How to lose weight from your face? Five simple ways to slim the face

When we start to lose weight, we observe every inch of our body. We check whether we are losing body fat. The first effects can be seen, among others, on the face. However, it happens that our face is still rounded despite weight loss. How to change it? What to do to make our face slimmer and look healthy? See proven ways!

  1. During weight loss, we want fat to lose – also from the face
  2. Sometimes, despite losing kilos, the face still remains swollen and rounded. Then it is worth doing basic tests and checking the level of hormones
  3. In order for our face to be “smaller”, we should, among other things, pay attention to what we eat
  4. Let’s also hydrate the body, give up alcohol and unhealthy snacks
  5. Exercises, including facial yoga, also have a beneficial effect on improving the appearance of the face
  6. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

When we are obese or lose a few extra pounds, the first signs can be seen on the face, among others, which becomes rounded. This is because fatty tissue also appears around the cheeks and chin. However, this does not happen immediately. Psychology researchers at the University of Toronto have shown that women and men of average height need to gain or lose about four kilograms for others to see a change in their appearance.

However, what to do when we lose weight and our face still remains chubby? Sometimes it is related to genes. They affect, among other things, the spacing of the zygomatic bones, the structure of the maxilla, mandible and the size of the forehead. This in turn determines the size of our face. Its appearance is also influenced by our health. Sometimes the face swells and puffiness appears on it, because our body wants to signal us something in this way.

Therefore, before we adopt diets and exercise, we should first of all do some basic research. Let’s also check the level of our hormones, especially the thyroid gland. It’s also worth taking a look at your diet and lifestyle.

At Medonet Market you can buy the thyroid e-packet – a set of diagnostic blood tests to check the functioning of the thyroid gland. A package of eight hormone tests for women is also available.

Ways to slim your face

  1. Use a balanced diet

In order to notice the changes on the mouth, we should take a closer look at what lands on our plate. Let’s try to make our diet based primarily on the following products:

  1. vegetables,
  2. fruit,
  3. fish,
  4. eggs,
  5. skim milk and its products,
  6. poultry meat,
  7. olive oil,
  8. nuts,
  9. whole grain cereal products.

It is also worth remembering about what absolutely should not be on our plate. We are talking primarily about fast food, sweets, salty snacks or ready-made food. They contain huge amounts of salt, saturated fat and sugar. This, in turn, has a negative effect on our body. It causes swelling on the face, among other things. This is because salt retains water in the body.

  1. Limit or avoid alcohol altogether

It has a very negative effect on our body. Most of all, it dehydrates, which can cause puffiness and puffiness in the face. What’s more, alcohol also accelerates the aging process of the skin and promotes the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, if you want to enjoy a radiant complexion, forget about all drinks.

  1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is the best medicine for anything. It allows our body to regenerate. It also makes our face look healthy. The dark circles under the eyes and any swelling disappear. Getting enough sleep also supports weight loss and has a positive effect on our well-being.

  1. Keep your body hydrated

Remember to drink at least two liters of water every day. Thanks to this, you will avoid dehydration. Your body will work more efficiently and your circulation will improve. Thanks to this, your face will also look refreshed, healthy and, above all, smaller.

  1. Use appropriate exercises

To tone your face, it’s worth doing some simple and fun exercises. Among other things, it will be very beneficial to practice facial yoga. A few minutes a day is enough to see the first results.

Work your neck muscles too. It is they that mainly support the face oval. How to do it? One exercise involves pulling your chin forward and backward. Repeat this 10 times. Remember to hold your chin in this position for about five seconds each time you extend your chin forward.

However, when it comes to the cheeks and the muscles of the mouth, there are exercises for that too. Fill your mouth with air, tighten your cheeks, and then exhale slowly. Repeat this several times.

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