How to lose weight for the summer season: exercise and proper nutrition

In order not to fall into the same trap again and not to starve yourself two weeks before the vacation, he advises to start thinking about it now.

Most girls like to procrastinate and act on the Scarlett O’Hara principle: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Most often, this is the case with losing weight for the beach season. It seems to many that it is too early to start training and go on a diet in January, so they do not deny themselves buns and delicious cakes. The realization that vacation is just around the corner comes when a girl chooses a swimsuit and sees in the mirror a fat layer on her stomach instead of a steel press, cellulite on the buttocks and much more.

That is why many experts are sure that it is necessary to prepare for the summer in advance so that there is no particular stress for the body. We decided to ask a dietitian and trainer about when and where to start getting your body in shape.

First of all, you need to reconsider your eating habits. Perhaps the foods that are present in your diet are not entirely healthy and are a source of excess weight.

Inessa Tsarkova, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, specialist in the fitness testing room of the federal network of X-Fit fitness clubs:

– To understand the problems with weight, you must first do a bioimpedance analysis of body composition. After it, you will find out how many tissues make up your weight, in what condition they are, and you can compare these figures with the norms for your age and gender group. Having identified the excess of adipose tissue, you can begin to lose weight.

Without harm to health, you can lose up to 2 kg per month. 5 months before the summer, it is possible to lose a maximum of 10 kg. Three things will help you with this: water, proper nutrition, and vigorous exercise.

Tactics to follow

• Drink water between meals depending on your weight (2-3 liters per day). And also on an empty stomach with ginger, lemon and cinnamon. Increase the amount of water you drink gradually, reducing the amount of table salt in the diet.

• Avoid sugar-containing foods, white flour products.

• Eliminate fried and fatty foods. First of all, animal fats (including dairy products above 3,5% fat, including cheeses).

• Include vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and fiber in your diet.

• Eat small portions (from the palm) every 3-4 hours; the ratio of raw products to cooked is 1/3. Last meal 3 hours before bedtime.

• The basis of the menu is made up of vegetables, fruits, unsalted nuts and seeds.

Gym workouts, together with proper nutrition, will help you achieve your goals, which, together with proper nutrition, will make you fit better than Victoria’s Secret models.

Kirill Ivanov, program director of the Five Concept Fitness fitness studio:

– Five months is a good enough and comfortable period to prepare your body for the summer season. I recommend starting with three workouts per week and increasing the number of workouts over time. If you want serious changes in the mirror, then in a month and a half you should have in your schedule daily cardio (at least 45 minutes a day), two strength training and stretching. Cardio will work for fat burning, strength training will help to give the body relief, and stretching will help to tighten muscles and remove water from the body.

As for training, I would advise you to combine different types of loads and directions so that your body does not get used to one thing, and the effectiveness of training does not decrease. For example, an alternative to boring treadmill cardio would be cycle or boxing… There is an intensely entertaining 12 Rounds workout that includes elements of MMA and a mix of fight and nightclub atmosphere. Suitable for both beginners and advanced level. Divided into 12 rounds of three minutes each, alternating with one-minute breaks. It is a mixture of continuous work with a punching bag, which becomes your sparring partner during training, and functional exercises. This workout will help you dry out, give your body a relief, strengthen your arm muscles and get rid of unnecessary thoughts in your head.

For fans, Kim Kardashian appeared Kim Kardashian Workout – strength circuit training with an emphasis on the muscles of the buttocks. There is a myth that it is impossible to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks without pumping up your large quads. Kim Kardashian Workout, on the other hand, includes a specially designed set of exercises during which only the muscles of the buttocks are involved, and work on the legs is minimized. Exercises are updated every week to avoid muscle addiction. Helps to give the body a beautiful and seductive silhouette.

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