh water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach 200 minutes before breakfast. You should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, milk and kefir are not included here. You should drink no later than half an hour before a meal, do not drink it with anything during meals, you can drink it after a meal only after 40 minutes. Eliminate alcoholic beverages – occasionally you can drink a little red dry wine. Tea, preferably green, should be drunk without sugar, with a little honey, and coffee – without milk, sugar or cream.
You need to eat 4-5 times a day, have supper no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In order not to go to bed hungry, you can drink water, green tea or low-fat kefir. Eat potatoes no more than 2 times a week and only boiled or baked, grapes and bananas are still excluded until the weight becomes ideal, but even then you shouldn’t eat them more than 2 times a week.
Read also an interesting article about the chicken-vegetable diet.